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Unprejudiced? You mean against people who take pleasure from the sadistic torture and killing of innocent animals. I’ve heard it all now. People who defend animal rights are “prejudiced”. Wow. You win the internet for stupid argument of the year and that’s against some very strong competition.
This thread is not about bullfighting. It's about a casual and laid-back interview with Vicente Amigo, in contrast to all the other more formal interviews I've seen of him. For 6 minutes they happen to talk about bullfighting, in a 37 minute long interview about various subjects. Yet all you can focus on and get from this conversation is the short segment about bullfighting. That's being prejudiced. I, for one, am always interested in what the interviewed has to say, regardless if I agree with him or not. And I didn't imply at all that "people who defend animal rights are prejudiced", that's just your misinterpretation. Just out of curiosity, when you first listened to Vicente's album "Un Momento En El Sonido", did you also stop listening on the second track because it was dedicaded to a bullfighter? And I'm the idiot, go figure...