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RE: New Encuentro DVD now available (in reply to cigany)
From Flamenco-World: Parte 1: Solea en mi/ Solea en Sol/ Solea en re/ Tangos de Granada en La/ Tangos de Granada en Do/ Bulerias en La/ Bulerias en Do/ Bulerias en Re
Parte 2: Taranta/ Granaina/ Malagueña/ Tanguillo/ Bulerias/ Tangos de Granada/ Alegrias Guajira/ Seguriya.
RE: New Encuentro DVD now available (in reply to yohan)
70€ is a lot
I guess the market is small and they must take some work to produce. If one considers that €70 maybe equivalent to two private lessons I think it's reasonable. I'm always happy to support flamenco artists, I imagine they get royalties as well as a fee so good to pay for it not download it illegally. I've got so much out of other Encuentro DVDs in the past, I would recommend them. I can't think what I could buy with €70 that has as much value.
I don't know Miguel Angel Cortes that well, only really with Arcangel. Can anyone recommend some of his accompaniment or solo playing to listen to? Or post a good youtube link?
Posts: 2277
Joined: Apr. 17 2007
From: South East England
RE: New Encuentro DVD now available (in reply to orsonw)
Yeah Orson is right you do get a lot for the money - full tabs and notation for everything on the DVD, translation of what is being said. I too thought it was expensive at first but thinking of it as equivalent to 2 private lessons is a good way of looking at it and makes you realise what good value it is.
I've got Merengue de Cordoba (good for a general introduction to lots of palos - just ignore some of the funny technique ) and Chicuelo, just so I can drool over him. Kidding!! Cos I like his music, of course.
Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: New Encuentro DVD now available (in reply to yohan)
70 euros is nothing for a well made Encuentro DVD imo. you get stuff on which you can work for years, if you really focus on it and get the maximum out of it.
one night in a bar and few drinks and its 70 euros.
RE: New Encuentro DVD now available (in reply to cigany)
Its not cheap, but you get ALOT for the money.
Do you know? Could also be as in the Enrique de Melchor book. _Many palos shown but to each palo just one little falsetita. So..if he shows complete compositions like Gerardo I would be amazed. Just some falsetas are to less for that money IMO. Lets see...
Posts: 15470
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: New Encuentro DVD now available (in reply to orsonw)
guess the market is small and they must take some work to produce. If one considers that €70 maybe equivalent to two private lessons I think it's reasonable.
I used to strongly defend the pricing they used, it was ALWAYS expensive. One of the producers took Gerardo's class years ago and told me how a pain it was to produce and distribute and they make no money, just do it for aficion. At the time he couldn't convince Gerardo or vicente to do it, then finally Gerardo came around (thanks god since he has had an injury it would not be possible now).
Anyway, after defending the value of these vids and encouraging everyone not to share or copy these vids and books, we noticed Gerardo sells items at his curso like bookd CD' and T shirts, and asked why he did not offer the encuentro vid to his students too? His response was "That thing? It's WAY too expensive, who would pay for THAT??".
RE: New Encuentro DVD now available (in reply to XXX)
Its not cheap, but you get ALOT for the money. LOL at your new avatar. And the best thing about it: its not even photoshopped...
Well thats true maybe 70€ isnt that much for a really good video, but for example paco serrano's video was definitely not worth 70€ imo. but yes gerardo's or tomatito's was a very good video, but I still think 70€ is a lot, or maybe for me .
But the playlist on this video looks very good, although I don't really know miguel.
<-- paco looks very smart and cool dont you think?
RE: New Encuentro DVD now available (in reply to yohan)
ORIGINAL: yohan paco serrano's video was definitely not worth 70€ imo.
The structure was a bit chaotic, but they got it better with each DVD, adding subtitles, a nice studio, recording, getting more structure into the teaching. So im sure it wont be like Serranos DVD. Also it will be more original stuff as the content table says. Serranos only had 3 or 4 compositions.
I think artists should put as many compositions as they can on this DVD, because it is a very popular series, almost like an encyclopedia. It will help to spread their stuff. I mean i go to youtube and see amateur/pro groups almost everytime playing chicuelo or moraitos encuentro stuff
paco looks very smart and cool dont you think?
yeah, like a doctor or something... I dont like him anymore but hes not a prof right?
Posts: 667
Joined: Aug. 20 2008
From: DFW Area, Texas
RE: New Encuentro DVD now available (in reply to cigany)
I have heard that the encuentro series is intended for intermidiate players that are at the point of becoming advance.
For those of you that have some of the DVD is this correct. I consider myself a low level intermidiate, that is why I have not ordered any or know wich one to get first.
RE: New Encuentro DVD now available (in reply to mark indigo)
solea in G?
tangos and bulerias in C?
altered tuning?
or do they mean G#/Ab and C#/Db?
anyone know how these work or anything about them?
I don't know anything about them, but was wondering the same thing. It makes more sense the way you suggest, G# and C#. I hope there are no altered tunings.
RE: New Encuentro DVD now available (in reply to Estevan)
solea in G? tangos and bulerias in C?
I don't think I'm adding much of anything to this thread, but it could also be soleá in F sharp Phrygian (taranta) and tangos in B Phrygian (granaína). Parrilla used to play an excellent "soleá por tarantas" and I think Paco and Camarón did the "tango por granaínas" thing, which can work really, like, jump-out-of-your-chair well.
Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: New Encuentro DVD now available (in reply to RTC)
I have heard that the encuentro series is intended for intermidiate players that are at the point of becoming advance.
For those of you that have some of the DVD is this correct. I consider myself a low level intermidiate, that is why I have not ordered any or know wich one to get first.
Gerardo's DVD is good for all levels, because technique is included.
Generally yes, they are more or less for intermediate players. But not necesssary for levels between intermediate and advanced. I think for low level intermediates its as good as for higher levels. These Vids are best to copy good and correct technique (not necessarily through technique excersises, but simply through watching and copying the style of right hand, etc, which they play, while teaching their falsetas in slow version of the falseta/video.
Even for Beginners (IMO) they are good.
Another alternative is online lesson with Jason for instance. There you have different categories (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
RE: New Encuentro DVD now available (in reply to cigany)
Is it available in the US yet? If so where can I buy it? I have been waiting for this one for a while.
I don't know Miguel Angel Cortes that well, only really with Arcangel. Can anyone recommend some of his accompaniment or solo playing to listen to? Or post a good youtube link?
both his solo albums Patriarca and Bordon de trapo are great