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just wondering what is the difference of accompany a dancer   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 25
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just wondering what is the differenc... 

hi guys just intrested to know what is the difference in solo or accompany a dancer
with the dancer you still play the same compases over the dance i mean what is the difference really you speak about such difference but where does it apply on the music really i have accompanied a dancer in a dancing studio and i played pretty much the same . yea i played less falsetas and more compases and merge with the galopes of the dencers in differente variations but still what is the difference in word please it is very interesting for me

best regards.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 8 2011 8:36:28

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to p00nani

there are many...first recognizing and anticipating the dancers signals and putting music or rithm that suits the mood and dynamics ( how good are you at doing this imo separates a good dance accompanist from a not so good one)

other differences are things like llamada , brakes, escobillas, silencio..all those are used for dancers generally

there's many unwritten rights and wrongs in dance accompanying alot of it to do with rhythmical and dynamic stuff...when to play what...where does a falseta belong where dosent it ...etc..

(for example noone can necessarily criticize you on it but some sound more right than others and an experienced listener will pick it straight away and be able to judge the level of your experience in dance accompanying... )

some aspects of dance accompaniment are not used in solo playing ...and some exist in solo playing because of ideas that have come from accompanying dancing...

its not often u hear a silencio in a solo alegrias, same for the escobilla melody

did you really accompany or did you just play what you play and the dancer made it work ?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 8 2011 12:25:08

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RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to p00nani

Hm i actually dont know. When i play for dance i only look at my fingers and my guitar, never to the dancer. When im in the right mood i play a falseta or throw in a rasgwaado. If the dancers asks wtf i would be doing there, i just say i was inspired by the dance. Not.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 8 2011 13:33:05

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From: Budapest, now in Southampton

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to XXX

you don't? all i look at is the dancer...we had a gig a few weeks ago, the boyfriend of a dancer came to me after, he said "you practically didn't blink the whole time!" - watching the dancer, accompanying a 10 minute taranto that we barely had a chance to practice for
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 8 2011 13:58:03

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RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ

in football there is the "no look pass".
i have invented the "no look accompaniment"


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 8 2011 14:00:14

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From: Oakland, CA

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to XXX

Although it's true that the left hand accompanies the singer (pitch changes) and the right hand accompanies a dancer (rhythmic changes), there's more to it then this. Here are my findings from working with some dancers:

My dancer tells me that it's all about phrasing. I can't play just straight compas. I have to do more. This doesn't mean I need more material, I would simply need to phrase and accent various parts more effectively. When the dancer slides along gracefully waving her arm in the air, I would have to 'mimic' that motion on my guitar and bring THAT mood out. This could mean that I play an elongated, yet SOFT ieami strum...and when she flicks her wrist out to the side quickly, I would do a quick and dampened attack. Also I can't just throw in a chord change whenever I want, it has to match what they're doing. This took me a long time to figure out and I'm still working out the kinks in understanding this fully. Most of the time if they're not doing anything, I stay with the same chord (haha, I got yelled at when I changed to one other chord when they didn't do anything) until something signifies a change. This is different from a break or a llamada, both of which are easier to identify (at least with these dancers) as they have special signals one compas before to prep you for it....this is another story altogether though.

So it's not just footwork. Sure you can NOT look at the dancer and play what you hear but you need to be able to see them...and a good dancer will have facial expressions for joy (Alegrias/Guajiras) or lament (Solea)...and even within those palos, the mood changes dynamically with a brief moment. So instead of just following what the dancer is doing with your right hand technique, I find that a more advance (or interesting) thing to do is to GIVE TENSION to this. If they are doing beats in 3's and you do beats in 4 but somehow meet up in the end properly, then it all works out magically giving it a really wholesome, full-bodied feel.

Another thing is the type of 'phrasing' or rather, cycle. When my dancer is teaching her students various sections of a dance or specific dances, I would have to arrange (or compose) a cycle that FITS that entire section. She may do a cycle that repeats after every 4 compas, and you'd have to come up with something that fits. Go through your repertoire of falsetas and llamadas and compases and make it work. Not only that, but you have to play it very appropriately that fits the aire at the time (whether playing it softer, louder, phrasing the falseta differently, anything to bring out a desired mood). Sometimes it's not even about mimicking them exactly, but it's about creating the right atmosphere, the right mood.


