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Posts: 9697
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My Offer 

I offer to punch Donald Trump in the nose, if someone will pay the Secret Service to hold him still while I smack him around.

Offer good until Dec. 2024

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 2:49:47

Posts: 234
Joined: Jul. 29 2016
From: Thailand

RE: My Offer (in reply to estebanana


ORIGINAL: estebanana

I offer to punch Donald Trump in the nose, if someone will pay the Secret Service to hold him still while I smack him around.

Offer good until Dec. 2024

There is no room in this forum for your kind of crap
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 4:52:26

Posts: 9697
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: My Offer (in reply to estebanana


Since the liberties of self expression Americans love and honor are going to be under duress the next few years, I'll take any international space to make a quip of dissent. I'll respect the wishes of any moderator to cease if told, but I'll push where I can.

I listened to eight years of racially motivated hate speech against the executive branch of my government, both overt and coded; buckle your seat belts amigos, the next four to eight years you're going to have to get used to the voices of legal dissent.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 5:33:21

Posts: 1604
Joined: Dec. 24 2007
From: Siegburg, Alemania

RE: My Offer (in reply to estebanana


I offer to punch Donald Trump in the nose

I have a better idea: sing him a martinete



El aficionado solitario
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 8:02:49

Posts: 315
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From: france

RE: My Offer (in reply to edguerin


ORIGINAL: edguerin


I offer to punch Donald Trump in the nose

I have a better idea: sing him a martinete

...haha great ideas guys
you could also play a little bit of trumpet for him:

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 10:46:02

Posts: 3568
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: My Offer (in reply to estebanana

Hmmm...I can already see the headlines of how America decided to nuke Japan again...Hold off until he doesn't have access to that button!
Also, 2024?

There are quite a few flamenco artists who have used their art for political purposes. When the banking crisis hit and with the rise of the whole "podemos" movement, there was an insane amount of up-and-coming artists who wrote politically-engaged letra for the occasion.
A few years ago I was at an afterparty with some friends. An older gentleman sung some very traditional letra about a damsel he loved. A younger gent followed suit with letra starting with "A mi me gustan los hombres". The whole thing was basically Thanksgiving dinner put to song. There was some arguing, a bit of shouting, as they sorted things out. But no one told anyone there wasn't room for them or their ideas there.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 11:08:43

Posts: 3484
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From: Washington, DC

RE: My Offer (in reply to Piwin


Hmmm...I can already see the headlines of how America decided to nuke Japan again.

Actually, during the campaign Donald Trump suggested the exact opposite of the above-cited quote. He suggested that the U.S. and Japan might be better off if Japan developed its own nuclear weapons capacity and defended itself against potential adversaries such as North Korea. That would reverse the post-War policy of both our countries.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 15:15:40

Posts: 3568
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: My Offer (in reply to BarkellWH

It's an interesting point, but I was really just trying to make a joke on the man's tendency to overreact when he feels personnally insulted or attacked in any way, not commenting on his foreign policy.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 15:43:35

[Deleted] (in reply to estebanana

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 15:55:41

Posts: 1972
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From: San Francisco

RE: My Offer (in reply to Guest

It's really not that hard to understand, and although Trump has many under educated supporters, he also had many very successful, intelligent business people vote for him. Note I didn't use the word "support". I think there is a difference. Trump has promised to roll back corporate taxes(as well as income from pass through entities) to 15%. Hilary promised to raise taxes on those earning more than 250k. If you earn more than 250k as say, a dentist with an LLC, it's a pretty easy choice as it pertains to his personal situation. For a person earning 500k, that could be a 100k difference in his tax bill. Who knows if he will actually reduce the rate to that level, but with one candidate promising to raise taxes and the other reduce them, it's not that hard to understand why a high income individual would have voted for Trump.

ORIGINAL: Shroomy726

So much unfounded faith on Trump... I just don't get it. Wait... I do. I've been calling out the mass stupidity of Americans since day one on this forum. I reinforced my theory when DT became the Republicans' candidate. Now that he was actually elected, this is no longer a theory, it is fact.

