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RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias Winter 2010   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 71
Joined: Mar. 22 2009

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

I've been busy doing flamenco and classical guitar stuff but I'm starting to practice Ron's falseta and will be up to speed soon.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 30 2009 8:09:58

Posts: 950
Joined: Dec. 15 2006
From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to Louis_B

Revised to include Ashod as a competitor. Hope everyone is practicing now! I need to work on playing against threes, I am more used to playing against twos. Watch out, my technique is improving!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 18 2009 15:13:46

Posts: 227
Joined: Jan. 11 2006

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

so any compas loop is good, right?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 19 2009 8:12:28

Posts: 950
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From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to ashod

Yes, any loop is fine, or a metronome. There is a loop posted in this thread by Anders. That is recommended but your choice to use it or something else. Cheers!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 19 2009 11:01:08

Posts: 377
Joined: Nov. 22 2005
From: Quepos / Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

I assume that we are doing capo on the 3rd all around? or is it optional? I think we should all use the same fret just to keep things even.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 19 2009 14:08:55


Posts: 689
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RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

Count me in. I would like to participate.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 19 2009 23:05:46

Posts: 950
Joined: Dec. 15 2006
From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to Mike_Kinny

OK Mike, you are in!

Regarding Capo, yes we should stay in the 3rd position like Ron's video.

Edited previous reponse...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 20 2009 13:17:19


Posts: 231
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From: L.A.

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

OK, if you're taking applications to participate, here's mine-
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 21 2009 9:38:20

Posts: 950
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From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to veet

Very good Veet! Or as I would better like to say, V. I don't recall seeing an upload from you recently, so that is good. Even if we get nothing but an upload out of this from everyone, then it is all good!

"But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace soubriquet, to suggest the character of this dramatis persona. Voila! In view humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the “vox populi” now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.

The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it’s my very good honour to meet you and you may call me V."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 21 2009 19:24:02

Posts: 950
Joined: Dec. 15 2006
From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

Ideas for introducing the falseta

Well, Ron jumps in after some typical compas, but I think some tapado (muted string stumming) before might be the ticket to break things up and introduce the idea... whatcha think?

Any other ideas - come in off a different chord than the A? Is the A chord the best chord to jump in on it??? Like what about a Flamenco Bb chord with a G in the bass? Other ideas????
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 23 2009 20:40:06

Posts: 377
Joined: Nov. 22 2005
From: Quepos / Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

I think that any intro would be fine - what ever it takes to feel the groove. I would imagine that the judges will concentrate on the falseta in question only as far as judging.

I don't see a problem if someone wants to throw in some other falsetas as a build up. Some people may have a really strong rasgeo for compas, others may have better thumbwork, but in the end we will all be judged on the same thing. But adding a bit more may make for better listening and more conversation afterwards. We could share some more ideas as far as strumming goes...I mean we are, after all, beginners!

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 25 2009 12:16:45


Posts: 71
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RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

Hi fevictor

I'm a little confused.


I don't see a problem if someone wants to throw in some other falsetas as a build up.

The rules at the top of the thread are

- Introduction to Ron's falseta is with a few compases - a maximum of 5. The number you select and compas choice is your own.
- Outro is also a few compases - no more than 5. Ditto above.

Are we sticking to the rules using just Ron's falseta?

I have started to work on my compas and trying out a few ideas.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 26 2009 0:34:11

Posts: 377
Joined: Nov. 22 2005
From: Quepos / Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu


Well, Ron jumps in after some typical compas, but I think some tapado (muted string stumming) before might be the ticket to break things up and introduce the idea... whatcha think?

Any other ideas - come in off a different chord than the A? Is the A chord the best chord to jump in on it??? Like what about a Flamenco Bb chord with a G in the bass? Other ideas????


I was just throwing ideas around in response to Cathulus last post. I'm OK with whatever, because its Ron's falseta that will ultimately be judged.

Hows it going with falsteta?

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 26 2009 3:26:17

Posts: 950
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From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to fevictor

The idea is that you have freedom to use your selection of compas to introduce the falseta. I think that was what was agreed with everyone, so people should not introduce the falseta with another falseta. It is too late to change the rules there.

I think the judging will be on the whole piece, not just the falseta. So bad compas will pull your score down.

My idea was just exploring some compas ideas to introduce the falseta. Like tapado or stopping on another chord rather than the A chord before you start the falseta.

I will have to start practicing more, time is flying. The difficulty of these challenges is putting together a performance that you are happy with. That is the real challenge and why everyone should do one.

I listened to some of my old performances, they were bad! At least now I can hear that, before I thought they were sort of decent. So I figure I must be getting better cause I can tell how bad I am!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 26 2009 10:34:54

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

My own opinion is "keep it simple".

