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Posts: 141
Joined: Nov. 29 2012
From: San Francisco
RE: Show us your Flamenco guitars !! (in reply to tk)
On the left: Ron Bushman 99' Cedar Top/Negra w/Lr Baggs Anthem mic/undersaddle combo.
Lots ofwear and some crack repairs on the face. I take this guitar to my gigs and on my camping trips. It projects a nice warm tone suitable for classical, rumbas and traditional flamenco, with plenty of volume....D'Addario 45/46's work great. In Comparison to Fishman, the LR Baggs suits me best. Clear, natural tone with NO feedback ever. Good all-around guitar.
On the right: Rafael Romero Andalucia Especial Blanca This guitar is the best blanca that I have played so far. I have compared it to a Bernal Sueno, HSL Bulerias, 78' Ramirez, Manuel Rodriguez Jr. Flamenco, and Navarro Grand Concert. Its muy flamenco, loud and perfectly set up for easy playing....Luthiers 30's work best. When I play this guitar, it breathes and feels lively. Great Flamenco guitar.
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RE: Show us your Flamenco guitars !! (in reply to tk)
i have started to appreciate the beauty of the flamenco guitar.. its simplicity, its beautiful wood and build deep in its a cripsy clear punchy tone of the flamenco guitar.. it will clearly reveal your playing to be a good guitarist or not.
RE: Show us your Flamenco guitars !! (in reply to tk)
Maybe, but you are approaching the matter like something metaphysical, or like crows who will squak from the distance until finally going down to check out a carcass.
When I started out with recording gear, I went out with much too little knowledge and regretably made wrong purchases ( until I got to learn from experienced users ). That was one of the extremes with useless approach.
Yours presents the opposite side of the scale. You are asking around. Again & again. What brand, what model, what material, what this and what that. And the answer after all is: "It depends".
Noone can convey to you experience and taste gathered over the years and determined by individual demand.
There have been mentioned almost all considerable enrty level axes to you. Now, take an experienced someone and roam the stores. Or if you have no experienced pal, see what your own feelings and ears say. ( Only do not rely on your eyes. Shapes and labels are not contributing to playability or sound.)
But, finally; to say it with Nike: "Just do it!" Come out from that endless tower of hesitation and buy that thing. Don´t be so vain to expect the perfect deal on first purchase. It is not going to happen.
The more as you can´t be knowing what the perfect deal would be for individual you. You need to start out first.
RE: Show us your Flamenco guitars !! (in reply to Ruphus)
true Ruphus thanks for the concern and encouragement ! i agree i been too over concern over my first purchase but just to make sure my first as it will be a keeper as my quest to learning flamenco goes... i have mostly settled my thoughts to get either a Sanchez lopez 2F or a 132M from Juan montes... seems like i have to save up... too much spending on my 8 string electric guitar and tube amp... its time for some mother earthly instrument to embrace haha still a chopped off from trees lol..
Posts: 797
Joined: Jun. 1 2010
From: Halifax, Nova Scotia
RE: Show us your Flamenco guitars !! (in reply to tk)
Congrats on the Faulk, Skye! Welcome to the club There are pics of mine in the classifieds since it is currently for sale (/shameless plug) but I'll post some new ones here in a day or so. Stephen makes some killer guitars!
RE: Show us your Flamenco guitars !! (in reply to tk)
Ruphus is right. There's a Hungarian proverb that sounds something like this : " There's no second time without the first"
All I can say that You should dive into the informations for sure, 'cause You can buy a very good guitar for cheap but a very bad that costs a fortune as well. But without an action it's just locked into Your head.Try. Prices are very subjective. I've played a very expensive german master classical guitar that had intonation problems, and also a cheap mexican 'beater' that put a shame on some Condes played by granada gitanos. At the other hand I see guys that had already played maybe the best guitars out there, still looking for the 'holy grail'. That's not gonna happen either. Rich is the person who's fully satisfied with what he got. You have to know Your needs to be able to feed them. And knowing a guitar doesn't happen during a 10 minutes try in a shop or in a taller.
RE: Show us your Flamenco guitars !! (in reply to tk)
Skye, just so you know there is something on your camera lens. lol. At first I thought, hmm that maple has some interesting little knots. Then I noticed the Macias had the same ones on the top
Posts: 3471
Joined: Jan. 20 2004
From: Austin, Texas USA
RE: Show us your Flamenco guitars !! (in reply to hopkinWFG)
true Ruphus thanks for the concern and encouragement ! i agree i been too over concern over my first purchase but just to make sure my first as it will be a keeper as my quest to learning flamenco goes...
It might be a keeper, but it's quite likely it won't be your last guitar. My wife gave me a new '67 1a Ramirez blanca when we got married. It was the first good guitar I ever had. In fact, I would say it's a great guitar.
But my favorite now is quite a different guitar. It is louder, more percussive, more suited to my taste. The Ramirez taught me a great deal. One of the things it taught me was that I now prefer a different guitar.
I recently traveled away from home for over a month. I took the Ramirez with me. It took me a few days playing it to rediscover its voice. I loved it. But when I got home, I went back to my favorite.
I think it's quite likely you won't find the best guitar for you until you have played flamenco for a while. I played quite a few, including a '76 Manuel Reyes and a '73 Conde blanca when they were fairly new. They belonged to friends, so I had a chance to get familiar with them over the course of a few years. I tried to buy the Conde, but didn't succeed. It was the only guitar I played that I liked a little better than the Ramirez, until I bought my current favorite in 2000. It was shipped to me on approval. I took it out of the case, tuned it up, played an E-major chord, and it knocked my socks off!
I doubt I will ever sell the Ramirez, due to its sentimental value. I'm grateful for what it taught me. But I don't think my preference is going to change.