But I am still willing to give him a chance. Just, the things I've seen thus far don't give me too much hope.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 16:08:12

Posts: 3568
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RE: My Offer (in reply to Mark2

That actually makes it kind of harder for me to understand. So is the idea that people vote solely on the basis of what is in their own direct interest? And I mean this is as an honest question. Most of the time I've voted for more general interests, and sometimes for things that don't impact me at all, even if the candidate I voted for was pushing for policies that could be detrimental to me personally. In these past elections, I think just the fact that Trump has openly denied climate change would have made me vote for the other candidate, even if that meant higher taxes for me. It's honestly hard for me to understand how anyone would deem the tax rate a more significant issue than climate change. But that's just one example, the main point being that one would hope people would have a more holistic view of what an electoral programme means for society at large and not just what it means for them personally.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 16:41:12

Posts: 1972
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From: San Francisco

RE: My Offer (in reply to Piwin

Oh, I think many, if not most, consider issues bigger than their own personal interests. Personally I've done that frequently, such as voting for bond measures to benefit local elementary education even though my kids are grown. I'm pretty sure I'm hardly in the minority on that stance. I think most people consider the bigger picture, but a huge difference in take home pay over a four or eight year period is a powerful incentive. Even though I didn't vote for Trump, it's not accurate to paint all those who did with the "stupid" brush. That lack of empathy is part of what gave us trump.


That actually makes it kind of harder for me to understand. So is the idea that people vote solely on the basis of what is in their own direct interest? And I mean this is as an honest question. Most of the time I've voted for more general interests, and sometimes for things that don't impact me at all, even if the candidate I voted for was pushing for policies that could be detrimental to me personally. In these past elections, I think just the fact that Trump has openly denied climate change would have made me vote for the other candidate, even if that meant higher taxes for me. It's honestly hard for me to understand how anyone would deem the tax rate a more significant issue than climate change. But that's just one example, the main point being that one would hope people would have a more holistic view of what an electoral programme means for society at large and not just what it means for them personally.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 16:53:49

Posts: 3568
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: My Offer (in reply to Mark2

Ok thanks, I think I get where you're coming from. I hadn't realized your first comment was in reply to the "mass stupidity of Americans" comment.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 16:59:00

Posts: 3484
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: My Offer (in reply to Mark2


Even though I didn't vote for Trump, it's not accurate to paint all those who did with the "stupid" brush. That lack of empathy is part of what gave us trump.

I agree with your point above, Mark. To paint Americans writ large as representing "mass stupidity" is a smug attitude that helped pave the way for Trump's election victory. I did not vote for Trump, and I think we are in for a very rough and rocky four years. Nevertheless, I am inserting here a comment I made on the thread "Divisive Ignorance" that I think, in part, explains why a large part of the electorate voted for Trump.

Liberals, intellectuals, cultural elites, and those on the Left have very often exhibited a smug attitude toward the white working class, sneeringly referring to them as “clinging to their guns and religion,” as Obama did, or as a “basket of deplorables,” as Hillary Clinton did. One does not have to agree with white working class attitudes and beliefs to at least debate them in a civilized manner without shutting them down as ignorant and deplorable.

What we are witnessing is, in part, the rebellion of a class of people in America who are tired of being put down by a smug segment of American society who makes no bones about the fact that they think they are superior, and that the cultural mores and beliefs of the majority of the white working class are unworthy. When an entire class of society is smugly put down and sneeringly called "stupid," it should be no surprise when they vote someone into office who they think listens to them.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 18:02:36

[Deleted] (in reply to Mark2

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 18:06:25

Posts: 1972
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From: San Francisco

