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I do occasional solo performances in the local folk clubs (trying to spread the good word).
The sound guys stick several mikes all around, which I find intimidating, and a nuisance.
I'd like to try a small clip-on style onboard microphone, or something similar, that I can just plug into my small digital-piano amp or the club's sound system.
I know practically nothing about sound systems and the various components, and dont want to spend a bundle ($100-$200 max) for just occasional use.
The sound guys stick several mikes all around, which I find intimidating, and a nuisance.
that doesn't sound like he knows what he's doing.
anyways, i hate clip on mics for a few reasons. i wouldn't recommend them
check out the shure pg81. its a condenser so you need phantom power but it can also run on batteries. its got good feedback rejection and the sound is a step up from dynamics like the sm57. some people even compare it to the more expensive sm81 but with better feedback protection.
i have the pro 70. i use it for dance class but i would never perform with it again.
1) the worst thing about the unidirectional clip ons is the proximity effect. it takes a lot of eq'ing to get rid of all the muddy bass. it can work but in my experience, it takes a lot of time to get it right. even with all the bass turned down and the low frequency cut off on, usually it's still muddy and boomy.
2) the second worse thing is all the feedback. instead of facing directly at the guitar, the mic, when clipped on, is parallel with the guitar, being open to all other sound sources.
3) you don't have much freedom with mic placement. and once you set it up, it's stuck like that for the rest of the gig. with a mic on a stand, i can move around in relation to the mic and slightly alter the tone. i can also lean back and forth to get more volume.
4) dynamics. i find the pro 70 to be very flat sounding. it just sounds loud all the time. gentle playing or loud rasgueados, it just sounds loud.
5) you're tied down to the mic and cable. something as simple as going up to take a bow is a pain in the ass.
1) less gear to carry and set up.
2) you can change playing position easily.
3) picks up golpes well.
in a great sounding, quiet room with good mixers and speakers, and enough time and experience to set it up the sound right, the pro 70 or any good clip on can work great. you can just set it up and play like you normally do.
but for me, that's not usually the case. i need more control. so having a mic on a stand where i can lean back and forth for more or less volume or tilt the soundhole closer or further away from the mic for more less bass is really helpful.
just thinking about the boominess of the pro 70 makes me shudder.
the sm57 is okay but it lacks the highs and shimmers that makes it really inspiring to play. feedback rejection is good though. i had a similar mic, the audix i5 which was similar sounding but had more a little more meat to the sound. this made it sound muddy at times. i gave up on it.
the pg81 is the best thing i've found so far. it's just about as feedback resistant as the other mics i mentioned but the high end is much better and sounds much more natural overall.
RE: Help: what microphone? (in reply to at_leo_87)
Hi britguy
ive used the pro70 and dpa 4099, dpa definetly better quality sound but is prone to feedback which is a pain live, im looking at getting a barlett guitar mic which is $179US, so maybe try them?
RE: Help: what microphone? (in reply to davidheis_24)
ive used the pro70 and dpa 4099, dpa definetly better quality sound but is prone to feedback
You had problems with the DPA4099??? For five hundred bucks I would have thought it must be the ultimate guitar mike. Certainly way more than what I would want to pay. . .
its produces a good quality sound, its just everything has to be positioned right at a gig to avoid feedback, other guitarist have told me they have a similar experience
Microphones should be thought of as something that you select for the effect of the sound that you are trying to achieve, and that all depends on the accoustics, the instruments and vocal sound you have and are to accompany, and what it is that you feel is right at the time that you choose, and that may differ down the line. Recording is the same. (And also consider your PA....)
Then it would be probable that after a time you would have quite a collection of microphones, and at some time you may even invest in sound modulation equipment, so there is no straight answer that I can give you for your particular situation with out first going thru the basics of process which is the science of sound engineering, and for that I haven't a clue for your situation except to say what ever you choose you really just have to go with it, untill you can make choices, and if you are dealing by yourself and not thru a company that really sucks!
Just take the good advice and go with the flow....and don't worry, just perform and do your best! You will get that chance when you take it to get in to that artistry but it's not always available. gary