And so much more. I could go on and on. And yet, as I realize these things from working and speaking with many dancers, I have trouble keeping up, but the work of the guitarist has always been underestimated and often times unappreciated. However, deep down there's an underlying respect.

We are creating music and bringing out a flamenco aire, so there HAS to be a relationship between you and the dancer and singer. A renowned dancer visiting from Spain once told me that a guitarist he worked with never looked at him once...and although he played great music, he will never work with him again.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 8 2011 23:41:05

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From: London (the South of it), England

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Florian


there's many unwritten rights and wrongs in dance accompanying alot of it to do with rhythmical and dynamic stuff...when to play what...where does a falseta belong where dosent it

this is what ive been curious about for some time.its an artistic matter. interpretation no? so how do we learn this from trial and error?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 0:55:32

Posts: 1926
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From: Budapest, now in Southampton

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Stu

flamenco is all about interaction...if you go to spain you'll see a whole lot of flamenco people who've never shared a stage before, doing fantastic's in their blood, they know the language, they've had their trials and errors - BUT - the real magic happens (imo) when the artists have a good relationship, and they know each get to know your dancer, their body, their movements and after a while you can tell their every move before they make them...and you can prepare for those playing your guitar...and you can play a whole set without really preparing for's difficult to put into words...but it's worth watching and listening to each other!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 2:11:23

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RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to p00nani

I am in the very very early stages of learning to accompany dance. when I have been playing at dance classes I have been watching the dancers the whole time.

for me it is a very different experience than just learning to play flamenco guitar. and even when there is no singer there, I have found its often important to understand what the singer would be doing if he were there
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 2:45:51

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Stu


this is what ive been curious about for some time.its an artistic matter. interpretation no? so how do we learn this from trial and error?

thats a hard one to answer, cause its so hard to generalize in flamenco especially with unwritten rules ... its yes and no...there's room for interpretation but in keeping and observing certain rules..just like in flamenco but working with dancers/ singer ads its own set of rules on top

for example u dont have to play the exact escobilla melody but your melody should give the same dynamics...should use the accents to help and flatter and work with what the dancer is doing...rithm needs to be clear throughout , timing perfect, even when playing a falseta accents to be obvious or eazy to find ...the golden rule is how well does what you play sound with what the dancer is doing and how well it compliments it

so much about flamenco its unwritten but necessary to observe and notice and i guess noone could remember tell you all of it and even if they do... it still only really hits you after years and years of listening, watching and trial and error, cause u need to know why for yourself.... u do different things, u watch yourself back on video and you think why dosent it swing and float the way i know it should
why is it not complimenting what the dancer is doing, why does it not sound togheder

thats the question i ask myself every single time when i look or listen back to can i make it swing and compliment the dancer more and if it dosent..i find the exact spot and analyze it ...take it apart and find what it was that took me it to videos of the pros from spain and follow the masters


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 5:11:14

Posts: 120
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From: Oakland, CA

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Florian


thats a hard one to answer, cause its so hard to generalize in flamenco especially with unwritten rules ... its yes and no...there's room for interpretation but in keeping and observing certain rules..just like in flamenco but working with dancers/ singer ads its own set of rules on top

for example u dont have to play the exact escobilla melody but your melody should give the same dynamics...should use the accents to help and flatter and work with what the dancer is doing...rithm needs to be clear throughout , timing perfect, even when playing a falseta accents to be obvious or eazy to find ...the golden rule is how well does what you play sound with what the dancer is doing and how well it compliments it

so much about flamenco its unwritten but necessary to observe and notice and i guess noone could tell you all of it and even if they do... it still only really hits you after years and years of listening, watching and trial and error....cause u do different things, u watch yourself back on video and you think why dosent it swing and float the way i thought it did...

Exactly! I agree whole-heartedly. In the end, it's a matter of taste and preference in what you bring out in the dancer and yourself. There isn't a right or wrong answer. What you're bringing out to the world when you play or perform is a personality trait of your own....and how you're able to bring that aire in with others. You have to ask yourself is that what you want, is that bringing justice to the palo. Is that the type of emotion and feeling you want others to be receiving. If whatever you're playing is doing that, then good. You are sharing with the world or audience (and even with each other) your version of what flamenco is. You dismiss whatever intentions and selfishness aside and allow the flamenco artistry to emerge on its own and for that captured relationship to be expelled in the form of a dance, singing, playing, and even palmas (and finger snapping, banging on coffee tables, stomping your feet...everything). Flamenco is about expression after all, with all of its explosive emotions and gracefulness. Damn, it just got all zen-like and philosophical...haha.

