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As there have been different opinions as to whether a text like below would be comprehensive or correct, it would be interesting to hear about your opinion considering the language in it.
Thanks in advance!
The graphic card
For imaging of graphical contents, aside from the processors internal GPU Intel Iris Plus Graphics G7 the Surface Book 3 13.5 can also employ a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 in Max-Q-Design, which comes with a low energy consumption architecture and can handle demanding tasks.
Results of the 3DMark-Benchmark not only show an edge of the GTX 1650 Max-Q over internal GPUs within our test field, but also better performance compared to the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 that Microsoft used for the Surface Book 2. Providing a performance boost of up to 44 percent that users can count with.
Compared to further notebooks in our database that host this graphic card, the GTX 1650 Max-Q yield in the Surface Book 3 however is ranking below average. How other graphic cards do perform has been recorded in our benchmark list.
Gaming Performance
The processing of the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Max-Q in the Surface Book 3 13.5 suffices to conduct games of the late years, partly even on high graphical resolution. Albeit, with very demanding new versions of games a scaling down of graphical detail will be due. With the 3:2 format of the display, “The Witchers 3” for instance emerged in a distorted full screen mode. In such a case gamers have to deal with limitations, respectively with tweaking for adaptation. Games seamlessly compatible with the built-in graphic card have been listed in our GPU games list.
Emissions – Windows-Convertible in quiet operation
Noise emission
The fans of the Surface Book 3 13.5 are relatively quiet at 33,6 dB(A). Furthermore, will these only start with greater strain of the system, audible through an evenly swishing sound. During Office application fans will stay idle nearly throughout, making the Microsoft-Convertible suitable for noise sensible surrounding.
Stress test
With the hardware of the Surface Book 3 13.5 almost entirely housed behind the display, this part of the Windows-Convertibles will be heating up the most. We are measuring up to 43,7°C, which leaves this element of tablet feeling quite warm, already. However, not as much for to make the display unbearable warm whilst holding it in hands.
During notebook modus the design provides amenity of both keyboard and palm rest staying pleasantly cool. During our prolonged stress test, lasting about an hour, temperatures inside the convertible temporarily rose up to 94°. Its cooling system however proved capable of reducing the heat swiftly, with temperature hence settling down at 67°C average for the entire testing time span. Clock speed ranged at 1,25 GHz medium, consequently residing slightly beneath base frequency of 1,3 GHz. From there users have to take into account that the performance of the Surface Book 3 13.5 might be lessening after some time of heavy processing load.
The loudspeakers in the Surface Book 3 won´t deliver much of volume, will however produce a considerably broad spectrum of sound. Thus, in quiet environment the Windows-Convertible will pretty much fit with playing back medial contents. Yet, regarding long-term use engagement of external speakers or headphones could be preferable, which for instance be connected through the available 3,5 mm jack port.
Energy management – Disappointing battery run time
Energy consumption
Especially under increased load the Surface Book 3 13.5 shows a lower demand than the Surface Book 2. Also compared to other devices in our database that feature the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Max-Q the Microsoft-Convertible comes off significantly less consuming. Within our test field, only devices without dedicated graphic card pass at a lower power draw. The included charging unit provides an output of 95 watts. Enough to reliably deliver what the Microsoft-Convertible needs.
Battery runtime
The practical WLAN test resulted in a similar outcome to our test of the Microsoft Surface Book 3 15. In spite of the Surface Book 3 13.5 only marginally lower battery capacity, the runtime of the Surface Book 3 13.5 turns out to be significantly less than that of the Surface Book 2.
Even though 6 hours and 36 minutes off the grid aren´t too bad, runtime remains behind of our expectations. With only the 18 watt-hours battery being in charge when the keyboard unit is dispensed, WLAN usage may merely last for about 1.5 hours until connection to an AC outlet will be due.
