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Cloth Ears


Posts: 152
Joined: Apr. 26 2005

Rio vs Caviuna 

In late September I will be flying to Valencia and spending 12 days travelling and looking for the right guitar. I am particularly interested in either a 1a Flamenco Negra Vicente Carillo or a Manuel Contreras II 1a Flamenco Negra. The other options is Amalio Burguet ABF Negra ( I already have an Indian rosewood AB Nnegra which is great but I am looking for a concert model now).

Firstly, does any one know how long waiting lists might be for such guitars? Price in Euros?

I notice that Carillo uses South American 'Caviuna' instead of Brazilian 'Rio' Rosewood. Can anyone advise me as to whether there is a significant difference? Furthermore does anyone know if contreras uses Caviuna or Rio?

If you have any other considerations I may not have thought have, please let me know


Cloth Ears
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 27 2005 12:05:25

Posts: 302
Joined: May 27 2005
From: Zürich, Switzerland

RE: Rio vs Caviuna (in reply to Cloth Ears


After having tried two times already to post my reply it seems to work now finally.


Information about different wood species can easily be found by using

The first link says it all:

When talking about caviuna we are clearly talking about pau ferro or santos rosewood. From the botanical point of view it cannot be considered as a true rosewood as it is a member of the leguminosae and not from the dalbergia family. Sometimes it's visual appearance comes close to brazilian rosewood but sometimes it looks quite different. Pau ferro has a color range from cream to brownish and purple. It has a finer grain and it has quite close pores in opposite to brazilan rosewood. The reason why this woodspecies is increasingly used by luthiers is the fact that brazilian rosewood is banned for importation since many years due to the cites law. Even those luthiers who had still brazilian in stock are running short of this tonewood now. They are looking for substitutes in order to replace the brazilian. Pau ferro is much cheaper than any other substitute out of the dalbergia family. To my opinion it is not too bad to replace brazilian rosewood as long as we just look at it's visual properties, but when it comes to the tonal properties we've got a totally different wood. Personally i have no experience with this tonewood but it is said, that pau ferro contributes to a rather sharp tone and metallic overtones. This is in opposite to what is said about brazilian which is esteemed for its warm character.

I hope this helps a bit


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 31 2005 10:02:21


Posts: 271
Joined: Jun. 30 2004
From: West Palm Beach, Florida USA

RE: Rio vs Caviuna (in reply to Cloth Ears

I have a friend that has a Vicente Carrillo Caviuna 2005 and I could have sworn that it was Brazilian rosewood. The guitar sounded great. I'm more of a cypress man but nonetheless, the guitar sounded great. I think it cost him €3300.

I don't know what your budget is but you might want to look into Juan Miguel Gonzalez. He is more of a artisian luthier but he may have a negra for sale. Here is some info on him. He is located in Almería.

Un saludo, Errol

I like the Ricardo Sanchis Carpio guitars. Big bang for the buck.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 31 2005 12:21:52
Cloth Ears


Posts: 152
Joined: Apr. 26 2005

RE: Rio vs Caviuna (in reply to Cloth Ears

Thanks for the info about the wood Armando.

Errol, I have arranged for a visit to see Vicente and only hope that the waiting list isnt too long!

Thanks both.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2005 21:29:28
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