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Posts: 503
Joined: Jun. 14 2014
From: Encinitas, CA USA
looking for a traditional Cejilla
I tried my teachers Cejilla and really liked it. Having trouble finding one I like. The ones at Ostrie Music seem well made and reasonable price but look pretty plain. There are some on E bay including Felipe Conde for various pricing. Thanks for any suggestions
Ah well, there was a fantastic passion there, in my case anyway. I discovered flamenco very early on. It grips you in a way that you can't get away - Paco Pena
Posts: 292
Joined: May 3 2017
From: Iraq, living in Germany
RE: looking for a traditional Cejilla (in reply to Cervantes)
is he still making these cejillas? i totally fell in love with this offset peg cejilla and even posted on the thread you mentioned months ago. but no reply so far :(
it's brazilian rosewood and the peg has a lip that ensures that the string applies downward pressure. Also there's an enlarged hole so that the melted tip of the string is out of the way. I don't wonder why people prefer dunlop capos since there's so few traditional cejillas that work well. This is the only one that has worked for me. The guy who made these is already retired and more won't be made. Use the contact page to order one internationally, they ship from Finland. I have commercial interest in praising these, altough I know the maker.
Posts: 292
Joined: May 3 2017
From: Iraq, living in Germany
RE: looking for a traditional Cejilla (in reply to Cervantes)
how does this lip work? could you maybe show us yours and how it works? i'm thinking about getting myself a new cejilla, maybe from tony if he still makes them (anyone an idea?), maybe maderas primeras, maybe your finnish cejilla
the string is wrapped around the peg so it's above the lip. most importantly there is no knot or melted string end that would be on the way of the string when wrapping it around
for those who like traditional cejillas, I also recommend trying rubber instead of leather, it works then like a dunlop capo but slightly better, this is the ultimate capo "configuration" in my opinion.
RE: looking for a traditional Cejilla (in reply to jalalkun)
how does this lip work?
Sheesh. Men. They'll never learn.
(I'm going, I'm going!)
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