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Bracing patterns for flamenco guitars   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 188
Joined: Oct. 21 2004

Bracing patterns for flamenco guitars 


Can anyone enlighten me as to which is a good bracing pattern?

And where i can find the specifications to make a decent flamenco guitar?

I did a guitar making course a few years ago, and was wondering where to start?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 19 2005 20:14:02


Posts: 317
Joined: Sep. 12 2004

RE: Bracing patterns for flamenco gu... (in reply to musicalgrant

I think Anders can give you an excellent answer to that. Good luck with it!


Try some Enrique Iglesias for some great cante.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 20 2005 2:00:39

RE: Bracing patterns for flamenco gu... (in reply to musicalgrant

Hi Grant

Well a good flamenco bracing pattern is something personal. You can get plans with the information you are looking for.

Barbero plan:
Santos Hernandez plan:

I will recommend you to build a copy as a first guitar, and then you can develop your own pattern later on. Both plans work very well. I personally use a pattern derived from Barbero, but it's so personalized, that it's my system.

Good luck


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 20 2005 9:02:40

Posts: 188
Joined: Oct. 21 2004

RE: Bracing patterns for flamenco gu... (in reply to musicalgrant

Thanks for that Anders, i had no idea where to look.

Ive got books on making classical and acoustic, but not flamenco.

I will have to invest in some Barbero and Santos Hernandez plans, and yes stick to one or the other as it will be the second guitar that i have built.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 20 2005 18:13:47

Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: Bracing patterns for flamenco gu... (in reply to musicalgrant

Making Master Guitars by Roy Courtnell - £49 all the photos and plans you'll need. You can order 1:1 scale copies from the author
With that and Cumpiano you're all set


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 20 2005 20:28:07

Posts: 188
Joined: Oct. 21 2004

RE: Bracing patterns for flamenco gu... (in reply to musicalgrant

Thanks simon

I've said them to favourites, have you seen this pattern Before? Looks like fun

Cheers and thanks again...Ill have to start buying tools and wood and stuff...


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 20 2005 20:49:27

Posts: 188
Joined: Oct. 21 2004

RE: Bracing patterns for flamenco gu... (in reply to musicalgrant

have you guys seen this site?

guitar pattern
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 20 2005 23:44:35

Posts: 188
Joined: Oct. 21 2004

RE: Bracing patterns for flamenco gu... (in reply to musicalgrant

This one has free patterns too
free patterns
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 20 2005 23:49:32

Posts: 302
Joined: May 27 2005
From: Zürich, Switzerland

RE: Bracing patterns for flamenco gu... (in reply to musicalgrant


This is a common question among new starting luthiers. José Ramirez wrote in his book, that he dedicated himself a lot in his earlier years to the development of a new bracing pattern that is superior to the traditional design. The conclusion was, that the sound did not improove at all. This means for me, that the soundboard bracing is just one factor of the whole construction. It's rather the summary of a well construction that leads to a good result than just the bracing pattern. The correct thicknessing of the soundboard related to the stiffness of the wood is maybe even more important. The bracing should only support the soundboard to resist the string tension. It's therefore also important to evaluate the correct thickness of the braces. If the braces are too thick, then it will stiffen the soundboard too much which may result in a weak tone and lack of dynamic.
If the braces are too thin, then it may dome the soundbaord after a certain time due to the stringtension. The sound would probably have strong basses in the beginning but the guitar will develop negatively and it may end up as not playable instrument.
To may opinion it is not possible to say which bracing pattern is best. It depends also what sound is desired in the completeted instrument.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 28 2005 14:16:29
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