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Posts: 176
Joined: Feb. 7 2011
From: Toronto, Canada

RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to Munin



Go on then, tell us how Ruben actually and unexpectedly redeems himself in person? Both you and kudo saying the same things but refuse to go into any details. How convenient.

The rest of us haven't met him in person, but we sure have witnessed his short stay in the forum here. And we are basing our opinions on that (and in Ricardo's case maybe more, not sure). Were you around to see that?

I once messaged him on YT about the use of a technique in one of his videos. He proceeded to blast me with 1-2 messages a day for a whole week or so (despite me never replying back) in which he went on his usual endless rants and tangents of being the only true teacher of PdL technique, pushing me into signing up for his lessons or buying his guitars, etc. All that for simply asking 1 simple and unrelated question.

I first met him a year ago in Toronto when I was looking for a flamenco teacher. I found him to be extremely friendly, enthusiastic and helpful.

When he was in Toronto I would sometimes be with him for 1.5 hours or more and I was only paying for 30 minutes at that time. He didn't care about watching the clock (I was the last person of his day) and he just tried to help me. And being a beginner I sure need lots of help. It couldn't have been a lot of fun for him.

He's far and away the best guitarist I have ever seen; however, I have seen no ego about his ability. All I saw was a genuine desire to help people learn guitar. I signed up as one of his students - and I still am.

When I brought my Conde to our first lesson he almost fell out of his chair when I took it out of the case - he recognized it right away. He told me it sounded great, was in mint condition and very valuable. He gave me advice on how to take better care of it and he did some minor maintenance on it for me - no charge. He also wants to buy it if I ever decide to sell.

I told him I thought I should get another guitar to learn on and he suggested one of those Andalusian guitars you all seem to hate without ever having actually seen up close. He didn't force it on me, or pressure me in any way. After reading all the negative comments here I decided not to get it and I told him I was going to look at other guitars. No problem.

I eventually bought the guitar. It doesn't sound like my Conde but then why should it? It is a different design with different wood. It sounds ok to me and I'm happy with it. I didn't pay anything like the valuation that is attached to it.

I actually have a theory about those guitars. Ruben says he has a group of backers that donates those guitars to deserving people. I don't know if there's a fee attached to the donation but the high valuation makes sense if it's being used as a tax writeoff. As in, a guitar is donated to someone, perhaps for a much reduced cost, and then a tax writeoff is claimed for the full valuation. Ruben has said nothing to me about this so please note that this theory is entirely my own invention.

I did a trip to Paris for work last year and I did a side trip to Malaga. He was very busy teaching so I didn't see a whole lot of him; however, he arranged accomodations at a good price in the heart of the tourist area, and he had his wife come and pick me up at the airport. His wife also showed me around a little and helped me get a ticket to visit the Alhambra - she also took me for a traditional Spanish breakfast and also a traditional Mexican dinner - she's from Mexico and I think she misses the food she grew up with.

Ruben took me a couple of times to have some nice port in a little hole in the wall place that Picaso used to visit. He didn't have a lot of time between lessons so we didn't have very long. He also loaned me one of his guitars to use for the entire time I was there. On one evening I ended up at a club with him and some locals (including Chato de Malaga if you've ever heard of him) where they all played and danced until about 5:00 AM when his wife dragged him out of there. I could tell he was just loving it - he played for hours and hours.

And speaking of those guitars, he really believes in them. His wife told me he has at least 50 guitars including some really good ones (including 3 or 4 Condes) but he never plays them anymore - he just likes those Andalusians. She also told me some stories about them visiting PdL many times at his home in Mexico. For you skeptics out there I can't corroborate this, but I believe her. Ruben also managed to get one of his young students backstage to see PdL when he was last in Toronto (June 2011) by writing a letter of introduction. I've seen the pictures of that - and I've also seen pictures of what looks like PdL in his pajamas with a young Ruben in his home.

I read what Rumbaking says about having the dl on Ruben and PdL from PdL's manager and I think he's full of ****. As someone else here said a bit earlier, if PdL took offence at what Ruben is doing then I'm pretty sure YouTube would have shut him down.

I asked Ruben about his connection to PdL and he told me his mother is a family friend and that's the connection. He said his mother was a dancer in a tablao where PdL played before he became famous.

Ruben is an excitable person and sometimes it's hard to get a word in edgewise, but he's passionate about flamenco. I think he is incredibly skilled both on the technical side and the theory side. He has multiple music degrees and can talk as much music theory as you might want to hear - if that's what you want.