Anyway, I believe solo playing is magnificent and I envy anyone out there that can perform brilliantly, however I think it misses a lot of great parts seen and experienced in other aspects of flamenco.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 5:41:36

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to dararith


You are sharing with the world or audience (and even with each other) your version of what flamenco is. You dismiss whatever intentions and selfishness aside and allow the flamenco artistry to emerge on its own and for that captured relationship to be expelled in the form of a dance, singing, playing, and even palmas (and finger snapping, banging on coffee tables, stomping your feet...everything). Flamenco is about expression after all, with all of its explosive emotions and gracefulness.

dude thats beautiful i think i just got a hard on

jk seriously beautifully put...

il try one

a good accompanist provides a beautiful magic carpet on which the dancer should gently float to their desired destination .......roses are red violets are blue if you dont like my poem f*ck you


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 5:44:22

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RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to dararith


ORIGINAL: dararith
Anyway, I believe solo playing is magnificent and I envy anyone out there that can perform brilliantly, however I think it misses a lot of great parts seen and experienced in other aspects of flamenco.

I dont know at which level you play, but, it is clear to me that solo is not accompanying and accompanying is not solo. If people just do what they like without bashing other things, or other music styles, there will be no problem.
Im not going into anything philosophical like "what is flamenco about", coz i dont really know, i just like doing it for fun.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 7:59:19

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to XXX

hey i am with dararith on this one...anything more then 2 guitar solos is too much for me... i am ready to sleep ...solo guitar is nice in moderation but its just one aspect of what flamenco is...i need the singer, i need the dancer i need the palmeros i need the interaction.. and i am not saying anything is less flamenco or anything....just too much of it puts me to sleep dosent do it for me ...i dont have a single solo album in my ipod

but this is just my taste...depends on what u wanna hear when u wanna hear flamenco...i wanna hear someone belting it out


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 10:55:12

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RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Florian

BS, you can like anything you want, guitar, cante, dance, you are even free to like anything that is not flamenco. But claiming that something is MISSING when somebody plays a solo, or when somebody sings, or dances, is something different. OBVIOUSLY we are talking about DIFFERENT PERFORMANCE TYPES. Every dumbass should know that a solo performance can not deliver exactly the same thing what a cante one does AND VICE VERSA!!!

This "flamenco PC" sucks balls, and its only there for peer reasons or whatever reasons. But i know that it has nothing to do with art or appreciation of it.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 11:05:27

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to XXX


But claiming that something is MISSING when somebody plays a solo, or when somebody sings, or dances, is something different. OBVIOUSLY we are talking about DIFFERENT PERFORMANCE TYPES every dumbass should know that a solo performance can not deliver exactly the same thing what a cante one does AND VICE VERSA!!!

lol i dont want you to get angry or anything...we just discussing it here but anyway in your replie you agree and disagree with it again...obviously there is some things that cante can deliver that guitar cant and " VICE VERSA!!!" ...maybe thats exactly what hes referring to and exactly the thing he is searching for when listening to hes well with in his right to say that its missing if he cant find ? i get some nice feelings listening to flamenco solo guitar but its never ever the same feelings i get when listening to cante and for me...flamenco is enbodied in the feelings and emotions i get when listening to cante...i am not saying this to downplay the importance of guitar...i am a guitarist...just saying what it is to me

whats wrong with that statement ?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 11:09:25

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RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Florian

It makes a big big difference between saying that something doesnt move/inspire you, and saying that it is "missing something". It is especially not wise to say it is missing aspects of a different style, because that is the whole reason other styles exist...
By the way, if it doesnt inspire you, maybe it says more about you than about the music or art itself... think about it. I will gladly apply this rule to me regarding cante, but would you do the same with solo guitar?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 11:17:25

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RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to XXX


By the way, if it doesnt inspire you, maybe it says more about you than about the music or art itself... think about it. I will gladly apply this rule to me regarding, but would you do the same with solo guitar?

i am thinking about it...i dont get it...what i am listening wrong ?

