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Hello all! I just recently joined this awesome community and this is my first post, so hopefully I don't get chewed out if I asked something that's already been said or inappropriate.
Anyway, I searched for Solea por bulerias tabs, but I did not find a lot of stuff for compas stuff specifically, or short falsetas that emphasizes the compas accents without losing too much of the rhythmic feeling. I do see a lot of great mp3s posted on this forum where everyone did beautiful compas sections in between the falsetas, but alas, with no video or tab, it's hard for me to follow. I would like these because I am fairly new to flamenco and I'm accompanying a dance class where I play the same 2-3 variants of a solea por buleria section and I know they are bored out of their skulls (heh, even I'm bored of it...). My playing lacks energy and drive. Every now and then I look on youtube and I try to 'steal' small sections for various parts I like (i.e. a basic arpeggio/alzapua section on beats 7-8-9-10) and I try to groove it to my library of of cut-and-paste compas that I play, but a lot of times I can't follow all of it.
I hope this makes sense. The video/tabs can be your own creation with whatever compas chord voicing and technique you like (i.e. a basic arpeggio sequence, short alzapua on specific beats, or even fully laid out compas playing...etc). Anybody have any of these to share? Any small bit would help ... modern or traditional.
2) I also know that folks do a picado run on the same 7-8-9-10 beats, but I'm not sure what it could be. My guess is this..from what I hear, which is probably really basic:
Where beats 7,8,9 each start on a new string, respectively...and last open note is for beat 10.
I know this is all really basic, and some can find these in compas DVD/book sets, etc...but maybe you have your own variation of something that you do and can contribute. I'll post up interesting versions of my own, but thought I could get started with something.
RE: Solea por bulerias compas ideas ... (in reply to Stu)
Thanks for tabbing this out! The beginning part is strikingly similar to Tomatito's version. Check it:
I'm trying to tab out various small sections of this...though this isn't for dance accompaniment specifically, I think some of the rhythmic variations and ideas are appropriate.
Posts: 528
Joined: Nov. 10 2008
From: Helsinki, Finland
RE: Solea por bulerias compas ideas ... (in reply to dararith)
That Joses falseta is really good! Thanks for posting that Anthony. I need to learn some solbul for dance also and this is exatly what I need. Rhytmic, sticky :) and technicly awailable.
Hey Dararits, this could be helpful for you. Theres some nice rhytmic variations in the compas and couple of letra circles for chords. 118 - 124 theres a doable fill in. 210 - 220 at the end of the falseta theres a good final phrase that can be installed to compas. I just picked up these because for me they seem playable and can be learnt relatevily quickly. Lots of other stuff going on in the compas and remates.
RE: Solea por bulerias compas ideas ... (in reply to aleksi)
Hey! Thanks for that aleksi! I really enjoyed hearing that accompaniment. It's really helpful to just hear a lot of other people's variations and their take on the compas. The remate that you mentioned starting at 2:10 is nice and I'm going to try to reproduce it when I get home later today. There are a lot of variations in your compas and I like the material you used. I'll have to analyze it in more detail...