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i was asked my opinion and i am drawing a blank... ...if you cant think of any perhaps if you remember the names of the shows you have seen or been in..as long as we dont use the same name previously used in my city...there's a show coming up with really soon with some guys from spain and this is holding us up cause we cant decide on a name
RE: Got any good ideas for good flam... (in reply to Florian)
i like the word "cuadro" which i believe means a group of flamenco performers, including dancers singers, and guitarists. i wish i knew more spanish words
RE: Got any good ideas for good flam... (in reply to Guest)
oh now i am getting complaints from one person that its too hard for non spanish people to pronounce or remember
i dont think its that hard lol
they wanna use ones that are simpler like compas or tiempo flamenco
if memory serves i think i was in shows with Areti and she already used both names ( i think EVERYBODY'S used both names) personally ..i dont think its a good idea to use same thing
RE: Got any good ideas for good flam... (in reply to Florian)
well i know it has'nt been used here ...c'mon ... really for gringo's like myself i can work out what it means.... sure the show will be great whatever it's called but i do like 'Arte Y passion'...classy...
RE: Got any good ideas for good flam... (in reply to Florian)
Shouldn't the name have something to do with what's in the show? Give us some context (underlying theme, styles you'll be playing, how it's different from other things you've done, etc.)
In Spanish, that should be written "Arte y pasión."
EDIT: Wait, I've got it: "Abajo, debajo y con rajo."
RE: Got any good ideas for good flam... (in reply to NormanKliman)
Hi Flo,
I think I mentioned before that the most "paired" words used in Flamenco titles (or in critics reviews of shows or albums are..
lol i know i know..unfortunately i cant step completely outside that ...we still in a non spanish speaking country ...cant shock em too much...as it is i am having trouble convincing them to use Arte y Pasion cause its just too crazy and risky :-)))))))
Shouldn't the name have something to do with what's in the show?
art and pasion are both in the show :-)))..its a collaboration with some of this artists, the female dancer and the cajon player
RE: Got any good ideas for good flam... (in reply to Florian)
ORIGINAL: Florian close...it was a night of flamenco
really? Strange, i have it in mind as una noche de florian or something??? might be wrong. Im pretty sure that your name was in the title though Any way, have fun at the show!!
RE: Got any good ideas for good flam... (in reply to XXX)
the name of the show was on the "Una noche de flamenco" yes my name was above the title cause i was interested in promoting myself with that one....14 years of flamenco for other people never manged to get my name on any poster...it was my treat to myself
since then whenever i do the poster whomever i work with i put everyone's name on the poster...from the cajon player to the singer etc.. if they good enough to use they good enough to give credit too