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El Kiko

Posts: 2697
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From: The South Ireland

RE: photo of the century (in reply to cathulu

I am out of here............good luck Cathulu..............

wheres my guitar i need some Augminished and Demented scale play......


Don't trust Atoms.....they make up everything.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 11:55:23


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 16:56:59

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RE: photo of the century (in reply to M.S.A.

My common sense MSA is telling me that you are full of it, and sitting on top of an intellectual high horse that you don't belong on. Better get off before you hurt yourself.


Free Palestine
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 17:28:05

Posts: 2481
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From: Marbella

RE: photo of the century (in reply to M.S.A.

That was a fascinating video that left me with more questions than answers.
eg. If Techtonic plates are not pressing against each other, why do we have earthquakes?

How did the Himalayas form if the indian plate wasnt pushing into Asia ?(they are still growing by the way)

Since matter isnt being created, the density of the earth must be decreasing as it expands. Surely gravitational forces would tend to pull towards the centre of the earth and not away. Also does this mean that planets slowly increase in size and become less dense until they edventually turn into gas? Seems to defy all current theoretical models.

Finally, Where the hell did all the water that forms the oceans come from?

I can see why some plant forms would exist on seperate continents that seperated but i dont think that proves planetary expansion. Some continents where joined together anyway.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 17:33:19

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From: Marbella

RE: photo of the century (in reply to M.S.A.


only one thing changed - the mass of the globe which is constantly growing...

The video never said the mass of the globe was growing, it said the size of the globe. The matter that creates mass requires giant extremes of pressure and temperature like a star in order to be created. If the mass of the earth were increasing, where is it coming from...and how?

Secondly if the world is expanding then we can extrapolate that it will continue to do so and work against gravity...that really would change the laws of science as we know them.

Its not that Im not open to new theories , its just that this one doesnt seem to be very well thought through.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 17:46:27


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 18:50:56


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 19:18:53

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From: Marbella

RE: photo of the century (in reply to M.S.A.

Im actually enjoying this discussion and Im not going to make a reflex "thats rubbish" kind of comment without thinking this through a bit...thats the point of debate.
I very much liked your idea of the expansion under a techtonic plate causing rippling on the less elastic surface. This would be like skin rippling up on the top of a hot rice pudding. It would also mean that the amount of growth of a mountain range would be proportional to the rate of expansion. I live near the sierra nevada which continues to grow about 7 -11 mm every year in height and Granada does get mild earthquakes from time to tome (although mostly it feels like thunder) This would mean that the earth itself would show a measurable rate of expansion in a human lifetime. Maybe noone has been looking to measure it!
However mountain ranges also fall and sea beds rise. One can find sea shells high in plateaus in the middle of continents. This does not fit the model of an expanding earth.

My biggest bone to pick is about scientists lack of understanding of the creation of matter in the universe. Current theory dictates that nothing can spontanously gain more mass without gaining matter (with the possible exception of Oprah Winfrey). The problem is that you say that scientists dont have an understanding of the physical properties of the world and universe. This may be true but the same scientists have invented Nuclear submarines, satellite telephones, MRI machines, electron microscopes, radio telescopes, fighter planes and silicon chips. This rather makes me feel that there must have been quite a good understanding of the physical properties of the world around us to make these devices possible.

I do not believe that the creation of matter in the universe is an unexplicable and mysterious event. Matter is being created all the time by stars. Planets gain mass in their creation by meteorites and debris clustering together to form centres of gravity. Matter is not spontanously generated since it is the stabilisation of pure vast quantities. Therefore the idea of the earth spontanously becoming bigger and heavier with no explicable system of matter generation is not one that fits comfortably with me. The otheralternative is the world expands and doesnt get heavier. My personal (and subjective) experience of gravity also does not allow me to believe that all forces on the suface of the planet follow one law while the planet itself follows a different one.

I will agree though that the shape of the continents do seem to interlock. I just think that i t is possible (and more probable) that they interlocked at different periods in the worlds history rather than all fitting together simultanously in one mass while not allowing for any oceans to exist.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 19:58:55

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RE: photo of the century (in reply to Pimientito


ORIGINAL: Pimientito

Some continents where joined together anyway.

