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I have been shopping around for a good guitar around the 1000 range. Both of these guitars sound similar. The Rodriguez ff sounds a bit louder and responsive. But I love the warmth of the ash wood of the Bella. Does anyone have experience with these guitars?? Please help me :). I own a Navarro and a gk studio negra.
RE: Kremona rosa morena vs Manuel Ro... (in reply to Ericyanez1989)
My vote is for Kremona. I hate Manuel Rodriguez guitars, I've played maybe 8 and all of them I didn't like. I've played ONE Kremona and it wasn't too bad.
RE: Kremona rosa morena vs Manuel Ro... (in reply to Ericyanez1989)
I play one Kremona and it has the thinnest poly finish I've seen. No "guitar covered in glass" feeling.
An E string slipped while I was restringing (12 hole) and dug through the finish to the wood. I immediately filled it with CA... now it also has a piece of golpeador in case it happens again
RE: Kremona rosa morena vs Manuel Ro... (in reply to Sr. Martins)
It's the kremona rosa Bella. It's beautiful and so light. I really love both. I do hate the thick laquer on the Rodriguez but it still growls with so much sound. It's amazing. The Bella feels good to hold but the Rodriguez feels right on my left hand. Maybe it's the difference in strings. But who knows. I do appreciate all these replies. It helps me narrow down my choice :).
RE: Kremona rosa morena vs Manuel Ro... (in reply to Sr. Martins)
Yes I'm sorry. I meant the rosa Bella. But Im considering any of them. My only concern is the wonderful feel of the Manuel Rodriguez ff to my left hand. I wonder if all the Rosas. Have the same neck feel. Unfortunately the dealer here in Houston only hard 2 flamenco guitats in stock for me to try.
RE: Kremona rosa morena vs Manuel Ro... (in reply to Ericyanez1989)
The original nut was cut to 41,5mm and now its a bit more than 43mm. It makes a lot of difference to the left hand... string height at the nut does too, these things can be adjusted and make the neck feel different.
Fingerboard material also changes the feel for me, I have ebony but Kremona's rosewood looks pretty tight so that probably isn't your issue.
Remember that Rosa Morena's back & sides are laminated so probably that's not the one you would want.
RE: Kremona rosa morena vs Manuel Ro... (in reply to Ericyanez1989)
I have some experience on both guitars and wouldn´t buy any of them. Normally the Cordoba GK Studio is much better than those both. If your impression is different to mine, then you might have found some extraordinary pearls. In this case you can make any decision.
Have you thought about a Camps Primera? Via my reference I can realize a good price by an international well known dealer who ships worldwide. The Euro is currently anything else than strong to the Dollar. There is 1 blanca in stock at present. I have checked this guitar personally. It´s a muy flamenco one.
RE: Kremona rosa morena vs Manuel Ro... (in reply to Ericyanez1989)
Bit late to the thread (just joined the forum) but I purchased a Rosa Bella about 2 months ago. I played a lot of guitars and this one stuck out. Actually I liked the Rosa Blanca more, but not really $700 more.
Main things I like about the Bella -- the neck feels glorious in my hand, the projection and brightness, the deep bass, the stunning blond woods, the relatively shallow body, the light weight and crisp handling.
Things I don't like -- it can sound harsh and brittle at times, it is unforgiving, there are some tones that are missing perhaps midrange not sure, it lacks the sweetness that my old Takamine G126 classical has (but the Takamine sounds dead compared to the Bella).
I am using Savarez high tension strings on the Bella. Want to maybe find something softer and warmer. Like I said the Bella sometimes sounds harsh.
One more thing -- I feel like a better player on the Bella.