RE: My Offer (in reply to Guest

I'm not going to classify you in any way. I strongly disagree with your assessment of the American people but after all, I believe that as flamenco aficionados we have more in common than not. I also disagree that a vote for Trump based on taxes was a "Selfish" vote. Do you know what the tax rates for people in brackets other than your own are? It's easy to think that if I made "x" I'd have no problem paying "y" in taxes. But I believe once you make "x", you might not think "y" is fair. The left constantly says the "rich" should pay their fair share. But when questioned, they never seem to be able to say what is rich and what is the fair share. In some areas of the country an income over 100k might make one be considered to be "rich", but in others, you couldn't even afford to buy a starter home. I agree that any of Trump's promises are suspect. But look at the alternatives voters were faced with. I did believe Hilary when she said she would raise taxes. I didn't believe a lot of other things that came out of her mouth. I've always thought if you want my vote, you have to give me someone to vote for. Neither of the two major parties did.
I agree education, or the lack thereof, is a huge problem in this vast country. How do you account for the fact that some of your fellow engineers voted for Trump?


ORIGINAL: Shroomy726

That's a big part of my point. Even the educated people, that as you say, voted him into office based on his "promise" to cut taxes is ludicrous. Who believes such a character who has proven again and again to be a compulsive liar? He has flipped flopped multiple times on pretty much every topic out there. So regardless of how selfish people vote, it still doesn't make it a "smart" decision to vote for him. And I know a lot of people who are educated and that voted for him (including a lot of my engineer co-workers).

And of course, just like back then, you will classify me as "smug" for that opinion. But you guys don't understand that lack of education and critical thinking is becoming a big problem in this country, which is supposed to be the "greatest country in the world".
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 19:17:05

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RE: My Offer (in reply to Guest

It's hard to say how much of it has to do with "lack of education and critical thinking". I will say this though, I think we have overlooked the negative impact that the internet has had. The internet provides information, almost unlimited information, but few people seem to be equipped with the Tools to sort through that information and actually synthetize knowledge. Kind of like online tabs. At first sight, you would have thought that we were going to have an explosion of talented guitarists because of easy access to all this information, but it turns out that there really isn't much correlation between amount of information available and actual knowledge acquired... All we got was a bunch of guitarists who know how to read tabs, and that's about it. Similarly, all of this information about politics and various issues doesn't seem to have helped people gain a better understanding of the world. I've read quite a few articles over the last few weeks saying that misinformation on the internet is a major issue. And I agree that it is, but the answer most seem to provide is that we should "flag" fake information sites. In my view, it would be much more useful to teach people "how to think", how to identify a reliable source and an unreliable one, how to crossreference facts and figures, etc.

And for the rest, I think you're on to something with the idea of "selfishness", or at least perhaps a lack of ability/desire to weigh different issues with those that concern you directly. As Mark2 said, "most people consider the big picture" but there are "powerful incentives" sometimes to do otherwise. I would say that there may be a cultural or historical factor here that influences how powerful that incentive has to be before you disregard the bigger picture in favor of your own interests. And it wouldn't be all that suprising that that tipping point occur earlier on in the US than in other countries (though arguably many are catching up) as it has been pervaded with ultra-materialistic and individualistic values for quite a long time now. The ideal of the American dream, which is inherently materialistic and individualistic, has powered a lot of achievements, but I suspect there's also a flipside to it, and an excess of "selfishness" might be it. Though I don't think selfishness is the right word (hence the quotation marks), since in many respects the US doesn't have anything to envy to the rest of the world in terms of generosity. Maybe self-centeredness or is that just a synonym?


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 19:57:32

[Deleted] (in reply to Mark2

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 20:04:37

Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: My Offer (in reply to estebanana

Buy your Salvador Castillos and Navarros fast ppl,,,, before he builds the wall.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 20:44:49

Posts: 1972
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From: San Francisco

RE: My Offer (in reply to Guest

Maybe I'm looking at it more from a glass half full than half empty. I work in the construction trade, and I constantly find myself surrounded by reasonably smart, and often very smart people. Project managers, government employees, my own employees, business owners, tech geeks, surfers, musicians. I really don't know too many people I would consider "dumb"
A few sure, but far from the majority. I don't know what's it's like where you live but if you are even a little bit accurate, I don't want to. Perhaps it's just the way we as distinct individuals look at things. So, I'm still waiting for your reasoning behind your well educated co-workers voting for trump. Do you all pay so much in taxes that they are selfish voters?


