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RE: The "I can put more clamps ... (in reply to estebanana)
I planned on doing it that way once. It didn't work out. Which is why I don't have a photo to submit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flawless joinery. Precise glue application. One hand finger pressure clamping (cramping) for 10 minutes. Allows the other hand to manipulate a wine ( or beer ) glass during the process. Visions of Carmen Amaya to shorten the percieved time span. Afterwords, a cigarette. Life is good.
RE: The "I can put more clamps ... (in reply to estebanana)
No idea what that is but I like how it's free standing. It's beautiful actually. Your clamps have character as well. Sometimes I glue on the bridge and FB at the same time
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RE: The "I can put more clamps ... (in reply to estebanana)
Had to revive this thread.
So heres some photos of a favor I did for a local craftsman/friend. What you are looking at is the top half of a recurve bow, that said craftsman purchased for his 7 year old son. The bow is small, and about 25 pound draw, which is a light target bow. Anyways when he went to string it up, the laminations seperated, due to excessive force on my friend's part. He asked if I could fix it.
To get the laminations to align, I ended up "stringing" the section to impart what I hope is the correct curve. So while it isn't a guitar, or an oud, it is a modern recreation of perhaps the oldest string instrument known to man.
BTW my friend is a German timberframe builder/restorer named Uwe (OO-VA) I've known him for a few years and always had this nagging feeling that he reminded of of someone I've met. Then it dawned on me, which made this post all the more relevant.....He is Ander's doppleganger. Everyone is going to have to take my word for it, of course, but I think they may have been seperated at birth.
Coincidence? I think not. Aaron
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