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Posts: 3
Joined: Apr. 16 2011

Favorite Artists 

New here to the forum although I did sign up a while back. Just wondered who most of you are listening to; who some of your favorite flamenco artists are, favorite songs and while we're at it, your favorite guitar make or model ...

I purchased a Cordoba GK Studio about a year ago and started getting more into flamenco although my grandmother had introduced me to it when I was growing up. Her grandfather made all kinds of instruments in Southern Italy in the late 1900's and early 1900's
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 8 2012 4:02:36

Posts: 176
Joined: May 11 2012
From: Edmonton, Canada

RE: Favorite Artists (in reply to gostwriter

Lately I've been listening to Paco de Lucía, Moraíto Chico, Santiago Donday, and Manolo Caracol a lot. They are among my favourites. Some of my other favourites are Duquende, Sabicas, Diego del Gastor, and Gino D'Auri.

Favourite songs are tough because there is so much out there in flamenco that really moves me. Every time I think of one, I think of a dozen more. So, to keep it short I'll just list the first and last ones I heard yesterday: Almoraima (Paco de Lucía) and Rocayisa (Moraíto Chico).

My favourite guitars are flamenca blancas. I prefer them handmade.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 8 2012 14:46:14

Posts: 3484
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: Favorite Artists (in reply to gostwriter

Welcome to the Forum.

My favorite guitarist: Sabicas.

My favorite singers: Fosforito, Santiago Donday, and La Nina de los Peines.

My favorite guitars: Blancas for sure. I have three, with my favorite being a Gerundino Fernandez.




And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 8 2012 15:03:58


Posts: 48
Joined: May 31 2012
From: Abingdon, VA

RE: Favorite Artists (in reply to gostwriter

I really like Grisha Goryachev, Carlos Montoya, and Paco de Lucia.

Panaderos is one of my favorites (many may hate that one! )

I don't really have a favorite make model, as I haven't tried many factory made guitars and don't have the money for an expensive one made by a luthier.

BUT I did recently purchase a really old blanca made by I don't know who. It is an amazing guitar, and because there is no label, the price of the guitar was fairly cheap. I love it!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 8 2012 15:06:42

Posts: 407
Joined: May 26 2010
From: Sarpsborg,Norway

RE: Favorite Artists (in reply to gostwriter


I listen to Paco de Lucia, Tomatito, Gerardo Nuñez and Moraito mostly as of late, but it is allways sort of changing with the direction of my own playing and what I want to play! Probably my favourite guitarist is El Nino Miguel though.

I also like Diego de Moron, it is very primitive and raw flamenco.
I also really like our forums own Grisha and Ricardo alot, both are really great guitarists and musicians.

Sabicas is also incredible, and I think Sabicas was able to translate music into the ears of people in a very special way.

Then we also have alot great singers in flamenco Camaron de la isla and Diego el Cigala are probably my favourites but since I saw Duquende live I can not shake him of me either.
Sometimes I listen to Joselero, Fernanda de Utrera and things if I am in the mood. Diego del Gastor is great accompanying them!

My favourite song is probably la leyenda del tiempo by Camaron, or maybe one of his soleares or fandangos.

My favourite guitar piece in flamenco must be Montiño or La Barrosa by Paco de Lucia or Siempre es tarde by Gerardo Núñez - Also Bronce Gitano by Sabicas.

My favourite guitar is my Anders Eliasson guitar, he makes very good instruments, and in my guitar I found that it had some pain and lament, wich suits me perfectly.
The guitar cries with me, and it has become my companion and we heal eachothers pain.
Now I allways am with the guitar and my affection for it is so great that I would rather lose my house than my guitar.

Also I prefer Flamenco blanca guitars, even for playing classical music.

I hope you have a nice time on the forum!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 8 2012 15:33:06

Posts: 1182
Joined: Jul. 19 2007
From: Frankfurt, Germany

RE: Favorite Artists (in reply to odinz

guitarists: Moraito and Riqueni

singers: Enrique Morente and Fernando Terremoto

Those are the four artists I listen to every day, at least to one track by each of them.

guitars: Ramírez and Gerundino, too bad I don't own a Gerundino

I can't really name a favourite between the dancers.


Visit me on Youtube:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 8 2012 15:42:45

Posts: 3053
Joined: Dec. 15 2003
From: Sweden

RE: Favorite Artists (in reply to gostwriter

For the moment. Antonio Rey ,Vicente Amigo AND Agujetas from the "Cantaor" movie soundtrack. I also been into Terremoto de Jerez lately

Guitars: My "Anders", and for the moment my sucky alhambra 7Fc while my "Anders" is at Per Hallgren to get fixed.



