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Really interesting theory on the dating of the Sphinx and the age of civilization from a geologist perspective. Especially these petroglyphs found all over the world. Worth a watch if your into this sort of stuff.
Many years ago I saw a fabulous and prizewinning docu covering the investigations of two youngsters convincingly claiming that both the sfinxs and the pyramide were build around 10.500 b.c. and were linked to the stellar constellation of that period of time. The sfinxs originally was a lion which was later shaped into a sfinxs. If I'm not mistaken various pyramides in South America have a similar age and purpose and share some other peculiarities as wel so one could wonder if they were build by a world wide operating civilisation. I'm pretty sure history has known (various) civilisations that were way ahead of us but were lost in time.
The smaller the object of your focus the bigger the result.
I would be very careful about attributing any validity to Robert Schoch's theories about the Sphinx and ancient civilizations being much older than conventionally recognized by scholars. He is considered an outlier in the field, and most Egyptologists and scholars of ancient civilizations consider him a purveyor of pseudo-science and pseudo-history.
Schoch comes very close to rivaling Erich von Daniken in the field of pseudo-science. Von Daniken, you may recall, wrote a book entitled "Chariots of the Gods," in which, inter alia, he claims that the Nazca Lines in Peru were created by ancient extraterrestials as both depictions of themselves and as markers to land their spacecraft. Anthropologists have concluded that they were made by a pre-Columbian civilization for cultural reasons that have yet to be fully understood.
In any case, it is probably advisable to treat Schoch's ideas with skepticism.
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."
Bill, you are right that Robert Schoch’s theories are on the fringe. I wouldn’t go so far as to label him a complete quack that believes Aliens played a role. I fact, he seems to think the opposite- that ancient civilization is not given enough credit to have come up with more advanced technology on their own to be able to carve stones and understand astronomy. But from what I read I do agree that he needs more than just one piece of evidence to back up his theories and that he has probably fallen in love with his theory to not want to give it up.
The presentation is thought provoking, but he also appears to delight in flying in the face of convention and then using that as a justification for asking for money afterwards. I feel you have a point in suggesting that he has become stuck on one idea, and in that sense he resembles many of the contemporaries he mocks.
His explanation for the commonality of images depicted in petroglyphs found around the globe is that it is due to the ancients observing and recording the atmospheric reactions to strong solar plasma discharges, which occurred suddenly about 12000 years ago and were accompanied by rapid global warming. Some of these petroglyphs look a heck of a lot like human figures but are flanked by two dots, the presence of which he claims renders the resemblance to a human to be purely coincidental. And yet, he’s not at all interested in exploring the equally compelling argument that the figures are in fact humanoid and that the dots actually represent jet-packs. Incredible? Yes, I know, although perhaps not so incredible when one considers that, in reality, both theories are incorrect.
What I find truly astounding is how so many of the postulations presented by academics ignore the obvious and then add complexity to where simplicity lies, if only one were willing to look at the truth.
Yes, we’re talking about chemtrails here. Apparently, the CIA and Chinese have been monkeying about with this stuff for far longer than any rational person would have hitherto thought.
For example, a few months ago US naval pilots laid out a chemtrail in a shape that got them into a bit of hot water. I contend that they’ve been laying out this specific chemtrail shape for a very long time now, but have gotten clever in recent millennia and have only been doing so at night.
As proof positive, I present a photograph of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs taken by a colleague of mine. Note the similarity of the figures found in the middle of his photograph to the chemtrail mistakenly laid down during the recent daytime mission...
The only plausible explanation for this hieroglyphic representation is that the ancients were making a record of something they observed in the sky. I am certain, if one were to continue the research, that many more ancient petroglyphic, hieroglyphic, and interpretive renderings can be uncovered showing similar depictions of this specific chemtrail. Undoubtedly these will be found in countless disparate locations across the planet, which only serves to further prove my point.
As a final note, my colleague is convinced that the photograph he took is simply an early example of a male fertility advertisement, with the lower chemtrail depiction being the ‘before’ state and the upper showing the results of taking the Woodpecker Tablet with Water (reading bottom to top and left to right). But, we know better, don’t we?
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Really interesting theory on the dating of the Sphinx and the age of civilization from a geologist perspective. Especially these petroglyphs found all over the world. Worth a watch if your into this sort of stuff.
I watched to 47 min or so. I am no scientist but I understand the approach to investigations like these. My issue with the guy’s theory from the start is mainly this:
1.His primary evidence is weathering erosion caused by running water to sphinx “pit” edges. He admits a secondary structure built from sphinx material called “temple” to be of same age. First I need corroborating evidence of similar or same exact erosion to the temple...such evidence is not present it seems due to what he explains as “restorations” supposedly done at the time of accepted age of sphinx. He must FIRST explain why erosion to temple and sphinx itself were “repaired” by ancients, however the PIT, his primary piece of evidence, was NOT repaired as well but left to look like crap. That doesn’t make sense. Seems there is a case to be made that erosion was not necessarily time stamped on the PIT but could have occurred anytime even after restoration....because it might not be a result of ancient RAIN....which leads to no. 2 problem.
2. Why is he so certain this Pit erosion to because by RAIN specifically and not some other running water source? For example I have heard of recent explainations of the transport of huge limestone blocks used for pyramids achieved not by dragging with ropes but with wet sand or some such trick that involved lots of water to be artificially siphoned into the area. I guess what I need to understand is how much rain and how long of time does it take to create exact observed erosion....none of this he explains instead jumping to conclusion that an entire different “Rainey epoch” must be the ONLY culprit?
