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Good morrow chaps, Yesterday a friend lent me his peghead negra for a couple of weeks. It is a corking guitar, very loud, and the pegs operate better than any other guitar I've ever played. Acoording to the label inside, it was made in Seville in 1998 by J ALBERTO PANTOJA MARTIN, and I was wondering if any of you knew anything about this person/shop etc? Cheers from sunny Hull, Ted
Hola Antonio, Thanks very much for that website address, that has to be the one! I reckon the guitar is one of their Concert Flamenco 1A models. I have just found an almost identical one for sale at www.zavaletas-guittars.com for $5,500 dollars!!! Have a look, sorry I can't do "links" I am still rubbish with computers! What does "corking" mean? Sorry about the use of such a dumb word. What I meant was that the guitar has fabulous tone, volume ,and is very easy to play. If $5500 is the going rate for a guitar like this, it is well over my budget! I hope I don't burst into tears when I have to give it back!
Thanks for the replies chaps. Aren't computers wonderful? Yesterday I knew bugger all about this guitar, and today, thanks to Antonios link, I have had a virtual nosy around the workshop it was made in. As far as buying one goes, I am hoping to pop out to Spain in the next few months and visit Anders, with a view to go ing on his waiting list for a new negra.