The more dressings and baubles you put on the Chrismas tree, the worse it looks IMO.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 26 2009 10:52:42


Posts: 689
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RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

If anybody is going to use the standard music notation part of the tab be aware that it's very confusing. However I rewrote it and if anyone is interested I will upload it.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 27 2009 0:21:28


Posts: 26
Joined: Dec. 23 2009

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

Hi Foro Members,

I'm a new member and a beginner flamenco student from Hungary. Please count me in in the competition. I have been learning flamenco guitar since March 2009. I'm familiar with the basic techniques and on a beginner level with solea, tangos, bulerias, seguiriyas.

I'm planning to compete with my brand new Yamaha GC171SF.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2009 10:22:15

Posts: 7051
Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Scotland

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to bhandras



Jump right in there, bhandras!

Good and enthusiastic first post. That's what I like!

Looking forward to hearing you.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2009 10:37:19


Posts: 71
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RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to bhandras

Hi bhandras

I hope you do well in this challenge - good luck.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2009 11:59:37

Posts: 1943
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From: Budapest, now in Southampton

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to bhandras

szia András, welcome to the Foro and have fun with the challenge!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2009 12:07:48


Posts: 26
Joined: Dec. 23 2009

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ

Szia xirdneH_imiJ :)

Megneztem a youtube videoid, nagyon ugyes vagy! Orulok, hogy magyarokkal is talalkozhatok a forumon!

In english:

"I watched your youtube videos, you are very talented! I'm glad to meet with hungarian flamenco enthusiasts on this forum"

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2009 12:38:20


Posts: 160
Joined: Feb. 11 2007
From: Holland

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

Hi all,

A couple of months ago I said I wanted to join this competition but now I know I cant.

There is to much going on at my work and I had to go away from home for a course, my father died six weeks ago and the house needed some repairs or we had lost the heating and so on.

There is much more but i dont want to bother you with that. The fact is that I dont feel like playing guitar or building a guitar right now so there is no point in entering a competition.

I am sorry.

For the ones that do enter this challenche, good luck. But be aware that I will join one day !

Best wishes and a happy new year.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2009 14:10:34

Posts: 950
Joined: Dec. 15 2006
From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to Ron.M

So Ron, by your logic, I should take off a bauble from my tree. Looking better. I should therefore take off another one, etc. Now I don't have any baubles and my tree is kind of looking bare! Did I go too far???? What was that guy, I think Syd Barrett was his name of Pink Floyd fame, reportedly he played one note for an entire concert. A protoge perhaps???

btw I get what you are saying...

bhandras, Ron has given you his blessing. We have had a rule about poaching but it doesn't sound like you are the type. Therefore very glad to have you on board! I hope you are here to stay and will participate in the forum!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2009 18:29:43

Posts: 950
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From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to r0bbie

Sorry to hear about the loss of your dad and all of your other trials and tribulations RObbie. Hope things settle down and get back to normal. Somethings never will anymore. Take comfort in your family. Regards
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2009 18:31:50


Posts: 26
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RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

Thank you Cathulu, of course I'll do my best to compete :)


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2009 21:48:14

Posts: 2277
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From: South East England

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

For the first time in any of the challenges, I'm not going to take part in this one - sorrreeeeee! I hate not supporting this initiative, especially after cathulu has been so infectious with his enthusiasm. But for lots of reasons which I won't bore you with, the timing just isn't good for me this challenge.

But if the main purpose of the challenges is to spur people on to practise, I promise I am doing that! Am working on Solea and Alegrias atm, and hope to do a little upload to prove it in due course.

Good luck everyone.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 29 2009 1:29:23

Posts: 377
Joined: Nov. 22 2005
From: Quepos / Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

Thats too bad Ailsa, sorry to hear that!

Have a good new year.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 29 2009 18:53:54

Posts: 950
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From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to Ailsa

I am with fevictor, sorry to hear you won't continue and somewhat saddened you won't be there at the finish line with us. But the brightside is I get to look forward to the solea upload and something to steal from it!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 31 2009 10:30:04

Posts: 950
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From: Vancouver, Canukistan

RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

Fellow beginners, if you are sitting on the fence wanting to jump into this challenge, then what are you waiting for, an invite from the Queen?

You have one month left to put something together, which is still time. Cheers Everyone and happy New Year!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 31 2009 10:33:32

Posts: 120
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RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias W... (in reply to cathulu

I am thinking of joining in this challenge. When you say beginners, how beginner is that? I have only been playing for 11 months, is that ok? Or do you have a pre-elementary challenge?

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 31 2009 12:13:10
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