Conclusion – We expected more from the Surface Book
Testing: Microsoft Surface Book 13.5. Tested unit provided by: Microsoft
With the Surface Book 3 13.5 Mircrosoft continues all qualities of the smaller Convertible Models. The workmanship is excellent, with the hinge together with its displays retention mechanism being unique. Albeit there is also showing a habitual effect, as there practically has occurred no modification to the Surface Book. A refreshment to its design would thereby be doing good to this Windows device. The Microsoft Surface Book 3 13.5 stands for a premium of its kind which’s performance however has not been optimally exploited.
Microsoft intends to incite user´s buy with the features of the late hardware. In the meantime the CPU will not present itself any stronger than with the preceding model, whilst hefty upcharge for more of main memory and a larger SSD won´t really be unlocking cheering wallets. From there a buy will only be worthwhile for users who very much embrace the concept of the Surface Book 3 13.5 and who therefore will be ready to shell out a higher price for an exceptional device. Owners of the predecessor however should only consider a swap if in need of the increased graphic performance. For, in respect of system performance and battery runtime, there being no added value in sight.
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: Language expertise needed (in reply to mrstwinkle)
Looks fine to me, but I work in the sector so am used to reading this sort of material
So do I, for many years, but it is far from fine, it's quasi-18th century Dickensian e.g.
"In the meantime the CPU will not present itself any stronger than with the preceding model, whilst hefty upcharge for more of main memory and a larger SSD won´t really be unlocking cheering wallets"
"Albeit there is also showing a habitual effect, as there practically has occurred no modification to the Surface Book"
"During notebook modus the design provides amenity of both keyboard and palm rest staying pleasantly cool."
etc. etc.
You wouldn't get far at Microsoft with this writing style
RE: Language expertise needed (in reply to Ruphus)
The writing is really bad, but one can probably get what they are talking about with a bit of mental gymnastics. I would also guess that this was written in a different language and auto-translated. However, some constructs just seem a result of bad original writing in whatever language.
I am not sure what you are asking, but as a supposed review in English for public consumption, it is far from being in acceptable shape. Current grade C- or so, and that seems generous.
Posts: 15486
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Language expertise needed (in reply to Ruphus)
Ruphus, that was perfectly analogous to your own writings In English on the foro here. We all got used to it of course and have come to enjoy it, but, just so you know
RE: Language expertise needed (in reply to Ricardo)
Ruphus, that was perfectly analogous to your own writings In English on the foro here. We all got used to it of course and have come to enjoy it, but, just so you know
Interesting how non natives, in contrast to you, always tend to judge most snappy.
Aware of my skills having degraded since the times when I learned English business correspondence, and during a lengthy stay in the US when people showed surprised when hearing that me was a stranger (now almost 4 decades ago), recently I had come over a job offering for German-English translation in an international computer magazine. (I would had preferred English-German, naturally, but there were no vacancies.)
Seeing how most translated texts in the magazine appear to be in rudimentary style and often with German syntax and phrase retained, I thought maybe I could manage such too.
But the proof reader to whom above sample was handed over to, seemed to be emotional engaged, for instance by faulting two criteria which would actually both range under what is called syntax.
From there I thought to ask you folks and see whether there might have been a portion of bias at work.
As I said, I know to have quite degraded in this realm; but would it be like ‘total crap’ in the way a Kitarist files it?
I thought to at least know how total crap looks like (for instance the English skills common over here, where I am residing). And it has been only about a decade ago, when fellow members in another forum thought to sense what they named ‘poetic aptitude’ or so (clearly expressing how they did like it).
By the way, I fully understand what Simons means with “Dickensian”. It has somewhat to do with rather old fashioned style taught in German schools until at least the seventies (and maybe still. I don´t know).
Further, in a crash course me attended at Columbia University NY, aside of working with editions of the New York Times, we also had Henry David Thoreau as lecture. Don´t know whether latter may have rubbed off a little(?)
But antiquated elements -other than for technical contents, naturally- wouldn´t count as plain wrong, would they? -
If anyone here ever needing a translation from English to German: You would be hard pressed to find someone who could be doing it much better.
