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i got interested in playing the guitar when my brother brought home a cheep nylon strung guitar. One day i see Paco de lucia on TV. That was enough for me to purchase a factory made classical guitar. But i learned that flamenco guitars are different to classical. I had to have a flamenco guitar. So i purchased this Manuel Reyes in 1976 and what a difference in the sound. It cost me £500+ if i remember. After all the years i've been playing i've learned quite a lot in technique and am still learning. Since i moved into a flat in 2001 i've not really played much at all so as not to disturb others. But although my guitar needs new strings the sound seems sweeter and more mellow. This has encouraged me to continue playing as long as i don't disturb others in the adjacent flat.
So let me get this straight, you have a Manuel Reyes guitar and you hardly play it since 2001 because of your neighboors? Man... what's wrong with you?!
Haha just kidding, kind of. Play with a sponge placed near the bridge, that should do it. If your neighbours still get mad at you, give them some ear plugs. And remember to put a new set of strings when they are out of town.
Welcome to the foro David! A sponge or foam will do the trick as Fred says. If you put the television on, the neighbours will hear nothing strainge......Also you get used playing with the television on, that is a big profit when you ever play in Spain...
I travel and stay in a hotel every week, the walls are paper thin. I was wondering about a way to not making too much noise, and before I was told about the piece of foam, I took a couple of tissues, rolling them up and put them under the strings at the bridge, works pretty well. Still haven't bought a piece of foam yet though.
Thanks guys for the tip. I used the cloth in the guitar case folded a few times under the strings near the bridge donkeys years ago. A sponge is a good idea, it might be better. I did notice Paco de Lucia on a Youtube video using a cloth also, he was in his dressing room getting ready for a concert. At least Paco and i have something in common lol. Sadly, thats all we do have in common.