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Posts: 1240
Joined: Nov. 6 2008
From: Sydney, Australia
Playing for dance query.. I'm slight...
My teacher told me playing for dance is more playing compas/compas variations with some falsetas thrown in.. kinda like 70/30 this school that I'm visiting, the guitarist told me playing for dance is playing mainly falsetas and the occasional compas.. so we would need to learn alot of falsetas to play for dance.. kinda like 90/10 or 80/20...
I'm not talking about a stage performance thing.. just the everyday practice situation at a dance school.. I know for performance, we need to know to play what exactly when.. but this is more about just everyday situation...
Posts: 1943
Joined: Dec. 2 2006
From: Budapest, now in Southampton
RE: Playing for dance query.. I'm sl... (in reply to HolyEvil)
my experience is, that your teacher is right...and it's even less, 90-10... i've worked with many dancers and they rarely care about the falsetas...they're needed of course at certain places and moods, but if you learn and experiment with variations on the compás, you'll be a much respected guitarist and everyone will ask you to accompany them, not the other guy who knows a lot of falsetas that he can't even play right...
RE: Playing for dance query.. I'm sl... (in reply to marduk)
yes i mostly agree with whats being said.....there's no point playing a falseta if its not going to help...there's times to play falsetas and theres times to do compas...i guess the falsetas are for our own benefit and trying to experiment things and find what works but there's certain falsetas u should stay away from in class ( sparse, modern ones) especially if you dont have them 100%...( mostly ones that will confuse dancers) or change the mood when the dance does not require it...nothing worse than playing a falseta the goes against the mood of whats being danced or the dynamics or time of the choreography just for your own entertainment ...but if you can judge and add to the moment and not take away from it i dont see any problem...
i think you teacher is right but at the same time...one can use time in class effectively to work out music for performances...so i think a balance...when they need you to be a metronome, be one...when they dont use that time to create things for future...you are there anyway...and you are going to have to do that anyway...seems like a huge waste to leave it all for a short rehearsal ...
same rule goes for picado etc...if u gonna do it, sometimes its nice in alegrias, spb etc...and it ads to it... u need dance picado...which means perfect compas and percussive, loud and clear, in a way that the pulse or rithm dosent stop just cause u do a picado......for example if you cant do your picado same volume as the rithm before it or rithm following it ...dont even bother ...it will sound weak and take away from it instead of adding...which was its intended purpose to begin with
sometimes i am in the mood to play and experiment and create sometimes I am just there to get my money, ( mostly when my strings are old and i dont enjoy the sound of my guitar)...and play rhythm like a robot ...but again..in general i think your teacher is right