RE: Language expertise needed (in reply to JasonM)
Thanks Ruphus! Now I know to buy a MacBook or Dell XPS!
Hey Jason,
I get the irony. But: One would be much better up with grabbing a notebook with AMD guts.
There are already great examples available that leave the competition in the dust, and that at prices one could only dream of still last year. Let alone models yet to come. I am actually waiting until the end of this year or maybe early ´21 to fetch something excellent for relatively small expense.
Especially Lenovo is going to release a great repertory.
RE: Language expertise needed (in reply to Ruphus)
I'll be blunt: in the line of business I work in, if I submitted something like this to a proofreader, they would return it immediately and tell me that they're not paid to do my job for me.
The truth is, a translation like this is difficult for a proofreader to handle. Difficult because he has to find the right balance between the simple corrections that are his actual job, and rewriting the whole thing. In my case, when I proofread something like this in French, I do the most basic corrections required, and I write to the project manager basically saying: sh$t in, sh$t out.
That said, not all businesses have the same standards when it comes to translation. There's a very wide range of expectations when it comes to that, so my comment may be moot.
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
I'll be blunt: in the line of business I work in, if I submitted something like this to a proofreader, they would return it immediately and tell me that they're not paid to do my job for me.
That said, not all businesses have the same standards when it comes to translation, so my comment may be moot.
You are invited for taking the worst paragraph and turning it into the perfect English that you are capable of.
RE: Language expertise needed (in reply to Ruphus)
You are invited for taking the worst paragraph and turning it into the perfect English that you are capable of.
You are invited to take the worst paragraph and turn it into perfect English, which you are of course capable of doing.
Or something.
I have a looooong workday ahead of me. I'll see what I can do when it's over.
For now, my advice: simplify. Don't get lost in long meandering syntax. Park your cars, one after the other. Try to park too many at the same time and you end up with one big mess of easily avoidable mistakes. Subject, verb, object. Repeat. Drop the zombie nouns. Use active voice as much as possible. Avoid passive voice as much as possible. If there's no subject for active voice, invent one. Work your way around -ing verb forms. You often get them wrong, so avoid them.
This isn't advice for good English style. It's advice for fooling native speakers into thinking you are better at the language than you actually are. I do it all the time. I'm doing it right now. It works wonders. Good luck.
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
RE: Language expertise needed (in reply to Ruphus)
I did a sample proofing just to give you an example of how it could look. I did it when you first posted and didn’t realize you were the original author. I proofed the first few sections but then had to stop myself and head off to a monastery to re-examine the direction my life has taken.
I had saved it, so here you go. Remember, a proof-reader’s job is simply to correct errors, not rewrite. There is a bit of rewriting in this, but in a professional environment that courtesy wouldn’t be extended as rewriting can alter the original intent.
The graphic card
For imaging, in addition to the Intel Iris Plus Graphics G7 processor’s internal GPU, the Surface Book 3 13.5 also employs an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 in Max-Q-Design, which has a low energy consumption architecture and can handle demanding tasks.
The results of the 3DMark-Benchmark tests not only show the GTX 1650 Max-Q holds an edge over the internal GPU, but it also displayed a better performance to that of the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 that Microsoft used for the Surface Book 2, with a usable performance boost of up to 44 percent.
Compared to other notebooks in our database which use this graphic card, the GTX 1650 Max-Q performance in the Surface Book 3 ranks below average, however. The performance of other graphic cards has been recorded in our benchmark list.
Gaming Performance
The processing of the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Max-Q in the Surface Book 3 13.5 is capable of handling newer games, in some cases even when high graphical resolution is employed. However, for high demand recent versions of games, scaling down the graphical detail will be necessary. The 3:2 format of the display for “The Witchers 3”, for instance, resulted in a distorted full screen mode. In cases such as this, gamers will have to deal with limitations when tweaking for adaptation.