ORIGINAL: Shroomy726

If you are only looking at taxes to make your decision on who to vote for, then yes, I would say that's a selfish vote. Mainly because voting for a president is so much more than just taxes.

And I do know what people richer than me get taxed. In fact, I feel like I get taxed a lot and much more than most people in my state, but I look beyond that. People complaining about high taxes in the US don't realize how much taxes other countries are paying. Again... it's the typical American's POV to not look beyond their own country for comparison.

And you strongly disagree with my assessment? Come on man... are you living in the same country I live in?? And I come from Argentina! Maybe in California things are different. In fact, I just visited CA and found it to be so much more progressive than Louisiana. Of course, California is one of the most powerful economies in the world, just on its own, but I cannot disconnect it from the rest of the country. It is just part of the US, so I must average it with the rest of the states, including Louisiana and most other central/southern states where ignorance is rampant. I have just so many examples to give for the formation of this opinion, too many to list...

And Piwin, I have not overlooked the internet as a negative impact. I just commented in Facebook about how dangerous social media is becoming for the spread of misinformation. It is becoming a major problem. And that's where critical thinking and education become essential. You just cannot trust what you read in Fb... Social media makes the problem exponential.

People are ignoring that social media had a big hand in getting Trump elected. Trump is right in one thing: "there is no such thing as bad publicity". And the results of this election proved it.

The internet and social media is one of the most powerful technological advances the human race has ever gotten, and I hate to quote a comic book for this, but "with great power, comes great responsibility". And people don't treat is as such.

A lot of us in this forum profit directly from the vast information provided by the internet. It is such a great way to learn. But most people don't take advantage of this aspect and that's where my point regarding education and critical thinking comes in.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 20:50:54

Posts: 3568
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: My Offer (in reply to Guest


with great power, comes great responsibility

Oh no you didn't!!
I think we are agreed on the issue of the internet and learning how to sort through the information it provides.

@BarkellWH On your point of how the attitude of the elite may have contributed to the outcome of the election, there are some interesting parallels with the 1848 presidential election in France. It was the first and last election of the Second Republic. The people had the choice of voting between several parties that were perceived as the Parisian elite and the party led by Louis Napoleon, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, who, to say the least, had not been coy about his intention to topple the teething democracy. Louis Napoleon scored a crushing victory, and went on to reinstate the French Empire. Alphonse de Lamartine, an outstanding poet and also one of the main political figures in favor of the new Republic, wrote extensively about the responsibility of the people and their perception of a smug elite. He took the opposite view of your own, he did not think that perceived smugness was the problem, rather he thought he saw in the people's choice what he called a "lack of political courage", an "abdication of their own dignity", etc. I'm not sure whether historians vindicate his version or not. He went on to describe the people as any other leader, one that was capable of brilliance but also of turning into a cruel and ignorant dictator. He saw the people as on the whole "novice at leadership" and needing the right people to advise it in its decisions, which admitedly could be why his party was viewed as smugh by the people. Walt Whitman wrote some quality essays on Lamartine and the issues surrounding those elections. Today that period is mainly remembered through the writings of Victor Hugo, many of which we probably would not have today had he not been forced into exile by the new Emperor.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 21:06:43
Richard Jernigan

Posts: 3471
Joined: Jan. 20 2004
From: Austin, Texas USA

RE: My Offer (in reply to Guest

To call Trump a compulsive liar fails to take into account an essay recently published by a philosopher. I seldom get all the way through the first paragraph of most philosophy papers, where they lay out how they will dedicate the next 40 pages to oriental hairsplitting. But this philosopher posed an important distinction.

A liar, he said, repeats a specific false statement, in the hope of convincing you of something he knows to be false. A bullsh1tter, on the other hand, says whatever he thinks you might like to hear, or whatever he wishes were true, with little or no regard for the facts, or perhaps even with no knowledge of the facts at all.