I like flamenco first... guitar second that what its supposed to say ? cause il tell you that straight up without riddles i play flamenco guitar not cause i love guitar but cause i love flamenco...ofcourse i love guitar too ...but thats just the instrument...flamenco is the ultimate desired destination


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 11:23:02

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From: Montreal, Canada

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to p00nani


i play flamenco guitar not cause i love guitar but cause i love flamenco

This attitude is not typical of most guitarists who play flamenco outside of Spain. It makes me think of guitarists who say hombre, if I could sing I would be a singer in a second because a singer is born, anyone who practices can play guitar etc...

I agree that it is ideal to have all three arts at once, but I could watch/listen to certain guitarists play solo for hours without getting bored. Not just anyone of course!


"I'm just a poor crazy man in love with his art." Santos Hernandez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 11:37:34

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RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Harry


I could watch/listen to certain guitarists play solo for hours without getting bored

ofcourse each to their own but one should not be offended that others prefer different aspects of flamenco more...we all search for the feelings we associate with flamenco and we find them wherever we may find them......and solo guitar is !! missing something ...the dancer and the singer !!!

and in saying this i do a solo in every show (dancers need time to change)....if i can keep myself awake long enough to not fall asleep jk.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 11:43:41

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RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Florian


I like flamenco first... guitar second that what its supposed to say ? cause il tell you that straight up without riddles i play flamenco guitar not cause i love guitar but cause i love flamenco...ofcourse i love guitar too ...but thats just the instrument...flamenco is the ultimate desired destination

thats one of the things I think is great about you florian.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 11:49:21

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From: Montreal, Canada

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Florian


but one should not be offended that others prefer different aspects of flamenco more.

Definitely I am not offended; I envy you

Perhaps because when I am playing alone, I too feel that something is missing.


"I'm just a poor crazy man in love with his art." Santos Hernandez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 11:51:18

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RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Florian

Sorry there is a word missing in my post it should be going "I will gladly apply this rule to me regarding cante..."

I like flamenco in all its forms. I enjoy playing it in every way, accomp or solo. Yet i dont regard everything to be equally valuable to me. I came to flamenco via the music and nothing else. What inspires me most is the music, therefore i want to be able to make good music someday. Be it with accomp stuff or solo stuff. I always try to make it musically most enjoyable. Cante is not my major influence yet i dont look down on people who are influenced by it in a major way. I dont consider accompanists to be inferior to solo guitarrists, at least not in a way that they wouldnt offer anything to learn from.

The instrument being used to play flamenco guitar is the flamenco guitar.
A solo guitar performance is missing dancer and singer because it is a solo guitar performance. Dont know why you mentioned these two point, which are selfexplaining anyway...


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 11:55:15

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Harry

many times its not a good thing..i many times envy the guys who are just content with guitar ...cause its alot eazyer to be happy and content with just guitar for a gig, also eazyer to get a gig, cheaper......but its a whole production for me to feel like i am doing flamenco ...( and this is not in anyway saying anyone else should feel that way or solo is not doing flamenco) just for me i feel

got to find dancers, singer, cajon etc...any of it missing and i really hate the gig or i dont feel happy or excited about least minimum ...2 dancers and a singer....anything else i dont do it for the flamenco i do it for the money


I don't consider accompanists to be inferior to solo guitarists, at least not in a way that they wouldn't offer anything to learn from.

why would you ...they do everything a solo guitarist does plus more


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 11:55:32

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RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Florian



many times its not a good thing..i many times envy the guys who are just content with guitar ...cause its alot eazyer to be happy and content with just guitar for a gig, also eazyer to get a gig, cheaper......but its a whole production for me to feel like i am doing flamenco ...

got to find dancers, singer, cajon etc...any of it missing and i really hate the gig or i dont feel content

actually we werent talking about whole concerts, just about performance vs performance. And in that case i think it is much easier to hind behind a dancer/singer than to play solo guitar. I also dont know if its easier to find gigs as solo guitarrist, thats not really the topic here either.


they do everything a solo guitarist does plus more

Oh is that the reason why you feel incontent when doing a solo gig?
Hm just to make this clear, a solo guitarrist in my book is somebody can play solo stuff on a high level, both musically and technically. Doesnt mean they are not working with dancers or singers....