I don't think he is the best writer in english and I don't think he conveys his ideas very well. I also see posts from him all over the place and I don't think they're very effective and I think he should stop. I wish I was here earlier when the flaming wars or whatever happened were going on as I might have been able to temper them a little.

And speaking about PdL - I can't stand his music or contemporary flamenco guitar and Ruben knows it. He doesn't blow up or try to persuade me otherwise, he just says he understands and tries to give me more traditional material that is more to my taste. I only ever had one other guitar teacher and that was over 30 years ago when I was a student, but I'm thinking if I had had Ruben back then I might not have quit trying to learn. I don't have a lot to compare to but I do know I am much improved over where I was a year ago and I'm going to stay with him.

I've seen the posts here about speeding up that video. I wonder if those of you who say it's sped up think so because he's playing much faster than you can and you find it hard to believe. If so, how petty of you. I've seen him play that fast in person - his alzapua speed is just awesome.

I think it's time people here with an axe to grind stopped. It's always best to take the high moral ground and when you start calling people names and accusing them of posting misleading videos (with no evidence to back it up), you make yourselves look like very small people.


The universe is indeed expanding - to get away from this planet.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 0:14:19

[Deleted] (in reply to Yojimbo

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 0:45:54


Posts: 595
Joined: Sep. 30 2008
From: Hong Kong

RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to Yojimbo



I have never doubted he is a good player and for a while back then I even defended him a little bit on here. But the way he presents himself online really ruins everything of that. Is he not aware himself of what he causes with that? That is why I said "mental deficiencies" on the last page, perhaps a bit too roughly worded - because I can't imagine someone can not realize the amount of damage he's doing to himself with this behavior.

Like someone else said here this is not even the only site where he got himself banned, I've seen him all over the web trying to pull the same crap.

And let's not mention YouTube where he even went around and started spamming other people's videos about how certain particular guitars were so bad and only the Andalusian Guitars are true flamenco guitars, or whatever it was that he was writing, I don't even remember nor do I want to remember...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 2:30:39

Posts: 5078
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RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to Yojimbo

I can play faster than Ruben..hahaha ;P

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 2:46:04

Posts: 2064
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RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to Guest


The other thing I could never get a straight anwser about those guitars is where they are made.....why the secrecy????

I once asked him that question on facebook as a comment to one of his Andalusian guitar promotion posts, and I thought he would block me for asking that question and i also asked for the name of the luthier. I was surprised he did not block me, he said that some people ask these question with the intentions of damaging his reputation and making him look bad and etc, but he said he decided to answer my question because he thinks i have no bad intention ( I was actually just curious, just like you) so he gave me an answer full of marketing stuff while saying that name and location are secret because he claims that in the past, some chinese wanted to offer the luthier a better job and produce a cheap copy of the guitar or something like that, he was trying to say that its basically part of the trade secret that keeps these guitars going, as if they are soo good that chinese guitar manufacturers would want to imitate those guitars or something. its all BS !
now that im going back to the actual post ,so that I can copy and paste his exact words on here, its seems like he deleted the whole post.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 2:46:59

Posts: 176
Joined: Feb. 7 2011
From: Toronto, Canada

RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to Yojimbo


Let's assume your story about the signature is true - I agree that it's a bit underhanded. I did have a discussion with Ruben about what "endorsing" means some time ago and I explained that just because he has a picture of PdL with the guitar it doesn't mean he's endorsing it. My point was that if someone photographs me with a jar of Marmite it doesn't mean I'm endorsing it.

In response, he sent me a load of links to web pages advertising PdL upcoming visits to various towns that were using that picture. His point was that PdL carefully manages his web presence while touring, and if he disagreed with the use of that picture then it wouldn't appear so many times. I still didn't see it as endorsing but then I thought there's no point in continuing that discussion so I stopped.

As to whether he has a financial interest in the guitars, I don't know and so what if he does? Who cares and why does it bother people so much? I remember your posts at one time saying you also have (had now) one of those guitars and you thought it was ok. The fact that your new guitar sounds different shouldn't be a surprise - it's a different design and has different wood. You may prefer the new one but that doesn't mean the other one is suddenly crap. I bet there are lots of really good players out there who own lots of guitars and they all have a favourite one - that doesn't mean the other ones they own are no good.