Trump is a bullsh1tter. A drawback to highly publicized bullsh1tting is that the bullsh1tter may get carried away by the moment and contradict himself. Trump does this regularly. People criticize him for it.

But Trump is not stupid. He possesses a certain low cunning. One of his first two appointments was a professional liar, a highly successful liar on a commercial scale, Steve Bannon. There are enough people saying Bannon is not a racist, not an anti-semite, to at least cast some doubt on the subject. Yet Bannon has boasted of making Breitbart "the platform of the alt-right" : people who definitely are racist, anti-semitic and worse. A likely explanation is that Bannon merely broadcasts whatever he sees as advantageous to him at the moment, but in a calculated and consistent manner--a practiced and successful liar. Just the man Trump needs as "Chief Strategist."

With Bannon at his elbow, Trump can tell the New York Times that he "has an open mind" about climate change, while in the next week appointing to head the Environmental Protection Agency one of the world's most public and litigious deniers of anthropogenic climate change.

Another semantic distinction: credulity vs. stupidity. The great majority of Americans are quite competent at managing their own affairs. They aren't stupid in that respect. But many people in the USA (and elsewhere) are credulous when told a story that resonates with their motivations.

When I was a boy the press controlled public discourse. As an adolescent and young man, the reins came into the hands of television. Now in the age of social media, no one is in control. If you can pay for an hour at an internet cafe, you can post fake news. If you are Vladimir Putin, you can hire hundreds of people to post fake news, and hire hackers to steal emails, and disseminate carefully selected ones, sometimes after altering them.

I agree with Bill Barkel that a major contingent of Trump voters were people tired of being looked down upon by a large and influential segment of society. There were a lot of people like the man I saw interviewed on TV. The interviewer asked whether there was a danger of Trump destroying the Republican party. The man answered, "I hope he goes up to Washington and destroys the Republican Party. They've got it coming to them." The interviewer didn't ask his opinion of the Democrats.

The class divide runs through nuclear families. One of my cousins is the daughter of a union man. She didn't go to college. She is married to a man who was a truck driver for years, and then for more years chauffeur to a Texas billionaire. They live decently in retirement, in apparent financial security. Not long after I moved back to Texas she and her husband were at a family gathering. I asked about her brother, a retired chemistry professor. She replied, "Oh, we don't see much of D. and them." She has a sunny disposition. She laughed, "I guess we're not good enough for them." I don't know who they voted for, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn it was Trump.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 21:06:59

Posts: 4516
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From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: My Offer (in reply to Mark2

Trump is smart as ****. Totally underestimated by everyone. He made a hollywood show out of this election and he was the much better actor. Clinton failed hard at acting and in addition nobody really likes that woman anyways, let's be honest. Its simple as that, don't make rocket science out of this election. 99% wanted pure entertainment and they got it, and most people don't give a **** about party manifesto or details, give me a break, nobody even knows what these people really stand for, just ask anybody on the street with specific questions and you will see out of 1000, maybe 1 knows.
Now let's wait and see what happens. Nobody knows, dude is so unpredictable lol, I wouldn't be surprised if he makes best friends with China and Mexico in few months and builds the wall around alaska, and even then nobody would really care. We're all ****ed anyways, the entire world is a huge entertainment show and we love it.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 21:24:53

Posts: 3568
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: My Offer (in reply to Arash


builds the wall around alaska

Throw in a nightswatch, a few zombies on the other side, sprinkle with the motto "Winter is coming" and you've got yourself an HBO series


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 21:30:13

Posts: 1972
Joined: Jul. 12 2004
From: San Francisco

RE: My Offer (in reply to Arash

Brilliant post! Nailed it.



