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The 2010 Forbes list, quotes the first of the rich with little over 52 billion $ wealth.
Now, estimations on Gadhafi´s prey deposited abroad range between 33 and 60 billion $, whilst Mubarak of Egypt and Ben Ali of Tunesia after their tumble were reported to each have put aside more than that ( eventhough I can´t anymore find corresponding numbers on the internet, only quotes on some misere two-digits of millions [??]).
What I am about is this:
The people from Forbes obviously have their ways to research on funds, and while releasing only estimates on official properties, ways for tracking wealth behind dummies and anonymous foundations probably won´t be taking all too different means in the same time.
And while the least among common folks seem to realize anymore what a billion is ( 1000 millions, chaps ) to just remotely gather what is going on on earth behind a masquerade of legitimacy and farce of equality, I´d love to see a Forbes list that included international parliamentarians´ bribe deposits.
Granted, such a Forbes list wouldn´t make it beyond one release before its editorial being put to rest for good; or to put it more realistically: would be forcibly halted already in its early stage of research, but ...
Only one time of disclosure of what official full-of-integrity individuals actually pursue, ostensibly being engaged in responsible activity on behalf of their population of underlings, should do for a final blow off of the sheep being.
I am so sick of this role game of elected people allegedly working so hard all day long for their electorat and restricting themselves on the "humble" official salary, with folks sitting before the news, apparently eating all this impudent put up. Whereas simultaneously the ongoing skimming off is developing more drastic every day.
Billions working their butts off, with meanwhile even in the top industrial states hosts of underdogs doing 2-3 three minor jobs ( whichs conditions border on slavery ) only to cover the minimum of their primar supply; yet most of states being declared bankrupt whilst legislature releasing more and more new orders to accomodate the rich and super rich.
White-collar parliamentarians are booked throughout with taking industrial orders. All they do in effect is assisting with organized creaming off and legitimated deceit under practical immunity, and breaching state´s funds.
Especially the past 25 years unseen measures of corruption in modern times have left the people as fair game to the combines. Privatized suppliers and services of energy, water, post office, communication and waste have been allowed to screw up the milking off to literally insane proportions. And the rest of major industries have been instigated to the same boundless cockaigne.
Including all kinds of legally left unchecked trickery.
Like say the one with Ryan Air.
They offer you an initial 18.00 EUR flight from Frankfurt to Madrid. While you click through it, things compulsorily amount to 120.00. At the counter it will then turn out that you overlooked that little screen button for printing out your ticket, because of which you´ll be send to a printer accross the hall where you have to shell out 80.00 EUR for one paper sheet of print. Etc. pp. until your 18.00 EUR flight amounts to the same as a regular one for over 300 bucks, only that you still got to accomodate yourself in a Lilliputian seat with zero service.
Let alone the countless examples of industrial profiteering leeway, price gauging and traps common now.
And the ever expanding treatmill resulting of the white-collar crime resumes down to the little man, mutating the overall ethics among us. When media crews arrange traps for repairmen ( who think to have been called by some clueless housewife or elderly lady ) hardly one of a bunch turns out upright. Instead of reinserting a lose electrical plug of a mint laundry machine they will pre-calculate a write off, suggesting need for a new machine altogether, which they accidentally have brought with themselves already in their van. -
Nations looted, common ethics and cultures on decline, and yet ... What is up with those dummies TV-crews like to interview in the streets, who still believe in the parliamental put up for the labels it carries!? Would you think these totally clueless to be really representative for your average Joe, or hand-picked by the media?
RE: The forbes list: So incomplete (in reply to Ruphus)
Seems as if I got to correct myself. Estimations on Gadhafi´s prey range from 80 to 150 billion $.
The actuall sums certainly worth updating the Forbes list with a join of national leaders and members of national parliaments ( as well as official velvet resting places like the EU parliament, UNO, Olympic Comitee, upper Red Cross adminsitrations etc.) for a meaty ranking display.
Even if most won´t make it to the top like above Arabian potentats, a true list would definitly end the "democracy" delirium.
Democracy can´t be aimed at without noteworthy illumination of given black economy and mafia networks first. Whilst there being only little time left over for a turn around to authentic democracy / prevention of ecological crash.