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The song starts on the beat with the G/B chord pulgar thing.
If you mean the melody over the Em chord progression, it is a pick up note on first string: 7-12-7-12-7...7... timing would be: &3&4&(1)&.... though I count rumba half that tempo in 2/4 so proper timing is: ah2e&ah(1)e....
I will say Faucher is known to put obvious (to decent players) mistakes in order to catch plagerizers.
I will say Faucher is known to put obvious (to decent players) mistakes in order to catch plagerizers.
Since he doesn’t hold the copyright of the pieces concerned, would thus in principle be open to a plagiarism suit himself, and has in fact (reportedly) been the subject of a Cease and Desist order with regard to Lucía’s music…
It would be interesting to know what he does if he catches one (apart from refusing to sell to him any more).
The song starts on the beat with the G/B chord pulgar thing.
If you mean the melody over the Em chord progression, it is a pick up note on first string: 7-12-7-12-7...7... timing would be: &3&4&(1)&.... though I count rumba half that tempo in 2/4 so proper timing is: ah2e&ah(1)e....
I will say Faucher is known to put obvious (to decent players) mistakes in order to catch plagerizers.
Once he's caught them what does he do with them? It's taken him nearly 20 years to put together a barely functional website so I'm guessing not a lot.
ORIGINAL: Ricardo I will say Faucher is known to put obvious (to decent players) mistakes in order to catch plagerizers.
Wow, that's super lame -- a good idea in theory, but if I'm paying for a transcription, it better be accurate. I guess that explains the mistakes in the Gerardo Nunez transcriptions.
ORIGINAL: Ricardo I will say Faucher is known to put obvious (to decent players) mistakes in order to catch plagerizers.
Wow, that's super lame -- a good idea in theory, but if I'm paying for a transcription, it better be accurate. I guess that explains the mistakes in the Gerardo Nunez transcriptions.
Exactly and guess what? Both Encuentro and the guy that did Nuñez book 2 I noticed copied Faucher's mistakes. Cheating on the test type obvious thing. And I know for a fact he called Encuentro and bitched them out...probably the other guy too (otherwise why would pro flamencos give 2 shts about some french tab guy and his problems? ha ha), but that's all he can do really. After which, I am certain, it got back to PDL and friends who promplty set up the Gestron publishing thing and had Faucher pull his PDL stuff (the same guy that did Nuñez book 2 did Paco books 1 and 2).....because spaniards are all bros like that. Also Nuñez was not happy about his small royalty from the Faucher book, so I feel there was a collective gang up by the flamencos on Faucher at that time.
The simple fact is, Faucher is the best and the mistakes are easy to figure and correct...while flamencos normally don't care about that music score world anyway.
Thanks Beno. Truth is that Faucher is great but he does make big mistakes. You can say some are for the reasons mentioned above, but there are some big ones regarding fingerings that most people buying his transcriptions will not be able to figure out how to play by themselves. Also he started transcribing in an era where he didn't have the great tools that we have nowadays (Transcribe, Amazing Slowdowner, etc) and he helped flamenco reach a wider audience of guitarists.
I think we owe him a lot and I hope he stays around for a long time.
I myself do make mistakes in my transcriptions and when pointed out I revise them and send updates. I hope to improve further :)
I bet our Richard (xirdneH_imiJ) does much better transcriptions.
He pays publishing royalties??? My point of "best" is of what is commercially available...Faucher has several official printed volumes, it is not all under the table. Every thing else I have seen is SERIOUSLY flawed. Most players get things more accurate by being involved on the scene as players and rubbing elbows, regardless if we end up writing it down or not.
yeah that main melody line 7 12 7 12 etd is written as the 7 starting on the beat 1. which send the rest of the piece a half beat out. its mildly annoying and catches me out every now and then but the numbers are all correct and I can sing it in my head so know how it goes.
I always thought that fauchers 'built in' errors were less wholesale. ie a not or two wrong instead of the whole timing being shifted.
which send the rest of the piece a half beat out. its mildly annoying and catches me out every now and then but the numbers are all correct and I can sing it in my head so know how it goes.
hmm, first of all...it is more than half a beat out...it's either a whole beat and a half EARLY, or two and half beats LATE...the answer lies, simpy, in the MEASURE BEFORE IT....as far as shifted music on the contra for several bars...YES that is exactly what he does. He gets into those "mistakes" deliberately from places where RESTS or holding of time occurs, and will make up for the difference later on in similar spots. It is in fact what I noticed with Nuñez examples...hence the "caught cheating" on the test type obvious plagerism.