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My name is Justin. I'm new to the forums here. I'm reaching out to find some other experienced percussionists and flamenco aficionados that can give me some solid advice and educated opinions on the best cajons out there for playing/recording flamenco. First a little background on my musical experience and the types of instruments/cajons I have used so far.
I am a classically trained percussionist living in Orlando, FL. During my last 2 year of college my love for different types world music took me on a little detour professionally. I started working with various guitarists that gave me the opportunity to perform and record using on the cajon for the 1st time. Since then flamenco has been a bit of a musical love affair and has actually grown into a regular source of supplemental income with regular weekly gigs. I now freelance regularly as an orchestral percussionist, drummer and a flamenco percussionist as well as teach and write music when I get the time and opportunity.
The cajon that I currently use is an LP Mario Cortez. It is a lucky pick (more like a diamond in the rough) out of several of this model that I like very much and has withstood the test of time. I have gotten a lot of mileage out of this instrument and for live performance with the proper EQ it still sounds great for many musical styles, however it is time for something new and more appropriate for recording and performing flamenco rhythms on at a higher level.
I have also played on various other cajons including almost all of the meinl, pearl and LP instruments and one of the Schlagwerk La Peru cajons as well. I have done a lot of research trying different cajons out that are available in the U.S.A, I've listened to countless recordings and visited probably all the notable cajon manufacturers websites and have come to a bit of a conundrum. The 1st problem is that I have found few instruments available in the states that I like. The 2nd problem is that those cajons that I do like are not worth upgrading because they are comparable to what I already have or are comparable or more expensive than various European brands that seem to offer a better quality product. Also, I don't always trust recordings from manufacturers most of the time the EQ's are adjusted to the an unnatural level of frequency response..
This is where you guys come in : D
I think I have narrowed it down to some choices that I really like and I want to know what you think about them, if you have played any of these and if you recommend any of them. Or perhaps you know of different or even better instruments than the ones I listed below.
Cruz Cajon pro/elite De Gregorio Chanela Mienle Artisan line Pepote Estudio/Profesional Schlagwerk Fineline and Agile Pro/Soft Touch Sela
I guess what I am looking for most of all is a sensitive but crisp and fairly dry snare response and a nice but controlled bass tone. Nothing to boomy but still with a little kick! I don't like it when I lose the snare response as I change dynamics or playing spots however I don't want want it to buzz all the time either. I know I'm picky lol...
Thanks for taking time to read my post. Let me know what you think.
RE: I'm Looking for a Quality Profes... (in reply to justino)
My teachers got a Schlagwerk fineline, one reason he likes it is when you knock the side it sounds pretty close to a bar table. Nice option to have for some heavy cante stuff.
RE: I'm Looking for a Quality Profes... (in reply to justino)
Thanks for taking time to read my post. Let me know what you think.
I enjoyed reading your post. I don't have an informed opinion on this but know someone who might: a guy named Behzad Habibzai. He's on facebook. He plays cajon and studied percussion for a little while at Peabody. Another person to ask...
Posts: 233
Joined: Apr. 7 2005
From: Adelaide, Australia
RE: I'm Looking for a Quality Profes... (in reply to justino)
I've got a Schlagwerk La Peru that I love, but I'm a guitarist and just do percussion for fun, so it's not an expert opinion. I'd certainly check out what guys like Lucky Losada and La Piraña are using at the moment - as to the problem of what's available in the states - most European makers will ship to you directly. It's just a matter of making sure you can return the cajon if you don't like it once it's arrived.
RE: I'm Looking for a Quality Profes... (in reply to justino)
Hi Justino!
I´m a cajon player and percussionist. I now exactly what you mean when you say im picky, im too! :)
I wouldnt consider Meinl, Lp or Pearl either, tried few of them and they all sucked in lack of better term. Schlagwerk La Peru is fine if you stumble upon decent individual. I just bought De Gregorio, Siroco model from their factory in Barcelona. I chose it just for it convenience to carry to practises, but im surprised about its tonal qualities. Played few different cajons in the factory and it seems that their quality is consistent(dont know if this is the right word..). Paquito Gonzalez uses Gregorio´s so you can check him out. Gregorios are sensitive and fairly dry so good choice there.
I would also recommend Prk percussions. I have one and i love it! thats the one Piraña uses. Maybe not as sensitive as Gregorio due to slightly thicker tapa, but sound is really good. no buzzing at any volume level and you can hit it hard too. :)
One good option if you are lookin for dry sound is Valter percussion. I have tried few and although not for my taste these are good cajons also.
I think Lucky Losada uses La Rosa cajons. Never tried one of those but good thing about them from Spanish players.
So those would be my recommendations. I think De Gregorio would be close to what you are looking for. I suggest that check out Paquito Gonzalez from youtube.