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the foro seems to be slower than ever since some month ago. I need 3-4 trys to log in in average... when I click todays posts it gives me an error in 5-7 of my tries.. And I can almost forget to write something... Its horribly slowdowned... Its really the second slowest internet-page I know so far.. The slowest is the sever of my university.. lol.. Werent escribando thinking about switching to another server? Please do it fastly...because I have the intention that the forotraffic went down severely since it slowed down so much.. We love the foro but at the moment its a pain in the ass to participate or just reading...
Im pretty sure everybody reads the lines below more than any other texts at the moment... Thats so sad. Really.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31'
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to Doitsujin)
Hey Doit, I know...it's annoying, but I think it's a "Denial of Service" issue with so many people trying to log on to contribute their $3 to the Foroflamenco Small-Prize Fund for the upcoming challenges.
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to Doitsujin)
I agree Doit, it's awful. I tried to post some stuff but it just wouldn't work even after several tries. I don't have so much time really. And we expected a few new members from Sanlucar curso but noone showed up... I think I know why.
So, please Simon, if you can do anything about this...
vengo de los san migueles si no me caso este año que yo me caso el año que viene
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to Doitsujin)
I'm just happy we have the forum, it's free, so a bit of slowness is A-Ok. Maybe a bit of a pain, but still considering the resource has been put there by a generous person. Speaking for myself, I'm happy with it.
Posts: 1943
Joined: Dec. 2 2006
From: Budapest, now in Southampton
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to n85ae)
i agree 100% Simon's worked a lot already on this site and if he has the spare time i'm sure he'll try to improve performance... meanwhile we'll just have to be patient...
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ)
Yep, it's sucking again - damn hosters - they don't see a problem when I log it.
I do have plans to move this for good but need some quality time and still keep it running. With a 3 hour daily commute and house renovation, it's tough to find the slot but I'll move it up the list.
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to Escribano)
With a 3 hour daily commute
Jeez Simon! I thought Microsoft had a place in Bath.
On top of say 8 hrs at work + 3 hrs commute + 1 hr getting up and ready in the morning.....that just leaves 12hrs to do your own stuff and sleep.
At least junior Hospital Doctors can sometimes crash out on the premises!
I really like the offshore system of doing 12hrs on 12hrs off 7 days a week all-found, for a couple of months and getting a whole month off, where you can get stuff done at home or go on holiday or whatever...
I really HATE the daily 8 to 5 grind...
Always have... since I can remember...
One of the things I readily understood in flamenco was "payo" and "non-payo"...
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to Ron.M)
12hrs to do your own stuff and sleep.
Yep, about 3-4 hours in the evening most nights for everything else, but that is just in and out of the office... it gets worse.
Most of my customers are in London so that's 5 hours commuting.
Hey, the money is really good and it's a great job in these difficult times, so I am not complaining, too much.
I live in Bath because it is worth it (for now).
p.s. I used to work in medical. I was a fully qualified bleeper carrier, white coat and everything. That was soooo bad. 350 days of the year on call, every day.
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to Escribano)
HaHa Simon!
I guess my worst stint was working 12 on 12 off 7 days for 6 months up in Arctic Norway! When I tried to get off, I was told that my relief hadn't turned up and I'd have to go out for another 2 or 3 weeks at least.
By that time I was stir-crazy.
I just flung my bags on the dockside and got off and booked a flight to Madrid and gave 'em the V sign....
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to Doitsujin)
Bath is a town? LOL! And I thought some german city names are strange... Like Breitscheidt, Geilenkirchen or Moese... pfff... ^^
@Ron I have no paypla account. I like the challenges, but for me the prices aren´t inportant for me. We should be happy enough to get a good feedback from the other members and challengers. And we should be proud about our progress after each challenge. The prices aren´t necessary IMO. So,.. I dont claim for any substantial prices if I would win, so I don´t donate. (Mainly because Im not blessed with a well paid job. Not yet..I hope that changes later on)
Posts: 495
Joined: Nov. 27 2005
From: North Carolina, USA
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to Escribano)
Cool video! I can't believe how clear it was for youtube. I really like the editing on this too. It has a nice flow and it felt like I was really looking around the place.
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to Doitsujin)
I loved the video..it really looks like a beautiful town. It's funny to me how beautiful and charming and thriving all these little European towns are compared to say...this city of about the same size 40 miles from me in NY state
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to Andy Culpepper)
the foro seems to be slower than ever since some month ago
lol I was gonna say..."its not that bad" and then i got this about 4 times
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31'
Timeout expired
/postpro.asp, line 265
for the time beeing its a good idea to copy whaat u writte before posting cause more often then not u get that message..
but i appreciate that it takes some time and Simon is prob got alot on his plate..and that its a privilege not a right....so whenever possible , i am happy
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to Escribano)
I did a quick shoot of Bath on Sunday evening:
is the restaurant/tapas bar "La Flamenca" still going? does Cuffy still play there? i used to live in bristol and play (for dance) classes with him....
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: why is the foro so f ucking slow? (in reply to Andy Culpepper)
It's funny to me how beautiful and charming and thriving all these little European towns are compared to say...this city of about the same size 40 miles from me in NY state
Well, Bath was founded over 2,000 years ago and became a city 400 years ago, that might have something to do with it.
I worked at a hospital in London that has been a teaching hospital since the 12th century.
If you check out some of the towns in Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia for example, you might be pleasantly surprised. All these States were, of course, named in honour of English Kings and Queens, or the French in Louisiana
Further West, Colorado is synonymous with "red" in Spanish and Nevada means "snowy"
Sierra Nevada literally means "snowy saw" as in the teeth of a saw covered in snow. I like that one. They are in California and Granada, of course. Amongst other places.