3. He wants to continue with corroborating evidence that a civilization might have done a similar art project at that time period...but I don’t think that helps his case necessarily. These “timeline” anomalies always pop up in all fields of science and must be put on the back burner in face of the MOUNTAINS of contrary evidence. Unfortunately excited scientists go “looking” for such evidence so hard and that is NOT how science is supposed to be done. You have to FALSIFY your hypothesis before you make your model (aka theory) to make sure it holds up.
First I need corroborating evidence of similar or same exact erosion to the temple...such evidence is not present it seems due to what he explains as “restorations” supposedly done at the time of accepted age of sphinx. He must FIRST explain why erosion to temple and sphinx itself were “repaired” by ancients, however the PIT, his primary piece of evidence, was NOT repaired as well but left to look like crap. That doesn’t make sense. Seems there is a case to be made that erosion was not necessarily time stamped on the PIT but could have occurred anytime even after restoration....because it might not be a result of ancient RAIN....which leads to
That’s a really good question! If the dyanastic Egyptians were repairing the limestone in the Sphinx temple why did they not repair the Sphinx enclosure walls? Sounds like you might have busted his theory. The only other explanation I read about to explain the erosion was something where water is trapped in limestone and perculates out of the rock. Problems with this theory are that it would be more uniform in appearance and why doesn’t it occur in the pyramids where the same bedrock was used. So many variables to all this stuff
Yes, we’re talking about chemtrails here. Apparently, the CIA and Chinese have been monkeying about with this stuff for far longer than any rational person would have hitherto thought.
For example, a few months ago US naval pilots laid out a chemtrail in a shape that got them into a bit of hot water. I contend that they’ve been laying out this specific chemtrail shape for a very long time now, but have gotten clever in recent millennia and have only been doing so at night.
No doubt those US Navy pilots were secretly based at the infamous "Area 51," the super-secret US Air Force installation dedicated to the capture and study of space aliens being held in large vats of formaldehyde. Could it be that the chemtrail designs were the inspiration for Erich von Daniken's Nazca Lines theory? If so, they have been brought down through the ages, perhaps by the Illuminati, some of whom dwell among us even today.
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."
Oddly enough, during my brother’s tenure at NASA during the Gemini and Apollo programs, I encountered a few NASA engineers who entertained, or even advocated von Daniken’s theories. Shows you don’t have to agree with the scientific mainstream to be a highly skilled engineer—or perhaps even an effective researcher within a particular field.
But I doubt a Young Earther could be a successful scientist. His or her credibility would be nil among the scientific community.
Odlly enough, during my brother’s tenure at NASA during the Gemini and Apollo programs, I encountered a few NASA engineers who entertained, or even advocated von Daniken’s theories. Shows you don’t have to agree with the scientific mainstream to be a highly skilled engineer—or perhaps even an effective researcher within a particular field.
Or, put another way, it shows you can be a highly skilled engineer or an effective researcher within a particular field and still be susceptible to crackpot theories outside your field of expertise.
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."
Come to think of it, the best and most creative radar receiver engineer I ever knew once told me, “Einstein got it all wrong.”
I enjoyed working with him, going through and validating his highly original proposed solution to a key design problem. His design was implemented and still works very well, saving complexity and expense.
Oddly enough, during my brother’s tenure at NASA during the Gemini and Apollo programs, I encountered a few NASA engineers who entertained, or even advocated von Daniken’s theories
I recall a Playboy interview with him in the ’70s: they tore him to pieces. You can find quit a bit about it on the ’Net, e.g here:
I'd say that's a stretch - but it seems there's a lot of research on crops crossing continents. The only real ignorance is of course, my own. The article you quote gives an estimate of 11th/12th century so this being 300 years earlier is still interesting. I suspect it was carved by Indians as a gift, maybe for maize. (Or maybe...muktaphala (lit. "pearl-fruit", an imaginary fruit made of pearls)...or even, by one account, the Kalpavrksha, a mythical wish-granting tree (!).'
Yes.... of course it’s not corn it’s coincidence looking thing.... as the hand gesture of the Mayan is also coincidental and not any specific mudra
For example, a few months ago US naval pilots laid out a chemtrail in a shape that got them into a bit of hot water. I contend that they’ve been laying out this specific chemtrail shape for a very long time now, but have gotten clever in recent millennia and have only been doing so at night. - ForoFlamenco, June 27, 2019
Could it be that the chemtrail designs were the inspiration for Erich von Daniken's Nazca Lines theory? If so, they have been brought down through the ages, perhaps by the Illuminati, some of whom dwell among us even today. - ForoFlamenco, June 28, 2019
“Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory,” - speech by someone who oughta know, July 4, 2019
“Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory,” - speech by someone who oughta know, July 4, 2019
I struggle to reconcile all the evidence put forth into a logical common thread that makes sense in my head about all of these things, but some of the recent alternative research has some great visuals of these Megalithic structures.
Check out uncharted x or Brien Forester on the tubes.Some really nice 4K video
I struggle to reconcile all the evidence put forth into a logical common thread that makes sense in my head
Tell me about it. I didn’t realize the Lizard Illuminati EVEN EXISTED until Ricardo pointed it out. Haven’t been able to sleep without the lights on ever since.
(But in truth, I love this stuff. When I was younger I was a big fan of the Paul Brunton “In Search of Secret....” series of books.)