As I said I have one of those guitars and I like it. I wasn't pressured at all into buying it and I don't at all feel like I was suckered - my only problem is that because of all the trashing that's been done to it here by people who have never seen one in person that I'll have trouble selling it if ever I want to. On the other hand, I didn't pay a huge amount and I think it looks very beautiful as an objet d'art.

I also think my theory about the tax thing has legs. It at least adds a different perspective that may help explain why some things are the way they are.

I'm not a good enough player to tell if that video is sped up or not, but I doubt it very much that it is. Somebody with Ruben's ability doesn't need to speed up videos. And without any hard evidence of that happening I don't think it's right that suddenly a bunch of people pop up and start saying it's been sped up. Guilty because a bunch of anonomous people say he is. Reminds me of the Salem witch trials. There is no excuse for this sort of behaviour, regardless of the history with the individual.


The universe is indeed expanding - to get away from this planet.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 2:49:45

Posts: 2064
Joined: Sep. 3 2009

RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to Yojimbo

nice video diot, I never knew you were that fast , OLE!!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 2:51:50

Posts: 5078
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RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to kudo


nice video diot, I never knew you were that fast , OLE!!

Me neither! lol xD
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 2:56:15

Posts: 2064
Joined: Sep. 3 2009

RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to Doitsujin


Me neither! lol xD

( your ruined the joke here ) LOL


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 3:00:28

[Deleted] (in reply to Yojimbo

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 3:15:10

Posts: 176
Joined: Feb. 7 2011
From: Toronto, Canada

RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to Yojimbo


So you're saying that guitar wasn't the guitar for you - fine. Ruben likes them - I think he likes the volume although it doesn't quite sound like that when I play it. He was also classically trained before he switched to flamenco so perhaps that influences him, if the guitar is indeed as you say.

I once traded guitars with him because his sounded so great while mine sounded like crap, but after we switched he still sounded great and I still sounded like crap. I've still got a long road ahead.


The universe is indeed expanding - to get away from this planet.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 3:40:56

Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to Yojimbo


He's far and away the best guitarist I have ever seen; however

for me this is not about bashing Ruben Yojimbo, its fine to like your teacher and respect him obviously, and theres certain things i respect about him too ( he Can play for one and love what he does, that's obvious).... but if hes "far and away" the best you've seen you need to get out more and watch and learn more about flamenco ....u never seen Paco or the 200 or so other great guitarists from spain ? first of all using words like "best" and "i am sure" is a luxury only people who haven't seen much get, am i wrong ? tell me ....what experience do you have in flamenco ? what have you done ?...for example I know what Ricardo has done, why should your word carry as much weight ?......why should "the best" You have seen mean anything ?

want your opinion around here to be equal to Ricardos ? fine...your experience and resume needs to be the floor is yours

I am sorry if its sounds unfair but until i know what you have done i see a beginner ( you) argue with a seasoned player who has done and achieved alot and earned a tone of respect around here and in the real world..everyone has an opinion , my mom does ...should hers be equal to a flamenco about flamenco ?

do you love Ruben or do you love flamenco ?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 5:35:05


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Post has been moved to the Recycle Bin at May 5 2012 4:08:18
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 6:48:33

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to elroby


He's far and away the best guitarist I have ever seen; however

that line got me into the conversation

now i just need to know, who is this guy that has seen everything and knows everything...has got the whole world of flamenco worked out and ranked


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 6:51:20

Posts: 1409
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From: .fr

RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to Yojimbo


Reminds me of the Salem witch trials

Unfortunatly that's somewhere true. Shame on me to getting involved in such things just coz the doc' name is mentioned.
However i stand on what i wrote about my feeling against him and his behaviour.

So guido do you have the answer to your initial question now?


"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 9:09:53

Posts: 4495
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From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to Ron.M

Is it possible for Simon to lock and delete each and every thread from now on related with "Ruben"?
All these threads gives this individual attention which he doesn't deserve.

People who like him can talk to him on his own website.

Based on his history on this foro, even threatening us with legal actions, there should be no more discussion about him allowed.
That would be the only exception, all other subjects allowed of course.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 11:24:28

Posts: 6422
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: entre dos aguas - what u think? ... (in reply to Arash


Is it possible for Simon to lock and delete each and every thread from now on related with "Ruben"?
All these threads gives this individual attention which he doesn't deserve.

My thinking exactly. This thread has gone on long enough and is now locked.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 24 2012 12:06:26
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