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Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

Thanks to striving live acts 

Since decades longing for relief from the machine noise in the mainstream, I do greatly welcome any return to handmade music. Even mediocre creation and one-trick ponies if must be. They won´t be entertaining me, but may accustom kids out there to the characteristics of music making.

Still sadening however how much the spark of creation has come down, and how blind today´s music managers are.

So there would that name keep popping up. Coldplay. Sounds cool. Ought to be a rock band. Got to be having something afterall.

Then a concert came up on TV. Hmm ... I was waiting for something to happen. Some catchy riff, ... characteristic vocals, ... at least some virtuosity.
One piece, second piece ... Song after song are passing by and there´s nothing. Nada.
Some geeks from around the corner seem to have gathered, taken some soundbits here from REM, some there from U2, and some more from major acts down to 1980´s combos, without contribution. No thrills, no speciality, no pleasing note, no special skills ... To the opposite, playing skills seem rather rudimentary. Any unrehearsed home gang after some session will create better than that.

These guys fill halls? How come?
It is a long time to realize that public has lost discographic overview. All the time a couple bars and or sounds and arrangements from former charts are taken by copycats and sold to audience as new "hits", who embrace it as if it was an invention. But a lame style medley as band?

Music memory appears to have disappeared altogether, now.

Next name I hear coming: Ed Sheeran. A guy with a guitar. Always good to have.
If he´d been my neighbor I would had enjoyed his passion and encouraged him to hang on to grabbing instruments and making something. -And possibly given him a hint to moving on from a one-trick pony with singing and playing.

If you´d told me that crowds larger than of a yard sale would be turning up to his concerts as is, I would not had believed it for a second.

Is the contemporary star of music making standing low on the firmament? It is.
Are acts like the above today´s shizznizz? Not really, thankfully it seems.

The most vivid action appears to be happening on semi- and local level. At least broadcasters featuring that category seem to come up with gigs of better combos. Maybe not flooring portfolio either. Rarely anything you could feel urged to write home about, still sympathetic striving for personal signature and occasionally catchy harmonies. Craftsmanship. Also other aspects like authentic joy with some artists´ performing. And most importantly gigs that keep the music scene alive / musicians motivated to gather and climb a stage.

It is hard to be original and compository invention is being close to almost impossible. Yet, if recycling been done good enough there can be catchy creation adorned with impressive shades in lyrics, performance and personal style. Good enough to please.

From there thanks to every live act who contributes to keeping venues and stages running for the eventual extraordinary appearance!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 29 2017 9:24:14

Posts: 15496
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Ruphus

This cotton candy haired Italian chick can sing and play...their new album is just coming out so time will tell how big they get.

Of course with modern sensibility she is singing about her Tesla of course!


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 30 2017 16:58:51


Posts: 104
Joined: May 16 2016

RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Ruphus

I remember reading somewhere that Ed Sheeran sold more albums in one week than Vicente Amigo has sold in his life. Can’t remember the figures but it made me feel sad for general music tastes. I don’t dislike Ed Sheeran but it didn’t seem fair.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 30 2017 17:27:21

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Ruphus

My friend's Indy band - he's the guitarist. They are signed and doing very well over here. Lot's of gigs and with some 80s retro going on. They have supported The Jesus and Mary Chain on tour.

Singer is half Spanish.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 30 2017 19:10:32

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Ruphus


Italians. They got a couple of things. Among them sweet ladies and the hang for melody.

I used to tease my Italian ex, saying that there was too much kitsch and plastic. Wouldn´t even find too much about her favorite Lucio Dalla. (Who sadly passed away recently.)
But back then the bar was hanging high. And today me thinks I should had cut her some slack.

Anyway, liked all I saw in the vid. Really hoping that their songwriting may be coming as close as can to level of the model.

In the other example visuals might have been more pulling if there had not been overly obvious playback takes. It ought to have been a choice of style.

The lead is very bright, but when she comes down to the mids there is still substance and lushness (maybe what we typically attribute to lyrical cedar negras). Very well omitted sibilance in the recording.

Also listened to the second song on YT. Seems a bit more on worn pattern, still well made and tasty.

Good music! I would put it in a playlist to enjoy.

Whenever you guys have more from these or others, give a hint please.
Thank you for the heads up!

Like you, I don´t dislike Ed Sheeran either. At least one more passionate guy.
However, that he can fill a stadium with his actual repertoire is bizarre.

