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Few brown streaks in fingerboard?
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Richard Jernigan
Posts: 3437
Joined: Jan. 20 2004
From: Austin, Texas USA
RE: Few brown streaks in fingerboard? (in reply to Ruphus)
The unorthodox Australian classical luthier Smallman makes his fingerboards from carbon fiber composite. I've never played one, but I've heard good reports. There is a species of ebony that grows (grew?) in south Texas and northern Mexico. The new (1870) house on the ranch was built in the middle of an ebony grove. The house is built on granite piers 5 1/2 feet (1.7 meters) high. Laid on the piers are 4"x 16" (10 x 40 cm) cypress beams, bridged by 2" x 12" (5 x 30 cm) cypress joists on one-foot (30 cm) centers. Inch-thick ( 2.5 cm) yellow pine diagonals are laid on the joists, and on top of the pine is almost 6,000 square feet (560 square meters) of one-inch (2.5 cm) ebony floor. This ebony is fine grained, alternating dark yellow and very dark brown. On a rotating schedule that lasts a year, the furniture is removed from one room at a time, and the floor is rubbed down with kerosene. The door is closed and the windows in that room are left open until the pungent smell dissipates somewhat. In the semitropical climate of south Texas, it keeps the bugs from eating the floor. There used to be (maybe still is) a restaurant on the old Pan American Highway, 50 or 100 miles south of the border with a similar floor. I think the stone restaurant building was built before the ranch house. At the spectacular Mayan site of Palenque, in the high jungle south of the southern shore of the Gulf of Mexico, we stayed at a hotel floored in some tropical hardwood that was swabbed with kerosene. I saw no signs of bugs eating the floor, but apparently the kerosene did not deter them from walking across it. Each of the bedposts stood in a can of kerosene. At bedtime the maid appeared and peeled back the bedclothes layer by layer all the way down to the mattress, including turning the pillowcases inside out, then put them back on. I asked her what she was looking for. "Pues, alacranes, señor. Son muy venenosos." I made sure to leave her a decent tip. RNJ
Date Apr. 24 2013 20:28:20
Posts: 712
Joined: Dec. 26 2010
From: Ontario, Canada
RE: Few brown streaks in fingerboard? (in reply to Arash)
by the way, there is a solution for the knickers problem just in case you don't want anyone to find out that you are a farter: black knickers. Or, you can be like me; and dont wear any. . . (And always, always, wear brown trousers. . .) Or, you can also save your best farts for the swimming pool, and enjoy counting the bubbles. . . (Jesus, how gross can we get in here?)
Fruit farmer, Ontario, Canada
Date Apr. 25 2013 13:00:23
Posts: 712
Joined: Dec. 26 2010
From: Ontario, Canada
RE: Few brown streaks in fingerboard? (in reply to Arash)
as long as we don't talk about shiitting in our knickers, its still ok imo. no worries. Well, Arash, old buddy, since we're on the subject; here's a couple of little anecdotes illustrating the more positive side of flatulence. (Couple of verses from my teenage years - recalled from a crude old British rowing/rugby club song: " 'Twas on the good ship Venus": 'The first mate's name was Carter' and Christ, he was a farter' He could fart anything, From God save the King, to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. . .' and further: 'The cook's name was also Carter; and he was another big farter, If the wind wouldn't blow, and the ship wouldn't go, Then Carter; the Farter; would start 'er. . .' I can try to write out the tune if you want to learn to sing it? (I think Simon'll probably throw me out of the Foro for this, then I'll have to re-join under another name?)
Fruit farmer, Ontario, Canada
Date Apr. 25 2013 13:32:50
Posts: 4499
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: Few brown streaks in fingerboard? (in reply to britguy)
ORIGINAL: britguy quote:
as long as we don't talk about shiitting in our knickers, its still ok imo. no worries. Well, Arash, old buddy, since we're on the subject; here's a couple of little anecdotes illustrating the more positive side of flatulence. (Couple of verses from my teenage years - recalled from a crude old British rowing/rugby club song: " 'Twas on the good ship Venus": 'The first mate's name was Carter' and Christ, he was a farter' He could fart anything, From God save the King, to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. . .' and further: 'The cook's name was also Carter; and he was another big farter, If the wind wouldn't blow, and the ship wouldn't go, Then Carter; the Farter; would start 'er. . .' I can try to write out the tune if you want to learn to sing it? (I think Simon'll probably throw me out of the Foro for this, then I'll have to re-join under another name?) nice letra, would make a nice fart de bulerias. by the way, i think after this discussion is finished, we should rejoin under another name anyway ;)
Date Apr. 25 2013 13:53:44
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