All of them. ( Pangäa)

Eventhough the most examples questioned here don´t appear too cogent, it seems worth to me considering that much of what is being named conspiracy theory to be too easily be put aside for something as unrelated to actual matters as ease of mind.
Because, the contemporary psyche can´t shoulder intellectual and emotional burdon.

It doesn´t want to be living in a world of vertical economy, where a self-centered minority of privilegeds are directing common sense, with states, media and educating institutions in their hands. It won´t even want to realize how vertical economizing has to inherently put at disadvantage the majority of fellow men, environment and future.

That way things can be interpreted in about any way desired without questioning, whilst "conspiracy theories" being such to demand in the same time.
That way an event even like 9/11 can be documented by videos that show systematical detonations, white glowing steel yet three weeks afterwards, and how a building collapsed that wasn´t even involved in collision or shock waves. Same with the Pentagon that was allegedly hit by a plane.
Yet, that ought to have been just the act of a bunch of simple minds who tricked out states services of yearly hundreds of billions $ budgets and potential to yet track down the keratin percentage in your pubic hair.

Or how about something economically as innocent like anthroplogy? Even that faculty had to undergo outer predeterminition, in order to support the image of an just about right contemporary culture.
Thus the first Neandertaler facial fraction was completed with a scull like of a gorilla.
Caveman, whatever hominids, had to be primitive, cruel and selfish so that current conditions could equal "best you can get".
But Neandertalers burried their people on flowers and neat, and the findings reveal a more and more highly developed and social being.
Hominids, except of occasional details like missing handles H. had developed specialized forms of tools in a basically just as much refined form as modern ones. Living much more civilized than we ever thought.
With for instance American natives not having wandered in from Sibira some 12- or 13.500 years ago, but the American continent having been a melting pot already since the times when humans came in about 40.000 years ago. Some already per boat.

Civilzed prehistory dismounts the myth of "human nature" of short-sightedness and selfishness, as needed to interpret the status quo as being inevitably consequential. - Which it is not at all, but inhuman instead.

Clerics and economical chiefs have a long tradition in specifying public cognition and determining scientifical agenda and taboos. Starting from burning books over editorial policies to subtle technologies in chronolgical order.
The bacteria helicobakter pylori ( if I got that correctly spelled ) disappeared for about 60 years from public view, as the pharmaceutical industry was earning too well with useless drugs against gastritis. Just as behavioural science is currently re-discovering what someone had analyzed a rough 80 years ago already in his burned works.
And hypes like those on osteoporosis, cholesterine, menopause etc. can be organized all over the world with the help of just a hand full of bribed dignitaries.

In industrial safes loaf bought-off patents like that electrical motor that I saw on TV before it wasn´t seen again. It allowed one ton to be lifted one meter high with a 9-volt battery.

The sabotage against commonness is huge, with suppressed developments often times remaining not to be made good for.
Seems without emmediate investigation and reason against common insanity there will be no future soon.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 20:07:28

Posts: 2481
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From: Marbella

RE: photo of the century (in reply to Ruphus

Yeah but I wasnt talking about fractional reserve banking, credit based global economy, the temperature of burning aviation fuel in a building hit by a plane, the black nobility, secularism or anything else in your previous post.

All very interesting stuff but nothing to do with conceptualising the advantages or flaws of a theory in which planet earth is expanding. This is just a friendly debate, not a sermon.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 20:32:12

Posts: 283
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From: Leigh, Lancashire, UK

RE: photo of the century (in reply to El Kiko

OK let's assume for a minute that the Earth, by whatever mechanism, is still expanding.

We can measure the distance from the Earth to the Moon with millimetre accuracy. Earth's expansion, however gradual, should therefore be comparatively easy to measure.

Where are the measurements to prove the theory?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 20:53:07

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From: Marbella

RE: photo of the century (in reply to Graham_B

If we assume that a mountain range on one side of the earth is rising 10mm per year and something similar is happening on the other side, then it may be that expansion of the planet is no more than 20mm in diameter per year. It doesnt sound much but over 1million years that is a 2km increase in diameter.

