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Would anyone care to help me identify the Luthier or judge the quality of the build of this guitar? I found this at a local estate sale. I am not looking to flip it or know the value I was just very excited to find such a nice un labeled guitar. It looks a bit like a early 1970's Kohno I once had. Any knowledge would be highly appreciated.
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I'd be suprised if it would turn out to be a fine guitar considering the look of that soundboard....also the part where the tuning machines' rollers contact are painted in pink? Sorry, don't want to ruin Your excitement, just my honest opinion at the very first glance...
Thanks for your input. Here's a few more pics. To my eye it looks well made but I am not a luthier so I value the knowledge of the builders on here. It has very good tone to my ear. Any one else care to comment?
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Rests of glue and unprecise cutting at the end block on the right, also the little differing wood pieces on the edge at side/top are signs for a non high value guitar. This is valid, too, for the rosewood fretboard. The bottom seems to be solid.
If the sides could be solid is not to define without a foto of the sides from the outside of the end block. If the dark grain lines appear on the the outside, too, then the sides can be solid. For bottom and sides Höfner used to use plywood layers, cut from the same trunk with the same grain, gluing them together. So the guitar just looked like an all-solid guitar. At best stage, I´d consider this guitar to be a straight midrange instrument.
That's good info, many thanks. I had been wondering if it was a professional level guitar because the sale I got it at had mentioned that he was a world traveling musician, the case seems to reaffirm that with loads of wear and a recent trip to Spain airline sticker. The less fine details you point out do seem to make sense and point it to a mid level or so guitar. I'm glad I didn't pay too much for it.
Paid $150. What would the market price be for such a non labeled lower medium end Rosewood classical guitar? My plans were to trade it for a decent steel string, I play folk guitar not Classical or Flamenco. Thanks for all the input so far.
It's very reminiscent of my "Lone Star" Requinto (factory requinto from Paracho, I think) with the Stripey Cedar top, which I like the look of. It's about the same price as I paid for my Requinto. It works, I've had fun with it, it's worth what you paid for it. Enjoy.
It looks very old style Paracho to me too, before they began using more modern plans. Older than 20-25 years ago. So you scored and aged guitar.
Looks like it might even be a spruce top that has become golden with age. Hard to tell. Looks more sprucey on the inside. Really a nice guitar if you ask me. For that class of guitar it is really a fine deal too and if the guitar sounds good keep it around.
Watch the bridge, if it shows any sign of peeling up take the tension off the strings right away.
The strong points are: The rosette is dynamite, I think, very cool. The color is gorgeous, old brown gold. It's not beat to hell, but shows some caring wear. Has the typical older Paracho purfling colors, and nice soft rounded binding. And the diamond back inlay, you have to pay extra for that!
The interior work is rough, but who cares. If you saw pictures of the insides of some valuable old Spanish guitars made by famous builders without knowing who they were made by, many of todays buyers would call them cheap pieces of junk. You can't judge a guitar totally by the state of finish of the interior work. There are makers who did slick interior work who also made duds.
Don't look a cheap Mexican guitar in the mouth. Some of them have lots of soul sound. Even though I make guitars and I have seen some incredible stuff, I always love a good old Paracho guitar. Some of them are really nice and have a special vibe. Are they top of the line modern classicals, nope, but they are worth giving respect to.
Noticed the frets look cleanly finished. That contrast to the rough interior bracing. Makes me wonder if it factory production. Reminds of some the Sherry Brener guitars that I have seen. They have a lot of eye candy, but heavy for a nylon guitar.
If it was me, I would find someone local, who plays classical guitar and have he or she play it. They'll tell you right off about the tone quality.
Unfortunately, if it was a hand made guitar of value, you can't prove it without the label. I don't think you'll get much on your return of your investment.
On the good side. If you like the looks and tone of the guitar. Keep it. It will look nice mounted on a wall or maybe you might even consider playing it.
It's very reminiscent of my "Lone Star" Requinto (factory requinto from Paracho, I think) with the Stripey Cedar top...
I was gonna say exactly the same thing. I have a Paracho guitar I bought in the early 90's in Morelia (the builder had a part-time vendor booth in El Mercado De Los Dulces). The top looks almost exactly like this one, stripes and color. Maybe I can take a pic, let me know if you really want to see it.
Estebanana: on my guitar the finish on the top eventually started coming off in flakes, and on mine at least that golden color was all in the finish. Mine also had solid palo escrito back and sides. I think in Mexico palo escrito is very cheap to buy.
I also bought a requinto from the same guy. I think I paid around 300 US dollars for both, with cases.
I agree with the Bananz0r that some of these guitars have lots of soul. I know mines did. Not flamenco, not even classical. Very much Mexican.
RE: Identify this guitar? (in reply to estebanana)
That's excellent info. I really appreciate it. You guys nailed it. That reassures what a somewhat knowledgable friend has just told me about it being Mexican built. Spruce top but thought it might have been a lesser variation of Rosewood form the Mexican region not Palo Escrito. There is some crudeness for sure but I like what I hear in resonate overtones, but thats my untrained ear. I like the darker shades on top but I know purists will discount it. If I sell it I might make money back but I am not too worried.
RE: Identify this guitar? (in reply to estebanana)
ORIGINAL: estebanana
Hey Juan, what's going on with you? It would be fun if you came to visit me. Tell your mom 'Esteeb' says hellow.
Hey Stephen. Not too much new with me. It'd be nice to visit, but I'd have to float over on an inner tube or something, cuz I'm broke lol! I'll send you email rather hijack this thread.
If it plays nice and sounds good a beginning classical guitar student would benefit from having an older guitar for under $400.00 and today there are a few guys that collect older Paracho instruments if they are in good condition and sound well.
I'm curious what the heel carving looks like. Anyway, don't sell it short.