Games seamlessly compatible with the built-in graphic card have been listed in our GPU games list.
Emissions – Windows-Convertible in quiet operation
Noise emission
The fans of the Surface Book 3 13.5 are relatively quiet at 33,6 dB(A). Furthermore, they only start when the system is under stress, and are audible as an evenly swishing sound. During the use of Office applications, for example, the fans will stay idle nearly throughout, making the Microsoft-Convertible suitable for noise sensitive environments.
Guys, this is annoying me: Geralt of Rivia is the Witcher. Just him. Just the one. Not "The Witchers", but "The Witcher". You Philistines!
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
Like I said, the proof reader’s job is to correct grammatical errors, and to not alter content or intent. How the heck was I supposed to know that???? I plead the...ignorance? This goes right along with your attempt to trip me up with your question about that Californian group and some place in Big Sur called Mount Doom, but I was too quick for you....and we both know I was right about the chickens and elephants!
You are absolutely correct about the chickens, RobF. And your praises have been sung far and wide throughout the realm of the Soothsayer for once and for all settling that thorny Mt. Doom matter.
Verily, I say to all doubters, may the fleas of a thousand socks invade your puppets, and ne’er a one within your drawer yield a match!
Before his magnificence gets a slap on the wrist for dual accounts, I must ask: were you aware that you share, phonetically at least, a name with the place on Earth that has the highest concentration of megaliths? Stonehenge is for pussies. Carnac is where it's at. It is said that because it is a major node of geomagnetic fault lines, people born within 100 miles of Carnac are prone to becoming grumpy proofreaders.
@Ruphus Am I off the hook now that RobF posted his version, or do I still have to do this? (oh please pretty please say I'm off the hook)
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"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
RE: Language expertise needed (in reply to Ruphus)
@Ruphus, yeah I’d like to wait for more AMD laptops. Not many choices at the moment though.
@ Piwin Have you read any of the Witcher books? I was going to start them after watching the Netflix series but then read something like the first 3 books are like a prologue that set up the main story. And I thought lord of the rings was long.
I must ask: were you aware that you share, phonetically at least, a name with the place on Earth that has the highest concentration of megaliths?
If that were Canada, some developer would have been allowed to put a High-rise Condo next to it by now, and plans would be in the works for a Megalith Casino and theme park complete with water slides. We have a deep appreciation of history here. As proof, witness what our government, at all levels, is permitting to be done to the historic Chateau Laurier, which sits beside our Parliament buildings.
RE: Language expertise needed (in reply to Ruphus)
recently I had come over a job offering for German-English translation in an international computer magazine.
I was about to ask if you're, by chance, a German. Being german myself I can clearly see the german syntax And that's what make writings seem "google-translated" I suppose. I'd work on that if I were to take a job offering as a translator!
RE: Language expertise needed (in reply to JasonM)
I've heard similar things about the books. Haven't read them. I'm just a fan of the video game (especially number 3).
@Ruphus sorry if that was too blunt yesterday, but I was just trying to tell you in all honesty how your translation would've been received in my line of business. I can't stress enough though that it may not even matter. One of the things left out of this discussion is: who is the target audience? A lot of companies/organisations produce English material that isn't targeted towards native English readers. If that's the case here, and it's mainly for a German audience or similar, your translation may very well be fine. But if it's for a native English audience, I'm afraid it probably wouldn't meet most people's standards.
I also think you're not doing yourself any favours by framing this as a matter of English proficiency per se, because it's hardly ever about what is "plain wrong", but rather what is expected from your client. Among my various clients, there are several large organisations that each have their own in-house style guide. I have to juggle between those. And I might very well have a perfectly reasonable translation sent back to me (or at the very least have the proofreader vent his frustration at me) if I forgot to adapt X or Y to their style guide. My translation isn't "wrong", but it doesn't meet customer expectations.