Firstly, that is a massive amount of matter that needs to be "generated"
Secondly, surely that rate of growth would affect things like our satellite systems, atomic clocks, gravitational changes etc. that would have a small but measurable factor for adjustment other than general relativity. I agree though that it should be a measurable change.

I still have not heard a good explanantion for the generation of the current volume of waters in our oceans. If the oceans are indeed getting bigger they should be getting less salty...actually they are getting more salty. hmmmm


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 21:20:15


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 21:34:31


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 22:17:40

Posts: 950
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From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: photo of the century (in reply to M.S.A.

Holy Crap, this is gathering STEAM! WTF!!

Think of conservation of angular momentum, or alternately think of change of the earth orbit due to changing mass, Think!

It is retarded and should be in the dustbin ASAP. It has no traction in science, it is a shizzle. There is a lot we don't know and will learn, this is not one of them.

Better to debate how many angels can sit on the end of a needle...

And can someone give me a one sentence translation of what Rufus said?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 23:48:07


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 1 2011 23:59:22


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 2 2011 1:00:55

Posts: 950
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From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: photo of the century (in reply to M.S.A.

Sorry, I react viscerally to this crap. It is not about you - not sure why you buy this... but there are a lot of ridiculous ideas out there, and they can be dangerous.

My last post. I am enabling this and I will stop.

Kirk out

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 2 2011 1:38:38
Richard Jernigan

Posts: 3436
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From: Austin, Texas USA

RE: photo of the century (in reply to Ruphus


In industrial safes loaf bought-off patents like that electrical motor that I saw on TV before it wasn´t seen again. It allowed one ton to be lifted one meter high with a 9-volt battery.

You wouldn't have to lock such a patent away in a safe. It would be utterly useless. A typical 580 milliamp-hour 9-volt battery contains nearly 19,000 joules of energy. It only takes 9810 joules to lift a metric ton one meter. Such a motor would be only about 50% efficient, laughably crude.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 2 2011 3:05:42

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RE: photo of the century (in reply to M.S.A.

MSA said:

yes I am 14... you got me.

People- the kid is 14!!!


anyway I met Neil Young personally and bunch of others like Bob Dylan etc. last year.
if I don't know the song it does not necessarily mean I'm too yung for that but maybe I am not into that kind of music. not against, I think it's a good music, but I prefere flamenco and experimental guitar. my all time favourite from Neil Young is Keep on rockin in a free world with Eddie Vedder. Pearl Jam is absolutely mesmerizing.. or Serj Tankian's voice - brutally hart penetrating. just like Camaron in flamenco.

regarding the photo above - the official science is proved to obstruct many many pieces of evidence things are entirely different than they are claimed and believed to be.

for instance carbon dating is pure nonsense. do you know it doesn't work at all?? that the preciseness of age estimation through carbon method is as sharp as baldy man's head? honestly.

one example how bad it is with science - the Earth and the whole pangea theory... just a partial truth continents were in one piece - but the other half, that it was surrounded by oceans is NOT TRUE AT ALL. because it's now proven that all continents were in one piece COVERING THE WHOLE SURFACE OF THE GLOBE...

only one thing changed - the mass of the globe which is constantly growing...

and there are so many myths originating from sterile and prejudgemental pathetic science that it already lost it's credibility at all.

one can find the picture above quite relevant if he already has certain information on massive manipulation that is going on for centuries within the official science.....................................

Sure kid, whatever you say.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 2 2011 7:08:10


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 2 2011 7:23:47

Posts: 6424
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: photo of the century (in reply to M.S.A.


phuk off you yappie..

Keep it civil or the thread goes.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 2 2011 8:18:09

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RE: photo of the century (in reply to Pimientito


ORIGINAL: Pimientito

Yeah but I wasnt talking about fractional reserve banking, credit based global economy, the temperature of burning aviation fuel in a building hit by a plane, the black nobility, secularism or anything else in your previous post.

