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Posts: 2064
Joined: Sep. 3 2009

thats true art 

when art in any form (music and etc) is very expressive: in which it can speaks thousands of words , thats what makes an art a true art !

here is 29 paintings that are very clever and expressive : that say whats wrong with the world today, enjoy!

thought-provoking images that make audience question their everyday lives. artists subjects deal with everything from social media to politics to poverty, and all have a very distinct message if you look closely enough...


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 31 2014 2:36:11
gj Michelob

Posts: 1531
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From: New York City/San Francisco

RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

Thank you for sharing these provocative and cynic vignettes, Kudo. I loved the sharp take on Facebook.

Ps.:I am in bed with an unseasonal case of Influenza, and brain dead as I am, I still enjoyed them.

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gj Michelob
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 31 2014 3:14:54

Posts: 1767
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From: The Netherlands

RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

Very nice Kudo!

All very strong paintings. There is a lot of "saying power" in evey one image.

@ Giacomo, get well soon !


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 31 2014 4:18:20

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RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 31 2014 6:04:50



Posts: 2961
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RE: thats true art (in reply to Doitsujin



That reply was even more boring than the paintings

how about some of that famous Doit flare?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 31 2014 6:26:13



Posts: 2961
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RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

Nice find Kudo! Very thought provoking.

I will share this one, thanks!



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 31 2014 6:30:48

Posts: 4516
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From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

wow..... normally there are only few paintings which i really like, but loved almost all of these.
shared with friends.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 31 2014 8:23:37

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

Art must convey.
This artist must be connected to the world he lives in.

Good stuff!


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 31 2014 9:05:45

Posts: 2064
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RE: thats true art (in reply to ToddK



That reply was even more boring than the paintings

how about some of that famous Doit flare?

he is a funny guy , who knows if he is drunk posting again?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2014 0:18:16

Posts: 2064
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RE: thats true art (in reply to gj Michelob


:I am in bed with an unseasonal case of Influenza
get well soon


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2014 0:19:41
gj Michelob

Posts: 1531
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From: New York City/San Francisco

RE: thats true art (in reply to gerundino63


@ Giacomo, get well soon !

So nice of you, Gerundino and Kudo, thank you. Influenza takes about a week, doesn't it? I'll sweat it out.

And, Kudo, I shared the Facebook image on.... Facebook. Well done.


gj Michelob
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2014 2:50:52


Posts: 180
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RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

I'm a fan of these paintings. I think the one that really hit me the most was that butcher petting the cat whilst all the other farm animals were watching and waiting to be slaughtered eventually.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2014 8:39:08



Posts: 2961
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RE: thats true art (in reply to withinity

Nothing says "hey, you don't have all the time in the world"
like a clock digging a grave.

That one got me good.

Reminds me of a line from Stephen King's Shawshank Redemption.

"Get to livin', or get to dyin'" If you have something to do, or say, do it
today. Don't wait. Tomorrow is not promised.



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2014 8:53:15


Posts: 180
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RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

True that and now that you got me thinking, the clock digging a grave is extremely profound even more so than the other paintings as it goes back to the root which is all biological organisms are doomed to end up as worm-food. As you point out in your above post, its just a matter of time.

Genius painting IMO as it speaks in volumes in regards to the human condition. Being aware of the unavoidable.

Thanks for sharing these paintings Kudo.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2014 10:15:58

Posts: 3782
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RE: thats true art (in reply to withinity


ORIGINAL: withinity

True that and now that you got me thinking, the clock digging a grave is extremely profound even more so than the other paintings as it goes back to the root which is all biological organisms are doomed to end up as worm-food.

There will likely be escape of biological limits by the psyche, with some people at the body´s end swapping their neural base against an artifical bearing.
- And they will probably even dispose of sensational impulses.
Possibly kindly asking you to push their orgasm button while you are passing by.
Just sayin´.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2014 14:48:48

Posts: 5237
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From: Los Angeles

RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

I feel like if I had any painting skills it wouldn't be so hard.
How 'bout one where crap is pouring out of a TV screen and people with skulls open exposing no brain are shoving the crap into their mouths.
I'll name it.
"People mindlessly eat the s*** that spews out of their television."
It could be a radio too I guess....

Here's another one, an enormous record executive in a suite with wads of cash in his hand taking a big dump on people playing instruments who are emaciated.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2014 16:34:05

Posts: 785
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From: Reykjavik

RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

nice, thanks kudo
Have you heard of Mateo?

(Although I think "true art" is something other)



olé y olé
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2014 18:17:27

Posts: 5237
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From: Los Angeles

RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

Found this guy recently:


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2014 19:51:49

Posts: 2064
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RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

if you google image the artists name: Pawel Kuczynski ,you will find more images
i found this one, which i dont quiet understand..

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2014 21:20:31

Posts: 2064
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RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

and also this one i didnt understand.. any thoughts on those?

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 1 2014 21:21:46

Posts: 3782
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RE: thats true art (in reply to kudo

The first one alludes to videos made by jeehad berserks who like to cut off heads before cameras.
Here possibly translating like:"We will be playing terrible music if you won´t donate."

The second one seems to indicates a piano concert wired per transmission lines which serve as piano strings in the same time.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 2 2014 10:42:00
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