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Ok, I know its winter and there is snow everywhere but its quite rare to see snow on the Alhambra so I went out with camera and got these great photos.
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loverly photos , cant wait to get to Granada in MArch.
here is a pic in Leeds near my place , its flippin' like snow everywhere, love it , brings out the evil child in me , i cant help but make snow balls (and accidentally throw them at folk
These are gorgeous, especially your favourite of the Albaicin, looks magical !!!. Glad you were out there not me ! I was happily tucked up by the fire drinking red wine and watching a Farruquito DVD as you know glad we could offer you somewhere to thaw out after your photography jaunt. It was so cold, still its warmer today but am sad all the snow has gone today ! Can you post them on facebook as well as I want to share them with friends and family there ! Cheers !
Excellent photos, Pimientito. My favorite is the palace garden. Marvelous. Any chance you took one of yourself in the same pose as your signature/profile photo? Then you could change it according to the seasons :)
When I was living in Maryland, one winter day the temperature hit a freak 55 degrees, so I put on a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, and beach sandals and went out to shovel snow (about 8 inches) off the driveway and sidewalk. A friend took photos of me sweating doing that. Damn, I have to find those photos. They always got a weird reaction.
beautiful photos ...and not just the nature...the Architecture and historical buildings in europe are something else...i miss snow and buildings that tell a story
Thanks Guys. All the snow has gone already :( I was so excited that day that I was running around like a kid trying to photograph everything. I am very lucky that the "movie shot" happens to be the view from my roof top. The images needed quite a lot of "photoshopping" to come out because everything is so grey on the original image. Some of these came out just by pure luck. I am quite pleased with them but I would like a better camera now. Can't decide between a Nikon or Canon digital SLR. I kind of like the idea of a hybrid camera and Fuji are doing one very cheap at the moment on Amazon.
Aaaaah great photos Mark. The snow makes the Albaicín look eerily oriental in the last one! Taken from your rooftop, n'est pas? I got back home for christmas and saw the snow in England, but in Seville I'm still getting drenched as I'm cycling to work looooooool. Although it did actually snow here briefly the other day :O Granada's spooky at the best of times, musta been quite something with the silence of the snow blanket! Awesome!!
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