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So based on the advice of a number of posters in my "Flamenco Virgin" thread I'm working my way through some beginners' youtube videos to get my basic techniques down (yes, yes, I know, "get a teacher" ... I'm working on it OK, see my other thread).
I started on pulgar last night and it's given me a painful blister on my thumb. Now, I know pulgar is supposed to be hit with a bit of power behind it so I've been trying not to pussy out of the strokes, but, Christ, it hurts, smacking the same blister against the string again and again!
Is this just normal for a beginner and I need to suck it up until my callouses develop? Or might I be doing something wrong...? This morning I've tried again with my thumb position a little more "upright", I'm getting a lot more nail contact and a lot less pain
RE: Pulgar ... why would anyone volu... (in reply to Inglés)
I recently broke a thumb nail and had to get an acrylic put on. The lady doing my nails mistook my callous for extra acrylic and cut it off! Had to play two dance recitals in a row three days later. BRUTAL! Took me about two weeks and a lot of pain to get the callous back.
RE: Pulgar ... why would anyone volu... (in reply to Inglés)
Brutal is the word ... just trying to play through the pain at the mo, the sooner I can get a good callous on there the better. Not sure my nail is quite the right shape but I'll deal with that later.
Any good youtube examples of performers with especially good pulgar technique I should check out?
Posts: 15412
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Pulgar ... why would anyone volu... (in reply to mrstwinkle)
ORIGINAL: mrstwinkle
Personally love Manuel Morao, but my repertoire doesn't stray far from Jerez.
I was gonna recommend the same guy and Nuñez. I consider Manuel Morao very advanced however. Here I demo two examples of the lick from your video(5:38). First is the original version, next the version I altered so it's actually in compas (he he).