Trump is smart as ****. Totally underestimated by everyone. He made a hollywood show out of this election and he was the much better actor. Clinton failed hard at acting and in addition nobody really likes that woman anyways, let's be honest. Its simple as that, don't make rocket science out of this election. 99% wanted pure entertainment and they got it, and most people don't give a **** about party manifesto or details, give me a break, nobody even knows what these people really stand for, just ask anybody on the street with specific questions and you will see out of 1000, maybe 1 knows.
Now let's wait and see what happens. Nobody knows, dude is so unpredictable lol, I wouldn't be surprised if he makes best friends with China and Mexico in few months and builds the wall around alaska, and even then nobody would really care. We're all ****ed anyways, the entire world is a huge entertainment show and we love it.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 22:09:24

Posts: 9697
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: My Offer (in reply to estebanana

Bear in mind 20% of the population got him elected and he won the Electoral College by less than 60,000 votes. His adversary by contrast beat him by 2.7 million votes and the highest vote total in the history of the race. The 5th time in history the winner of the popular vote loses the election. It happened three times in the 19th century. once in the 20th...

My comment was mostly aimed at the idea that positions are now being "bought" , so I wonder if the Secret Service wants to make extra money by holding a fair where they have a Trump Dunk tank? For 20 million dollars donated towards the SS officer retirement fund you get three tries at throwing a ball at the dunk tank lever.

After four years of fairs with the dunk tank the Secret Service pension should be secure! Only God knows if the congress will allow it to be funded by discretionary spending.

Meanwhile, DJT has held up his nomination for Dept of Education. A woman who is a billion heiress, who has no experience in education, who attended privates schools and who's children attended privates schools. Her family business is in holding education loans.

That is nothing to have faith in, or a move that warrants giving his team a chance. That is the definition of a Cluster F#CK.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 23:11:33

Posts: 9697
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: My Offer (in reply to Arash


Trump is smart as ****. Totally underestimated by everyone. He made a hollywood show out of this election and he was the much better actor. Clinton failed hard at acting and in addition nobody really likes that woman anyways, let's be honest. Its simple as that, don't make rocket science out of this election. 99% wanted pure entertainment and they got it, and most people don't give a **** about party manifesto or details, give me a break, nobody even knows what these people really stand for, just ask anybody on the street with specific questions and you will see out of 1000, maybe 1 knows.
Now let's wait and see what happens. Nobody knows, dude is so unpredictable lol, I wouldn't be surprised if he makes best friends with China and Mexico in few months and builds the wall around alaska, and even then nobody would really care. We're all ****ed anyways, the entire world is a huge entertainment show and we love it.

Wrong Arash, she broke almost all the records for vote tallies. The president is not supposed to be an actor, although we had one actor. She ran an understated campaign without big theatric flourishes and she still set the record for the poplar. She very popular among those who are not brain dead.

The reason he won is because half the country is inured to watching cable news which is manipulates facts to suit the minds of the viewers.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2016 23:19:13

Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: My Offer (in reply to estebanana

Don't make an angel out of Lady Eisenhart.
She is responsible for the disaster in Syria and many dead people and refugees flooding Europe. I remember when the so called "rebells" were best friends and were armed to teeth for "democracy". I even think she and her gang influenced and forced Obama to do some **** he didn't want to do.

Facts are:

Clinton is already responsible for misery outside US.

Trump just talked **** till now and is only responsible for talking about pussies and maybe grabbing some of them, thats all. So I give him a chance. Killing is worse than grabbing. If he acts **** and starts cold and hot wars with everyone, I will reconsider. Until now, it was only bullsh!ttery to win the election in my book. Trump can call me a terrorist Muslim to win the hearts of rednecks and win election, I don't care as long as he doesn't start killing everyone or arming others to kill eachother, then smile in to the camera.

As mentioned, let's wait and see. Its too early to judge.
Maybe I am wrong and he is a monster, maybe not.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 10 2016 11:32:07

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Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: My Offer (in reply to estebanana

I remember when Assad's father crushed an uprising in a small town in the early 1980s/ First he sent in tanks and troops and killed every man, woman and child in the town. Then he ordered bulldozers to turn the town to rubble, and left it that way as a reminder to the people to never cross an Assad. The son is the same as the father.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 10 2016 13:47:40

Posts: 3568
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: My Offer (in reply to Arash


and maybe grabbing some of them, thats all. So I give him a chance



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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 10 2016 13:57:51
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