With the above suggested acts in large venues it would be another, rather reasonable thing.
- Naturally, ideally with great homebrewn program. Yet, even without mind-blowing program, unlike fuzzy homie strumming, these combo´s groovy performance and tasteful arrangement would path enough glue for major act vibes.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 1 2017 6:13:19


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RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Ruphus

thanks for sharing those... I thought the deep purple cover was generally outstanding, though i wished they had taken some liberties/ shown some originality to the leads rather than copying Lord's and Blackmore's solos note for note. Though ill give the guitarist credit she played it cleaner than Blackmore ever did, lol :)

the other clip is nice too... not quite my thing stylistically, but very well done for that style . Kudos!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 1 2017 19:25:46

Posts: 3568
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RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Ruphus

I hate that Sheeran guy just because of that stupid song that goes "I'm in love with your body". The chorus is catchy and I had that tune stuck in my head for two full days with those stupid lyrics. I couldn't make out the rest of the lyrics so in my head it went something like: I'm in love with ba doo boo boo, pa ba doo pa ba doo wee, pa ba doo pa ba doo boo boo, I'm in love with your body. Two freaking days! Damn you Sheeran! Damn you!

I think it's a mixed bag up there at the top. Sure, there's a lot of bland music. The music industry promotes "safe" choices, they use what has worked before to be sure to get their money's worth and as a result the more interesting choices have a harder time getting up there. But even in some of the most commercial stuff, there are some pretty outstanding artists. And this year I saw Jacob Collier got two Grammy awards. Hard to say that's not interesting music (whether you like it or not is another issue). Even if you're a huge music theory nerd, I'm sure there are at least a few things in there where you'll be scratching your head.

Well, I can see four big reasons why they'd be a successful band.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 2 2017 0:16:34

Posts: 1807
Joined: Nov. 13 2007

RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Piwin


I hate that Sheeran guy just because of that stupid song that goes "I'm in love with your body". The chorus is catchy and I had that tune stuck in my head for two full days with those stupid lyrics. I couldn't make out the rest of the lyrics so in my head it went something like: I'm in love with ba doo boo boo, pa ba doo pa ba doo wee, pa ba doo pa ba doo boo boo, I'm in love with your body. Two freaking days! Damn you Sheeran! Damn you!

Ah perfect! My evil plan is working. Just as Lord Voldermort controlled Ginny Weasley through thoughts alone, Piwin is now writing my hate on the internet for me and he doesn't even realise he's doing that under mind control! Ha ha ha! Yes pure evil! Worst song ever! And Piwin is the solution - all for the greater good. Hah Hah Hah.


Well, I can see four big reasons why they'd be a successful band.

Ha ha - Yes, very good! MY thoughts exactly!!

Yes! This is working very nicely indeed. Ha ha ha.... Piwin, your moment of glory is coming! Ha ha ha.... Bilingual limericks was just the beginning!!


Ay compañerita de mi alma
tú ahora no me conoces.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 2 2017 1:57:45

Posts: 3568
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Dudnote


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 2 2017 2:58:28

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to norumba


ORIGINAL: norumba

... Though ill give the guitarist credit she played it cleaner than Blackmore ever did, lol :)

Blackmore stands exemplary for all the rest of proficiency aspects. Generating fantastic licks with eyes-closed marksmanship and huge personality.

He more than evidently holds a unique position as rock guitar genius.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 2 2017 4:23:36

Posts: 1807
Joined: Nov. 13 2007

RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Piwin

Incredible! This is working so well!! First you post Taylor Swift and I utter "No, kill her Piwin! Post metal Piwin. Post METAL!" - and you cut her out for a very close cover of a thrash classic. Nice! Ha ha ha. Now all that is left is to sabotage this guitarist forum with TONAS, DEBLA, MARTINETES and ROMANCES and true art will be mine! Hahahaaaa!!! All for the greater good!! Ha ha ha haa !!!


Ay compañerita de mi alma
tú ahora no me conoces.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 2 2017 8:07:21

Posts: 3568
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Dudnote

I'm not sure you can win this one Dudnote.

Here, it's a gift. Just click, don't look at the thumbnail, it's not what you think:

But honestly, you have a bigger problem. Your mind control won't work as long as I'm protected by the force of Phil Collins. I grew up with that stuff, it's too deeply rooted. I even prefer Genesis with Phil Collins and not Peter Gabriel So even if you got me to sing only debla and tona, somewhere in the back of my mind I'd be hearing this:


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 2 2017 17:12:08

Posts: 15496
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Piwin


I hate that Sheeran guy just because of that stupid song that goes "I'm in love with your body". The chorus is catchy and I had that tune stuck in my head for two full days with those stupid lyrics


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 2 2017 21:26:54

Posts: 3568
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Ricardo

Much better. Thank you!!


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 2 2017 23:22:53

Posts: 15496
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Ruphus

When I was a teen I knew about a couple of badass drummers thanks to the metal and shred guitar of em was Deen Castronovo. He did the crazy odd time atonal stuff with Cacophony and Marty Friedman's solo disc, plus the melodic shred of Tony McAlpine etc... seemed like he was Mike Varney's go to virtuoso drummer for a while. Well came across a live vid of him drumming for Journey, which I thought was funny cuz he seemed like way too much drummer for that group. . But the impressive thing wasn't that this guy had finally found success with a top band (it's great to see talented guys hit the big time later on in life), it was the fact that the lead singer was sick and he was not only drumming but singing lead vocal on that famous tune "Faithfully" and really sounded just like the original singer if not better. Amazingly inspiring to see:

Now I am not a big journey fan, but I went to check out more from Deen and turns out he has an awesome retro 80's Power trio side project thing called Revolution saints, really fresh music that brings nostalgia from the old days when rock music was good:

Saddly, after this album came out he got arrested for domestic dispute, got fired from journey, and quit music for some serious rehab.

