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I've been playing flamenco for just over a year, guitar in general for a very long time though , i haven't plateaued but i don't have the slightest clue how to advance further, for the past year, all i do is play the couple of alegrias' i know, one bulerias, one tangos, one solea , day in day out! i listen to alot of flamenco, it's almost part of daily routine to listen to an album for tomatito and vicente amigo ( not confined to them though ) and yet i still often have problems realizing what palo a certain song is, but that's not the issue, i just don't know what the next step is, i'm not comfortable enough with any palo to start writing my own pieces ( Creativity isn't the issue ) and i'm not sure if covering songs is the right step. Any ideas ? Thanks
RE: How to advance further? (in reply to ZaidRockso)
I don't know if you're just listening to Tomatito, Vicente and other flamenco guitarists, but to understand cante is very important to be able and advance properly in flamenco. Especially traditional letras of all the palos. Try and play along with Mairena for example. Many things can be found on youtube! Also rito and geografia(youtube) is very good for learning to understand the melody of the cante and you learn where to go with the guitar. Just basic chords and compas strumming, and every now and then a small alzapua, picado o un pequeño remate. Learn to listen and respond(answer) with the guitar, no fancy stuff. Also just compas playing is very important, if you are not able to sound good with soniquete doing just basic chords, more advanced stuff isn't going to sound good. Try to clap along correctly, Leñador has a nice thread on bulerias in 6'es with nice examples. I think the biggest mistake we all make is picking out stuff way above our level!! Listen to Diego del Gastor, and some small Jerez falsetas. You can learn great falsetas from de puro y jondo videos, For example Juana del Revuelo and her son Martin Chico.
Compas, compas compas and simplicity is the way to go, once you get comfortable playing along and start to reconize the different palos and melodies in them you can take it to a next level.
Only learn a couple of things at once until you can play them correctly. If you get stuck ask here as there are some great players on the foro.
RE: How to advance further? (in reply to koenie17)
Terrific advice from Keonie. It's all about spending time on the basics, not just understanding them but really spending serious time on them.
When I feel that I need to progress I usually really need to consolidate and take a few steps back to do it. After that progress kinda takes care of itself.
RE: How to advance further? (in reply to ZaidRockso)
I agree on the things above. An unlimited source for me is to learn new compas/rythm variations in different palos. Preferably just chords. That's an endless meditation, that strenghtens the feel of compas, and widens Your vocabulary.
RE: How to advance further? (in reply to ZaidRockso)
Everyone is dead on. You should have a bank of falsetas, variations, remates letras etc that you can just throw together at a moments notice. You should be able to start playing tangos lets say and not really know exactly what your gunna play till you play it.
RE: How to advance further? (in reply to ZaidRockso)
I think that the next step is understand that there are not 'one'. Try to find people to play with them some bulerias, tangos or alegrías and play (game) with the rhythm of other live beings... and if he is not a guitarist it might be better .
i.e. many no flamenco Drummers are really interesting in flamenco when they discover what is hidden in compas.