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I am new to listening to the contemporary flamenco players and I just purchased Vincente Amigo's "De Mi Corazón Al Aire". Wow, what amazing playing!! Would some of you recommend other recent (well, how about after 1990) guitar recordings to me?
RE: Favorite Contemporary Flamenco G... (in reply to Santiago)
I'd definitely go along with Pedro Sierra and I would strongly suggest Trece Noches by Pepe Justicia, Chicuelo's Diapasion and, if you haven't come across it, Locura de Brisa y Trino by the maestro Manolo Sanlucar.
You'll no doubt get a sledge load of other recommendations - there's a lot out there.
Posts: 598
Joined: Feb. 9 2007
From: Paris, France
RE: Favorite Contemporary Flamenco G... (in reply to Santiago)
All really good suggestions... Manolo's Locura de Brisa y Trino has to be one of the best thing ever put to disk... my opinion, but it's quite simply perfection! His playing, his tone, his knowledge & understanding of flamenco... that album has everything! A true maestro of flamenco guitar.
There are also some really good new guys on the scene... check out Juan Diego Mateos and Jose Manuel Leon, they are very fresh and unique!
Posts: 1827
Joined: Jul. 8 2003
From: Living in Granada, Andalucía
RE: Favorite Contemporary Flamenco G... (in reply to Santiago)
Well I am biased as my husband produced this CD but Emilio Maya's Temple is one of my favourites. You can get it as a download and they should have some actual CDs at CDbaby as soon as I can get another shipment over to the States.
RE: Favorite Contemporary Flamenco G... (in reply to Santiago)
I agree with Pedro Sierra and Chicuelo. They are two of my favourates in the new generation. I rate Diego Morao very highly too but he is definately better as an accompaniest than as a solo player. Niño Josele has turned into a monster since touring with Paco and you should check out new kid on the block "El Tuto" who is jaw dropping and as yet unrecorded. Juan Habichulela Nieto also promises to be one of the future greats if his progress continues as it has in the last few years.
Posts: 143
Joined: Jan. 23 2005
From: New York, New York
RE: Favorite Contemporary Flamenco G... (in reply to Santiago)
Juan Carlos Romero "Romero." I just don't get tired of this album. I love the way it's recorded--not fatiguing and over-hyped. I think Romero is such a lyrical player, too. Cameos by Arcangel, Estrella Morente, and Eva Yerbabuena don't hurt. It sounds like Romero plays with very short nails, which gives this great earthy tone with almost papery rasgueados and a very brassy pulgar tone. A nice change up.
Miguel Angel Cortes "Bordon de Trapo." Another album that just kills me. Love his tone and feel. It never hurts to have Carmen Linares on your album. The [edit: next to] last track feels like a bonus track from Sanlucar's Locura de Brisa y Trino." Speaking of which...
Manolo Sanlucar "Locura De Brisa & Trino" is incredible. Very deep and beautifully produced. In fairness, Carmen Linares should always be mentioned in connection with this album. She's incredible.
Ramon Jimenez "Sembrando Inquietudes" is pretty cool, too. The recording is very "hyped" -- it's got that really trebly, overly hot, "live" mic sound, which I don't really like -- but the tunes are cool. Jimenez plays with an old-school attack, which sometimes is a nice change of pace from the jazzier approach to a lot of contemporary stuff.
Paco de Lucia "Luzia" and "Cositas Buenas." Let's be honest, pretty much everything he touches is gold. I don't understand how, but he seems to manage to sound both more modern and "interesting" and more profound and flamenco than almost anybody else. For me, it's the little things; that simple final pulgar line at the end of the track Camaron on Luzia, right before Paco sings a capella, is some of the most emotionally profound playing I've heard.
RE: Favorite Contemporary Flamenco G... (in reply to Guest)
Thank you tmock and Shroomy for the detailed and very informative replies!
I'm looking forward to listening to all your suggestions, my EMusic queue is now up to 40 flamenco recordings and I just downloaded a couple of CDs with an ITunes gift card my son gave me.
I'm thoroughly enjoying the Juan Carlos Romero CD right now.
RE: Favorite Contemporary Flamenco G... (in reply to mezzo)
Has Dani Mendez changed his name to Dani de Moron? He is another briliant player but I always knew him as Dani Mendez. Juan Habichuela Nieto has recently changed his name to Juan Habichuela Jr....presumably to make way for an upcoming nieto? (as if the Habichuela family wasnt complicated enough). Why dont these guys stop naming all their kids Juan and Antonio? There must be dozens of Juan Carmonas in Granada!
RE: Favorite Contemporary Flamenco G... (in reply to Santiago)
I think Ricardo Marlow's CD, Madera Sonora is great. Mention should be made to the engineer, ToddK, who is on this forum as well. Every piece on the album is great.
One of my favorites (besides many of the others mentioned above) is Carlos Heredia. His CD also features another one of our maestros, Jason McGuire.
And why not check out some of Jason's recording while you're at it...
Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland
RE: Favorite Contemporary Flamenco G... (in reply to Santiago)
I suppose I would have to put in with a relatively new guy on the block called Myrddin, I don't have to put a link cos I know he has already been talked about on here. I also know that many of you are not that keen on him at times , and yet for me he seems to fit. I like the sound he has and I think I get where the music is going ... I couldnt play like him, but I did a bit of rhythm work only, that I got from a youtube clip, and changed a falsetta or 2 to sound like that(ish), or try to anyway... I wouldnt go any further than that, but I can listen to his music over and over .
RE: Favorite Contemporary Flamenco G... (in reply to Santiago)
Can anyone give an opinion about "Los colores del fuego",Antonio Rey's new album????? he is also on my top list.
EDIT: Now I went trhough the CD around 30 to 40 times. And... I love it. Like so often.. regarding the first look,..I didnt like it. Now it became my absolute favorite.
Because I changed my mind 180° I delete my jokes on that album. It deserves better. I would give it 10 of a maximum rating of 10 possible points. Awesome!
RE: Favorite Contemporary Flamenco G... (in reply to rodrigovalt)
I have bought the album yesterday so i didnt have much chance to really investigate it. The bulerias seems less modern than on his first album. But i like it. The SpB is a killer, but he really gets on this left hand legato thing. The Rumbas i have skipped them (as usual), but from a glance i think i will like them, well, for as much as i can like a Rumba.