So the good news is, and relevant to this thread I guess, he is doing great now and got this group together again with a new album. In interview he said he is just sitting at home doing chores around the house waiting for the other two guys to find an opening in their schedule so they can go tour soon. I am also not fan of the power ballad thing, but this song is really killer, and the way it builds to that guitar solo is something else:


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 3 2017 5:06:43

Posts: 3782
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RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Ruphus

Due to limited internet contingent me listened only to the last two clips.
The second one seemed just too much like good ol´ Boston to me. And Deen´s voice is a tad too much of a Rod Stewart / Brian Adams blend to my ears, though admittedly a pretty good one.

The ballad is a nice piece with enough of its own to my ears. And likeable with the great quality video is how the projected couple looks like Joe & Martha average; not like models from a tooth paste ad.

Now, someone tell the guitarist to not go out into the rain with the instrument, for uncle Ruph not to cringe.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 3 2017 14:45:59

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Ruphus

According to yesterday´s headlines Sheeran´s "Shape of You" is expected to become this year´s mega hit in Germany.

Around same time media reports on Johnny Hallyday´s passing away.
Due to my sister´s preferences from decades ago, I am rather familiar with French chansoniers like Gilbert Becaud; also got me some special venyls like of Celtic harp players, nonetheless noticing that in France some following to Anglo-Saxon styles was adorned with decent variation, very capable vocals and great instrumentalists. (<-To my understanding the secret stars of most pop and schlager productions anyway.) Besides of all that, a girl friend of mine was friends with a French blues rock guitar band who were greatly proficient.

As you may guess, I´m far from being insider to the French music scene, and thus Hallyday escaped me anyway, even though being ranked as THE French pop tycoon.

To my ears however a cheap copycat of American pop rock and grease, dressing himself as a "rocker" while distinguishing himself with a gasping voice that appeared to scarcely cover one octave (whenever separating tones anyway), and carried once again before all by professional instrumentalists. Yet, enough to become the nation´s top pop act and staying on top for over 6 decades.

The mainstream auditorium seems to not be engaged with music, but with image and lyrics. Best recipe appearing to be, that you make sure to make up yourself after known international celebrities like Elvis, James Dean or Sinatra (pretender and one trick pony himself), give the people some romantic text (Hallyday wouldn´t even come to senses in the rebelling times, and stay superficial popper throughout) and you are good to go (full PR means provided, naturally).

BTW; while about chameleoning seasoned shape ... Ever noticed George Clooney´s semblance with Cary Grant? Enough award to path him to Hollywood and make him a billionaire.
(-He already retracted from the biz. And I hope that his coming humanitarian campaigns be much more causal and intelligent than preceded ones of super rich country man and their global engagements of the depth of a puddle after rain.)

This is not to downplay on his acting skills, nor to express antipathy. Not at all. Just to name an example of features unrelated to essentials of metier that can determine huge career nonetheless.

Now, you giggers: Put down that guitar and go have a type consulting on progressive haircuts and color treatment. hehe
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2017 10:19:51

Posts: 3568
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RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Ruphus

Yeah Johnny Hallyday was never my cup of tea either. I always found the stage name rather funny too. But I guess Jean-Philippe Smet doesn't really shout out rock n' roll. Hervé Forneri did the same. Went for a sort of hybrid look between a 1950s crooner and a rock player, and switched his name to Dick Rivers. Guess it's just better branding. Probably the same reason why so many foreign flamenco players are dying to have some sort of flamenco name. Billy Bob Agujetas.

Which is probably a smart choice. I've got no problem at all with that type of branding. Like when I joked above about there being "four big reasons" for that band Mamba to be successful, it really just means that they're smart and know how to attract more listeners. It only bothers me when there's only a bunch of branding without any musical quality to support it.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2017 16:24:16

Posts: 3782
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RE: Thanks to striving live acts (in reply to Ruphus

I remember the outcome of a study about matters of attention from decades ago. It was researched how relevant outer appearance of a person opposite is. Perceived and evaluated aspects were things like hair cut, dress, smell, sound of voice, etc.

You know how much relevance there was with content of actually uttered message of a person opposite? 11%.

11% seems to be sort of magic proportion anyway. Around the same years there was a survey in Germany which was supposed to present the amount of people who still believed that the earth was flat. Result: 11%.

Maybe we should make "11%!" the new invective.

... Then again ... Billboard charts or elections are not determined by 11%; are they.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2017 6:30:47
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