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 12:03:53

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to XXX


i think it is much easier to hind behind a dancer/singer than to play solo guitar.

is that what you think accompanists do ? ...hide ? how long have you been in flamenco now ? have you learned anything about what the f*ck its all about ?
you been in flamenco too long to speak like a beginner


Oh is that the reason why you feel incontent when doing a solo gig?

i get your sarcasm is that supposed to shake me ? it dosent do anything because i do do solos in every show and i have done so in every one since about the last 5 years :-) its not like i run away from them......or its not like i am ashamed of any of my solo work... on the contrary...

i am not doing accompanying to run away from solo...i do it cause i love it...there's nothing secondary or eazyer about accompanying ...nothing works if you dont...and things don't work as they should if you think there's not that much to accompanying...means u missing alot of details about what they do...

...if i have choice i want more people with me...i want the full bang, i always search for the feeling i identify as flamenco not the glory of being a soloist..i want to give or experience the full flamenco experience as much as we can..its impossible to do it with just guitar..however lovely guitar is or however good the player...theres just no substitute for the feeling you get when all elements are present...


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 12:12:28

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RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to XXX

Sorry i lost the point what i was trying to say. I thought i had it, but i forgot it now. I need to sort my brain about it. And i have to go offline now anyway.
"have you learned anything about what the f*ck its all about ?"
as i said, i dont, and im not going to produce any lines what its about, or duende or whatever. I'll leave that to others who need it. I did not say accompayning is about hiding i said it is easier to hide there than in a solo performance. Jeez, its called SOLO because thats what you are supposed to deliver. Its all about you. When accompanying its all about the one whom youre accompanying.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 12:29:26

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From: Montreal, Canada

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Florian


if i have choice i want more people with me

This is only natural to me because music is a communal art, and especially flamenco is a communal art.


"I'm just a poor crazy man in love with his art." Santos Hernandez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 12:33:43

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to XXX

let me put it another way...its like when you the best soccer player on the pitch and you playing by yourself (with nothing to be measured against) opposed to standing out still but while playing with your team...

as an accompanist you don't just get judged on your falsetas, your timing with the dancer/ singer, your strumming ( how effective is it), your dynamics with whats happening... your ability to make others look good to and your ability to understand what they trying to say and helping them say it, get any of those things wrong and the fact that you have a singer or dancer with you will really show it ...accompanying amigo is so so so much more then what you think it is..

for me soloing its eazyer...its like a martial arts demonstration with no opponent...u do whatever you want when you want and none can call you up on it, its artistic choice...u mess up a go back and do it again the next compas..with dancers or singers u get slapped over the head, u dont just need to remember what you need to do but what everyone needs to do too and when...

u dont just need to know your falsetas, have to remember every single beat and knock the dancer does with her feet and rithm but the cante chords and rithm and where it stops and how many compases before you go into that falseta, and the llamada that ends on 9, palo seco, and need to anticipate the unrehearsed thing she does...and need to listen and respond quickly...the amount of work and concentration dosent even compare...and btw u need to learn and remember all this in 2 or 3 rehearsals... i put so much details into my rithm and brakes and llamadas its just like a solo only i have to do it spot on at the same time and i get one chance at it...go back to my solea por bulerias video from the last show and watch the llamadas and the brakes and the detail that went into it in comparassement to the footwork and dynamics...the singing dynamics..with my help

i am not saying soloing is a piece of cake, its hard enough too, has its own challenges but personally i am always practicing everything else more then my solos in shows where there's both

i am not talking about accompanying where u just play whatever as long as its in compas ...i am talking real accompanying ...the kind that is set or thought out from compas 1 to the last and compliments and mimics and answers every knock and follows every dynamic and gesture

whats soloing a couple of falsetas you have had years of practice at home with and some rithm in between at a comfortable speed u get to pick in any order you want ? woo scarey


and im not going to produce any lines what its about, or duende or whatever. I'll leave that to others who need it.

I need it...and i search for it every time like a junky...thats what i am addicted to, thats whats kept me in flamenco all this years, always leaves me searching for it and wanting the only thing that truly matters to me


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 12:35:15

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RE: just wondering what is the diffe... (in reply to Florian



let me put it another way...its like when you the best soccer player on the pitch and you playing by yourself (with nothing to be measured against)

you will be measured against other solo guitarrists, and i dont need to tell you what monster guitarrists are out there in the world...


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2011 12:42:34
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