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I have had arguments for over 40 years about cleaning fret boards of guitars. Some experts have told me that they only replace one guitar string at a time. As Harmon Satterlee (luither in San Francisco who took care of guitars of Andres Segovia, Carlos Montoya, Sabicas, and so many more – even my guitars) pointed out to one of the loudest of the one string at a time group, “How do you think we build guitars? With the strings on”?
Well, for those that have natural oil from the body on their finger tips, use Vaseline, White Lithium Grease, Teflon or number 3 diesel oil to obtain that PDL like speed, I think an occasional cleaning is in order. Be careful of that number 3 diesel oil as you have to get it up to 210 F before it flows. Then you can get in some "hot licks"!
Get the oils off of the fingerboard and protect it at the same time. Polish the guitar to protect its finish.
Remove all the strings and apply a good cleaner like Gibson Guitar Cleaner (my favorite) or one from a place like:
I have been doing this for over 45 years and my guitars are in excellent shape. The experts I spoke of earlier are long gone. Perhaps they took up stamp collecting.
Also, be sure you wash your hands before you string your guitar! I also wash my hands before playing any of my guitars or anyone elses for that matter!!!
I have always heard keep it dry, there is enough oil on most peoples fingers to actually lubricate the fretboard with consistnet playing. Brune told me, regarding his 30F, unless I misunderstood his meaning, dont put anything on the guitar at all, watch the humidty and if there is some type of problem dont mess with it bring it to him. that includes lemon oil, Martin guitar cleaner, which Iuse on my Martin etc.