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Posts: 3055
Joined: Aug. 30 2008
From: Boston, MA, U.S.A
setting tempo in sibelius?
does anybody know how to set a permanent tempo for a score in sibelius?
the only way to change the tempo, that i know of, is using the tempo slide bar in the playback bar. the default is 100 and it resets back to this every time.
i tried using text tool to mark the tempo but when it plays back, it just ignores it and plays at the default 100.
i want to create midi files that will play back at the appropriate tempo. when i play a midi file that i created with sibelius, it plays at the default 100. of course, i can mess with the speed in windows media player, but i don't want to do that.
RE: setting tempo in sibelius? (in reply to at_leo_87)
Right click on the score somewhere near where you want to put the tempo in. Don't click on the stave click on a blank part of the page. You should see a window pop up with all the text values you can enter. Then you can find your 1/4 note or other value. Once you've done that find the '=' sign on the keyboard and then enter your tempo.
I think the definition of insanity is hoping to get a different result by doing the same thing over and over again. - Albert Einstein.