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Posts: 2802
Joined: Jan. 30 2007
From: London (the South of it), England
Sanlucar 2011
My first year this in sanlucar for the gerardo nunez curso and i have to say it didnt dissapoint!! what a fantastic week!!!......too tired and baking in seville to write much but will post some photos etc later. also awesome to meet soem guys from here....... pim and hazza and adam, veet, anne marie, aiksa <but we already knew each other> and more new pals! ole for sanlucar!
Ha - so glad you had a good time mate. I've been a weeny bit jealous of you going over there and I'm not - for the mo - but it's got me planning for later on. Having done the south west quite alot in the past I'm thinking of biting the bullet and going to Madrid for a crazy week or w/e and checking out places to go and study. It looked great though = I can tell you about some of my times in Sanlucar another time. Enjoy the rest of your break - looking at Moron for September too - Dani Mendez is good for another style of playing. Cheers, Rae
It looks like everyone has finally got home from sanlucar 2011 and the facebook activity is enormous. This year had a slightly smaller group than usual and we missed a lot of artists from the USA due to the financial crisis I suspect. However it was a fantastic week and great to meet old friends as well as new guys like Stu and Veet. The week was particularly enhanced by the amazing number of beautiful dancers on the course this year. Ailsa was very brave and did brilliantly in the guitar course. Ricardo - I missed you man...especially because I had to remember most of the falsetas this year!
The good news is that Gerardo seems to be playing a bit better this year and I would say his right hand is probably about 30% improved over last year from the injury. His pace of teaching was less insane too. He showed some very useful material and took time to explain the falsetas this year and seemed very relaxed.
Some highlights were when Gerardo decided to take a group into one of the bodegas on a sherry tour and then got lost and spent the next 20 minutes trying to find the way out of the bodega. :D Contratiempos as usual had some great fiestas but there were not the number of beach parties. Actually that guaranteed everyone getting to class in the mornings. The final night was not in the castle this year but on the beach. It was a lovely end to a relaxed week.
Gerardo was wearing his foro flamenco T shirt half the week and Im hoping we get some new members here from the sanlucar week. I'll let you guys tell the other stories OLÉ y OLÉ!!!!!
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yeah great year, great times and seeing old and meeting new friends. broke my "dance virginity" after a couple of manzanilla's in the bodega la gitana and got up and did a few "patadas por buleria" i cobble together from vids of jerez guitarists getting up to dance. hilarious stuff.
hanging out at the pool in helechos, contratiempo etc. def had less money to spare this year and was practically eating out of super-sol supermarket having sandwiches each day except for friday when we actually went out for a decent meal and had a steak and salmorejo.
Big up to the Adam "el Solomillo de Xerez" and Stu "el Pucherito" Mansell for the "Big Laughs", the running Joke's of the Week and being Ace roomies for the curso.
in pic me doing a bad irish imitation of the "diego del gastor" look..adam is thinking you better not drop my f@*king guitar, and Stu he's enjoying "el grande cerveza!! como siempre"
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I would say his right hand is probably about 30% improved over last year from the injury.
Hold on, I thought that was a myth!! As I understood it, in the past Gerardo had allegedly invoked a hand injury to get out of a concert here or there. I assumed this was the case regarding the latest reports of his having injured his hand. Is that not true? And is that why he hasn't released his most recently projected album?
Ailsa was very brave and did brilliantly in the guitar course.
Pim you are such a sweetie! But it's true; my playing needs improvement, but tengo cojones
Pim and Henry were absolute stars helping me find my way around as I was a newbie
I found the class hard - there was so much material to get through and I'd barely started to get to grips with one piece than Gerardo started on another! Tino's repetition class was essential for me to keep track of everything. But I've started working through the material now at home and it's not beyond me - it will take some practice, but I'll get there
I was also impressed with the organisation of the course - there was something going on every night, a performance of some sort in a Pena or bodega. Most people went on to the Contratiempo after that, though I was usually too wrecked to stay up so late. So it was a pretty full-on week.
I'm already making plans to go next year. They get some great guest teachers in too, Jesus Mendez teaching cante, and can't remember the cajon teacher's name, but it looked like they had loads of fun, and I want to do that next time.
By the way the Foro t-shirt is being worn proudly around the towns of Buckinghamshire now - Dave really likes it!
I am kind of moved to try this course next year if fate allows. Do you guys have tips on how to prep for it? I am really more of an accompaniment guy but is it more solo oriented? Say going through his encuentro dvd but in person?
ORIGINAL: Ailsa I found the class hard - there was so much material to get through and I'd barely started to get to grips with one piece than Gerardo started on another! Tino's repetition class was essential for me to keep track of everything.
You'd already started to get to grips with the material while he was teaching it? I'm impressed, I never made it that far!
Was great to be back at Sanlucar for the first time in almost 10 years, and to meet lots of foro members for the first time, Adam, Stu, Pimiento, Henry, Ailsa, Ian, Veet, maybe others I didn't realise were on here. Gerardo covered lots of material, many different keys and palos, different to previous years I've been there where he tended to spend half the week on one major work. Some of the material was quite open ended, finishing with chord progressions he would get us to improvise over. Now I'm back in Adelaide I'll have to see how much I can work in to the regular gigs.
This photo is of the beginning of the hill everyone who's been to Sanlucar will recognise, it leads to the hall where the guitar classes take place, and gets harder to climb as the week goes on!
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Jejeje - I can almost smell the fishmarket there on the left. It was great meeting you, and Kristy, Stu, Pimientito, Adam, Harry, Ian, and all the rest. Aloysius, you're the only one of us that did all 3, sang, danced, and played. Ole!