For a job like this, the very first thing I would do is ask the client for previous issues of their magazine in English. That's your benchmark, and what you can use to defend yourself if ever there's trouble with the client re: the quality of your work. I would then peruse IT consumer report websites to get a sense of what the standard style is. It may not be a formal standard but just a loose aggregations of stylistic elements, tropes, etc. Those are the things that you should rely on. Not the opinions of us random people on a flamenco forum.
Doing that, I'd probably notice things like the fact that they don't use "albeit" or "whilst", or that they never say "conduct games", or that X idea is usually expressed in this or that way. And I would then try to replicate that style in my own translation. I could write something in "perfect" English, with none of it being "plain wrong", and the client could still reject my work if it doesn't fit industry standards. And they'd be right. So, personally, I'd throw out the idea that it's about general proficiency in the language, and I would focus on whether it fits within IT industry standards or not. Unless they said otherwise, they don't want Shakespeare; they want something that reads the same as what the best in their industry are doing.
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
RE: Language expertise needed (in reply to Ruphus)
Seeing how most translated texts in the magazine appear to be in rudimentary style and often with German syntax and phrase retained, I thought maybe I could manage such too.
But the proof reader to whom above sample was handed over to, seemed to be emotional engaged, for instance by faulting two criteria which would actually both range under what is called syntax.
From there I thought to ask you folks and see whether there might have been a portion of bias at work.
As I said, I know to have quite degraded in this realm; but would it be like ‘total crap’ in the way a Kitarist files it?
If anyone here ever needing a translation from English to German: You would be hard pressed to find someone who could be doing it much better.
I find it hilarious that you are going for a job as proof reader. I've been reading your posts for a long time (a decade??) and enjoy them a lot. But over that time your determination not to improve your English, even inadvertently, is impressive. Eg 10 years on you still insist in using the accusative pronoun 'me' instead of the nominative 'I". And you even have this distinction in German - Ich / mich!
ORIGINAL: hamia I find it hilarious that you are going for a job as proof reader. I've been reading your posts for a long time (a decade??) and enjoy them a lot. But over that time your determination not to improve your English, even inadvertently, is impressive. Eg 10 years on you still insist in using the accusative pronoun 'me' instead of the nominative 'I". And you even have this distinction in German - Ich / mich!
So, you have seriously been thinking (<- Hey, Piwin!) that I had taken "me" in place of "I" for grammatically correct, while you having read text examples for years that should suffice for lending an impression about an author´s minimal understanding of grammar / sufficient to know at least that?
That is amazing.
For someone with the experience of a proofreader* you could certainly have done better, I think. (* Or how was your use of the word “proofreader” meant, if not as description of yourself? For, I have not been mentioning an application of mine as proofreader anywhere.)
When using "me" instead of "I", then purposefully so, as a borrowing from colloquial with a grin. That is at least how it seemed to be used by Americans in an audio forum. Another reason has been to avoid too much of “I” as steady repetition in a casual telling.
RE: Language expertise needed (in reply to Ruphus)
As it is about language, special language and colloquial:
Ages ago in Manhatten. Me enters a bus and puts a dollar bill on whatever the right term for that money holding thing beside the driver may be.
The man takes a look, turns away again, and loudly exclaims: “Cash only!”
I am confused, asking him: “Is that no cash?” He not even looking: “Cash only! Cash only! Cash only!”
I am still confused. The bus is full. Everyone just waiting for that thing to finally move. I consider to be considerate and to step down, in the same time however clueless as to why I should return into the summer heat; and I look at the people. Maybe there be a hint that could enlighten me. Nada.
Then it comes to my mind. Maybe coins are meant to be closer to cash than bills are. And luckily the number of coins in the pocket indeed will do the job.
That was the most unkind experience that I had in that city.
Been through (at that time very infamous) Harlem at night, and my quarter at Times Square used to be stuffed with dealers & co. (who would be greeting yours truly, when returning home late at night). Yet, no one as dismissive like that robotic bus driver with his obligatory partiality for coins.