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Miguel Angel Cortes does a few simple chords in the beginning of this Bulerias, but my untrained ears don't know what they are. it sounds super nice. It starts at around ~0:18 - 0:30. Any help identifying these chords would be most helpful for my repertoire.
Posts: 1943
Joined: Dec. 2 2006
From: Budapest, now in Southampton
RE: Miguel Angel Cortes simple moder... (in reply to odinz)
i cant get a guitar in my hand now, but as i remember it sounded like 3x333x then 353333, theyre both Gm but sound different...you could be right, but i cant check it...so just try both ways :)
Posts: 1156
Joined: Dec. 6 2006
From: Hamilton, ON
RE: Miguel Angel Cortes simple moder... (in reply to CuerdasDulces)
He's playing with capo 4 so it's definitely not 353333 or anything like that. CuerdasDulce's look good but to my hear the top note changes between the first two chords (it doesn't sound like it's the high C# in both), and the A doesn't sound quite right to me either.