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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 8 2012 16:08:11

Posts: 5237
Joined: Jun. 8 2012
From: Los Angeles

RE: Favorite Artists (in reply to gostwriter

New to the forum, hello all!
Favorite artists, El Nino Miguel, Paco Pena, Monolo Sanlucar & Paco Cepero
Favorite songs, Pescaores by Nino Miguel and lately I've been really into that Silia Y el tiempo song by Vicente Amigo.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 8 2012 16:25:30

Posts: 15506
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: Favorite Artists (in reply to gostwriter

Just bought an album 12 years old, 2000 bienal. It features Chano Lobato, Jose Menese, Luis el Zambo, Chocolate, Fernando de la Morena. Great singing and playing, saddly, several of the artists are already gone from the world. This live recording, although short (only 2 cantes each singer) marks the end of an era I feel.

I highly recommend a study of the Rito y Geografia extensive documentary on cante. I much prefer it to just listening to recordings, seeing the artists in there informal environments, and all material is choice. It's from 1971-73. The instrument of choice by vast majority of gutiarists in the video is the cypress model of Sobrinos de Esteso. This turns out to also be my favorite instrument, although I feel despite tons of contrary opinion, the modern Conde Hermanos does a decent job making similar intruments since the death of the orginal makers in the late 80's.

Favorite solo guitarists:Paco de lucia, Gerardo Nuñez, Manolo Sanlucar (tauromagia mainly), Vicente Amigo, Tomatito, lately Antonio Rey and Jesus del Rosario.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 8 2012 16:44:35
Don Dionisio


Posts: 360
Joined: Feb. 16 2011
From: Durham, NC

RE: Favorite Artists (in reply to gostwriter

Favorite soloists: Paco de Lucia, Moraito, Paco Serrano, Tomatito, Vicente, Jesus de Rosario,
Ramon Jimenez, Antonio Rey, Ricardo Marlow, among many others.

Favorite singers: Camaron, Luis El Zambo, Juana la del Pipa, Manolo Caracol, Fernanda y Bernarda de Utrera, Carmen Linares,
Marina Heredia, Montse Cortes, Estrella Morente, among many others.

Favorite dancers: Cristina Hoyos, Antonio Gades, Fuensanta La Moneta, Sara Baras, Farruquito,
Antonio el Pipa, etc...

Guitars: a Blanca with a lot of rasp
Dream guitar: Francisco Barba, Miguel Rodriguez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 8 2012 18:08:18

Posts: 4400
Joined: Apr. 14 2005

RE: Favorite Artists (in reply to gostwriter

Guitar solo: Antonio Rey, Jesus de Rosario, actually the whole cano roto school, Tomatito (took me so long to like him though)
Guitar acomp: Diego del Morao, Jesus de Rosario, Pedro Sierra
Singer: Montse Cortes (with Diego Morao), La Tobala (with Pedro Sierra), Guadiana
Dance: the best flamenco cuadro of all times: Sara Baras, Jesus de Rosario, Guadiana, Duquende... what more do you want? The guy who played with Jesus as guitarrist at that time is also good, but im not sure what his name was.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 8 2012 19:17:11

Posts: 1821
Joined: Jul. 26 2009
From: The land down under

RE: Favorite Artists (in reply to gostwriter

Lately i have been listening to live recordings. I purchased a few cds on i tunes, Fiesta Gitana vol 1 2 3 4, Fiesta Gitana luna, and some of the noches flamenco series. As far as non flamenco music, i have been listening to Gretchen Parlato, and Angus and Julia stone.

I like guitars that are easy to play and sound good, and singers that stay in tune but don't play it too safe.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 8 2012 23:21:39

Posts: 233
Joined: Apr. 7 2005
From: Adelaide, Australia

RE: Favorite Artists (in reply to gostwriter

Out of recent albums, the ones I listen to all the time are Antonio Rey's 2nd one (colores de fuego), Diego de Morao's Orate and Miguel Poveda's latest Artesano. The most under-rated flamenco guitar album in my opinion is Agustin Carbonell's first album 'Bola'.

My favourite singer right now is Jesus Mendez - his first album is great but sadly out of print already. Second one has been recorded but not sure what's happening with it.

As for guitars my main one is a Pedro Maldonado blanca. The best I've played is Paco Arriaga's Reyes (negra from the mid 80s)

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 9 2012 8:28:42
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