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Posts: 4
Joined: Mar. 1 2010

Got some questions about what to loo... 

First off, this is my first post in this forum, so Hi!

Now down to bidness, I'm a 4 month old flamenco student, I've played for nearly 20 years now and I'm making good strides with my music. I lack the experience or a teacher (learning from listening) to help me avoid mistakes when looking for a Flamenco Guitar.
What I'm thinking is the Rodriguez FF or the Alhambra 7FC, I am slightly leaning towards the Rodriguez because I have a friend at a guitar store that deals with them so I could get a bit of a discount.

However, I guess what I'm wanting to know are string suggestions, brands, high tension or low, bridge materials, nut materials and What the difference in sound is between laminated sycamore and real cypress, in Indiana I can't find a flamenco guitar to save my life to compare tones, playability or sound, of say a Nato neck (yamaha) or a Mahogany neck (Alhambra)

Common sense applies of course, I know a second rate wood will sound second rate, I just don't know about the intermediate woods and manufacturers. Which is what I'm looking to get.

I appreciate the help guys!


Wandering with a purpose.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 2 2010 15:55:47

Posts: 1821
Joined: Jul. 26 2009
From: The land down under

RE: Got some questions about what to... (in reply to GypsyRoad

You may find the "how to choose a flamenco guitar" series on you tube beneficial.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 3 2010 1:04:08

Posts: 283
Joined: Jul. 10 2007
From: Leigh, Lancashire, UK

RE: Got some questions about what to... (in reply to GypsyRoad


You may find the "how to choose a flamenco guitar" series on you tube beneficial.

Hi and welcome GypsyRoad

Be very careful following the above advice.
Mr(Prof?) Diaz's advice on YouTube is skewed very much toward the Andalusian guitar brand and is certainly,in my opinion, less than impartial. I'm sure you will make up your own mind.

Search this site (Advanced Search at the top of the page) for several entertaining threads about the rather interesting marketing techniques employed by Mr Diaz.

Again search the site for answers to your questions as this is a very frequent request.

Good luck
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 3 2010 2:35:34

Posts: 40
Joined: Jan. 9 2010

RE: Got some questions about what to... (in reply to GypsyRoad

Hi GypsyRoad. I bought a Manuel Rodriguez FF about a month and a half ago and am delighted with it, but I'd give you the same advice other forum members gave me when I asked them for advice at the time: try out as many guitars as you can and get the one that appeals to you personally.

I tried out a few others including an Alhambra 10F and a Sanchis-Lopez 2F-05. None of them grabbed me like the FF, but what you are looking for may be different.

You will be the one playing the guitar day in day out, so go for something that makes you smile rather that just plumping for the guitar with the best pedigree.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 3 2010 4:17:36


Posts: 4
Joined: Mar. 1 2010

RE: Got some questions about what to... (in reply to GypsyRoad

Thanks for the input guys, I appreciate it. The hard part is actually FINDING a flamenco guitar for me, I'm stuck in Indiana right now and let's just say it's not a hotbed of Flamenco activity...

However, when I get back home to Texas that oughta change.

What I'm wanting in a Flamenco is a bit above beginner sound and playability, something I can grow with. As I am not a professional musician I don't feel the need to invest more than 3,000 dollars, more like half that to 2,000. I want quality, and a guitar I can grow with. Also, one that won't make my descendants go 'Uhhh yuck' would be nice too.

I'm not knowledgable about Flamenco guitar builders, or the reasons for laminated sycamore on the sides vs cypress or cedar. I'd like to learn though.
Thanks again!


Wandering with a purpose.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 3 2010 18:36:10

Posts: 155
Joined: Jan. 10 2006
From: California

RE: Got some questions about what to... (in reply to GypsyRoad

Dear GR,

You might want to contact our amigo Tom @ He is in Denton, Texas and very knowledgeable. I'm sure he could give you great advice, whatever your budget!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 4 2010 11:31:42
Andy Culpepper

Posts: 3039
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From: NY, USA

RE: Got some questions about what to... (in reply to GypsyRoad


Andy Culpepper, luthier
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 4 2010 12:17:59


Posts: 4
Joined: Mar. 1 2010

RE: Got some questions about what to... (in reply to GypsyRoad

Thanks for the offers and input guys!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 4 2010 18:29:51
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