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Posts: 495
Joined: Nov. 27 2005
From: North Carolina, USA
Wives and others
I kind of took off on a tangent on another thread and though I'd start it fresh in a new thread. Talk about who your wife or sig other is. I really like GJ's answer below:
SImon, Only a few people here ever mention their wives. Those who do seem to have found very special ones. It seems that you all married up and way out of your league: You (Young brainiac who may respond to the name carrot) Ricardo (beautiful dancer, part time cameraman) Jason M (beautiful dancer) Todd(Reportedly a young woman of great patience and sense of humor) This may make a fun thread on it's own.
Simon: Not so young I am afraid but probably a bit brainy - Microsoft tests me all the time. Yeah, carrot is special - she better be... the trouble I went to to get where we are and the horrible year I just went through to keep a roof over our heads
I once started a thread "awesome news, my wife likes my music"
Regrettably, however, she does not like the Solea that I -because of her hostility- am still working on for the Competition Challenge.
Picking up where Escribano left, of all numerous circumstances when I appreciated the critical importance of my wife’s role in my life, outstanding was the precarious time when I found myself clientless, insecure about my future and ability to build one. The confidence and optimism she inspired in me then still hold my head straight today. 20 years after we first met, I am still desperately in love with my “mamacita”.
Here's mine(GF) of eight + years. She thinks Flamenco is cool but is not that into it. She is sweet but gets mad when I "waste" hours with my guitar. She is originally from Shanghai. Like the others mentioned above, looks wise I am in above my level.
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Dave is a long-suffering guitar-widower, who gets ignored while I practise for hours, and then gets taken to gigs and Penas at home and in Spain. I hadn't got into flamenco when we met, so he's adjusted very well . Together for 8 years, married for 6. Here's a pic taken on our second wedding anniversary.
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Me and Carrot in our local pub. She doesn't like flamenco spends a lot of time on the Web but gets frustrated when I do the same. She is Mexican but her grandmother was a Malaguena; talks to the dog and cat in Spanish but insists on to talking to me in English. She doesn't have too many miles on the clock, cheap to run and low maintenance. She has more faith in me than I deserve
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How did you guys meet your future wives from China and Mexico?
On another forum. She sent me a PM 'cos she thought I was Spanish as I was living there at the time. Wanted to compliment me on my English and she liked my photo - after lots of emails and Skype our first date was in Mexico City, nearly 3 years ago.
thats true. i got to know my last 2 girlfriends , both in forums. but the difference was that we exchanged pictures after a lot of smalltalk, emails and after the affection was awakend and not before.
luckily we were not shocked by the pics afterwards and were acceptable
Simon, you lived in Mexico? Is that from your IT career?
No, I was living in Spain. I took 3 years out of work to have some fun. I ended up in Mexico for a while to court Carrot then I moved back to England, to my old job, and she followed a few months later.
Here's me with mine. I met Harold at one of his gigs 26 years ago and we've been together every since. He was up on stage singing and playing guitar so I knew what I was letting myself in for from the start. When we came to Spain 12 years ago it was my idea and Harold came along for the ride. It was only supposed to be for a year !! Then he got kidnapped by the flamencos and they wouldn't let him leave ! I am not complaining though it's tough when he goes off on tour and leaves me behind !
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ORIGINAL: kovachian Where are you and your husband from, Kate?
We are from the British Isles, my folks are Welsh but I grew up in Newcastle and Harold is from Nottingham. We met in London.
We went to Indiana back in 2003 for the Lotus festival with a group of young flamencos. We loved it, had a wild time there.
Ask away about ex pat life. Its not so hard as it once was. My brother went out to Asia 25 years ago and now lives in Vietnam. When he first went out we would wait for monthly letters if we were lucky, now we can skype and email every day. Air travel is cheaper which helps a lot and those things you miss from home ( like Marmite and Heinz baked beans) can usually be found locally these days. Obviously that does depend where you are. My friend who moved to Zanzibar still waits on friends sending parcels from home !
I'm fascinated by overseas life and I want to be an expat someday, so of course I'm going to have questions for this foro
Shoot, I've lived in four countries and had a great time but can't say I came back with any money, just memories. Best to go with your job, or get one before you go but this will often mean you can offer special skills. Internal company transfer is a nice one - all expenses paid.
But... you can often lose out to nationalist hiring politics. I just missed one in Geneva ($250K p.a. with 13% tax) and another in Amsterdam (less money and more tax but more fun) this year because the natives got wind of it and they closed ranks. I had a great interview in South of France but the French director didn't want another English guy.
My wife Kristy is a dancer and maybe even more flamenco obsessed than me. This photo is the bridal waltz at our wedding just over two years ago - sevillanas of course! that's Florian playing guitar. Dominic who people also know from this forum played Vicente's granaina for the bridal entrance. Thanks again guys! Aloysius.
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gj, i forgot your wife is korean? is it? was that picture taken on vacation?
(Before we married, 1995) When I was crowned “vice consul” of Italy, the then sitting Bishop (whom I was very close to), greeted Linda enthusiastically. “You must be the famous Korean cellist gj speaks so highly of..” he remarked certain to oblige my presumed girlfriend’s notoriety…. Her porcelain smile distorted awkwardly, “I am Chinese” she interrupted coldly. Linda is an ABC (American Born Chinese) who never played Cello or any other instrument. Since then, a dash of resentment erupts candidly whenever anyone mistakes her as a “Korean”.
The pic is on a Gondola, in Venice, Italy. It is vacation, but in my hood.
Thank you Gummy, for starting this thread and thank you everyone for sharing such intimate part of (y)our lives. Beautiful girls and awesome dudes in all the pics, but most importantly a heartwarming display of domestic affection for those gems we each are fortunate to wake up to.
Oh and new baby what the hell...little ricky at a gig. He is like, eating the iphone case and thinking "dad, is that screwdriver really gonna hold up the speaker?"
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