All very interesting stuff but nothing to do with conceptualising the advantages or flaws of a theory in which planet earth is expanding. This is just a friendly debate, not a sermon.

You might want to read the thread again to find out what I was responding to.


ORIGINAL: cathulu

And can someone give me a one sentence translation of what Rufus said?

Here you go:
There are more than enough examples of how official interpretation and science used to be and partially still are being manipulated, so that societies of unequal rights and access can be justified as naturally human.


ORIGINAL: Richard Jernigan


In industrial safes loaf bought-off patents like that electrical motor that I saw on TV before it wasn´t seen again. It allowed one ton to be lifted one meter high with a 9-volt battery.

You wouldn't have to lock such a patent away in a safe. It would be utterly useless. A typical 580 milliamp-hour 9-volt battery contains nearly 19,000 joules of energy. It only takes 9810 joules to lift a metric ton one meter. Such a motor would be only about 50% efficient, laughably crude.


In the late eighties this case appeared valuable enough for German states TV to report on it in the news as spectacular invention.
Maybe the other interesting aspect was that such a motor was not much bigger than ~ 12 cm long and ~ 2 cm in diameter, readily designed so that hundreds of it could be combined to a powerful motor unit.

Also I guess that your data refer to todays battery capacity, which might differ from that of batteries from over 20 years ago.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 2 2011 10:27:10

Posts: 1182
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From: Frankfurt, Germany

RE: photo of the century (in reply to Ruphus

As a matter of fact the earth is hollow, the space inside the earth was created by the exponential expansion - without gaining mass.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 2 2011 13:00:29

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From: Marbella

RE: photo of the century (in reply to bursche

Thanks Max for your helpful input!!! .

Ok. If we assume that the earth is hollow and expanding exponentially without gaining mass with an interior filled with breathable air filled with all sorts of reptilian creatures - maybe orcs and hobbits?
Centre of gravity is now not in the centre of the earth but in the middle of the thick crust which allows expansion and some kind of gravitational stability.
I would still argue that for the crust to get bigger it would have to get thinner as well so the lines of stretch come from material that is being pulled apart and not from new matter being generated inside the crust. This would mean there is a finite level of expansion and the rate should not be exponential. It would also explain the generation of heat in the crust which causes volcanic activity. It still doesnt explain where all the water in the oceans come from though.

@MSA - The conclusion one can make about the fact that the continents fit together is that at different times in the worlds history different continents did fit together and move apart. This does not lead me to the conclusive proof that they all fitted together at the same time. The problem with having the smaller earth theory is that you have to assume the earth is expanding and invent a new branch of thinking that defys all currently accepted laws of physics such as planetary formation, gravity and general relativity.

Im finding it hard to accept some of the points of this argument because anything that is unanswerable has to adapt to a new rule that has only a supposition as its basis. Im sorry if you find my thinking mainstream and dogmatic, but I am enjoying this discussion anyway.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 2 2011 14:36:08


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 2 2011 15:58:34
Richard Jernigan

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From: Austin, Texas USA

RE: photo of the century (in reply to Pimientito


Centre of gravity is now not in the centre of the earth but in the middle of the thick crust

The center of gravity of a hollow sphere of uniform composition is still in the center of the sphere.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 2 2011 16:09:08

Posts: 2481
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From: Marbella

RE: photo of the century (in reply to Richard Jernigan


The center of gravity of a hollow sphere of uniform composition is still in the center of the sphere

Then explain how the giant lizard people walk around on the inside and how the horizonless sea exists....
Ok, I assume that most people were aware that i (or indeed Bursche for that matter) wasnt taking the hollow earth theory seriously (hence mentioning hobbits). I was quoting the theory and not conventional science here

As for the expanding earth theory, I'll watch the videos a bit more closely in the next day or so........although I am worried already by 2 things
1. That the lecturer asks us to avoid thinking about explanations of how this mechanism works until the end!
2. You still havent given me any type of anwer as to where you think all the water in the oceans comes from given that there were no oceans at the begining of the world in the expanding world theory.

P.s. where are you Ricardo and Ramparts....our theoretical physicists!


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 2 2011 16:36:43
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