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Posts: 21
Joined: Jan. 19 2011
From: Germany, Black Forest
Compás Builder available for Mac OS
Hello everybody, Compás Builder is available for Mac OS. So from now on we support two operating systems, Windows & Macintosh. You can download the fresh versions here: http://www.flamenco-compas-builder.com
We also plan to roll out an iOS version before Christmas '13 with the same features.
RE: Compás Builder available for Mac OS (in reply to Francisco57)
Thank you Francisco... i'll give it a try...offer it for review after a few weeks.. are you the developer? if so a few questions.. is migration between macs an easy process...for instance the key code can be transfered between shared devices (macbook to Imac} can the sounds have the pitch altered? thank you in advance Al
Posts: 21
Joined: Jan. 19 2011
From: Germany, Black Forest
RE: Compás Builder available for Mac OS (in reply to edguerin)
Hi Ed, doesn't sound good. Compás Builder uses some shadow effects, maybe a certain framework needs to be installed. Our lowest tested OS X version was 10.7.5, running without any problems. My current developing XCode project environment is OS X 10.8.4, which I tested on Mac Mini and iBook.
These are the requirements: -Intel-based Mac, with 2 GB Ram or more, running OS X 10.6 (snow Leopard) or OS X 10.7 (Lion) -Open GL, note: qualified Mac all have a qualified GPU (Graphics Processing unit)
Which version do you use? Regards Francisco (Herbert)
Posts: 21
Joined: Jan. 19 2011
From: Germany, Black Forest
RE: Compás Builder available for Mac OS (in reply to Guest)
Hi Al,
I would like to answer your questions: First about me: I'm Senior Developer and manager of the Estrella Software GmbH, Germany (www.estrella-software.de), main developer of Compás Builder). My hobby is playing guitar, I studied music long time ago(main instrument classical guitar) before becoming a software engineer.
We had a lot of requests from aficionados to roll out a Mac version, so we exchanged some projects in order to prefer the Compás Builder project. Originally we planned to roll it out next year. Now version is ready for sale, we wanted to exclude it from App Store to keep the distribution costs and the price for the end user lower. Consequently we now have a little problem for users who want migration between macs. The good news is: you can migrate within one single license, the worse news is, that it's a bit inconveniant, such as logging in. So following will work until we find a better solution: You register the version with your e-mail and your password e.g. on an iMac (you do not need any license codes) and work with the program. without restrictions, as long as you do not use your macbook. Any time you want you then register CB on your macbook (same procedure with e-mail and password), now you can work on your macbook without restrictions as long as you do not use your imac. In other words: you can run only ONE registered version at the same time. Once we hav rolled it out now we got time to look for a better concept, which should be good for the users and good for our copyrights.
Posts: 21
Joined: Jan. 19 2011
From: Germany, Black Forest
RE: Compás Builder available for Mac OS (in reply to edguerin)
Wow! Thank you for your message. I will complete the installer program with a "restart step" in the next versions. If there are any further questions you can contact me any time. Regards Francisco