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(Recommendation) Flamenco Guitar close to this sound...?
I am looking for a flamenco guitar which is under 1000,- euro. I know that those are not very good but I am short of money and still want to get one in order to be able to practice, until I can afford a better one in a few years.
There is no good shop nearby to check some flamenco guitars out, so I have to order one via Internet. My question would be, which one can you recommend considering that I am looking for a rich bass and percussive (but not metallic!) sound like in the video (see below)?
Here is an example for the type of guitar that I want to come closest to:
Would Alhambra 4f, 5f or 7f be the best choice? What about Saez 22 or 24, Perez 630, Vicente Sanchis Mod. 25, Raimundo 145, Camps, Paco Castillo Mod. 214F, Cordoba GK Studio or any other luthier/model?
Posts: 219
Joined: Mar. 17 2015
From: Virginia USA
RE: (Recommendation) Flamenco Guitar... (in reply to Ex)
I have had heard good things about the Camps guitars from this forum, so about four years ago I ordered a Primera Negra from Camps. It was about €1150 for the guitar. Cost me about $US1600 with shipping and wire transfer fee included. I am very happy with it. Recently saw a used Primera Blanca for sale on milanuncios.com for €750 or so. Hope this helps.