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RE: Hermanos Sanchiz - ANTONIO REY Negra   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 2081
Joined: Dec. 8 2005
From: Baltimore

RE: Hermanos Sanchiz - ANTONIO REY Negra (in reply to Guest

Before reading anything new about the guitar I looked at the pictures first. Dude, you gotta get a proper ruler!. Then, measure from the top of the 12th fret to the bottom of the string. Also I noticed the saddle looks like it has room to lower on the bass side.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 29 2022 15:16:42

Posts: 1616
Joined: Aug. 24 2017

RE: Hermanos Sanchiz - ANTONIO REY Negra (in reply to Ricardo


It might STILL be too high for you, and if this is the case, as I suspect is possible based on your explanation of the Maldonado, then it is simply not the guitar for you. I am sure you could sell it at normal price online, but from where I stand I don’t believe this guitar is flawed. There is nothing wrong with getting used to a super low action, I know lots of people that need that setup. And yes, they all think that guitars like mine feel like “driving a truck”. I get it, and you have a right to not be happy with that. But you feel cheated and targeted and this is likely NOT the case.

I honestly don’t think we should be normalizing 2mm or less as practical set-ups and encouraging players to feel it all comes down to a simple matter of user preference. It doesn’t. There are physical laws at play and expectations have to be reasonable. A maker building a guitar with that kind of action is going to have to make a number of compromises, none of which will ultimately benefit either the guitar as a musical instrument or the reputation of the builder as a competent maker.

My opinion is, if you want to play something with action less than 2mm, buy a 2X4 and nail a neck to it. I’m serious. That’s about the reality of it and you’re wasting your time and money on anything more. Any truly musical instrument won’t work, only dead pieces of thud will.

And furthermore…

If somebody brought me a normal guitar with the request that I lower the action to 2mm I would send them elsewhere. This business is difficult enough without ruining your health and peace of mind dealing with ludicrous requests made by unreasonable people. So, while it’s nice to humour the OP, who changed his story at will to meet his narrative, we shouldn’t. We should address realities. He was sent a good guitar and didn’t like it so he got angry and badmouthed the seller online, all the while playing the guitar and “experimenting” with string changes while negotiating a return, then sent a used guitar back in exchange for a new one and STILL complains that there isn’t enough saddle to adjust down from what is already a stupidly low action. Of course, there’ll be hell to pay for any poor sap who agrees to attempt to adjust it down any further as he will likely be faced with an unplayable instrument that’s fretting out on half the notes, but that’ll be his own fault for having had the lack of experience to even accept the job.

And poor Sr. Rey, who last I saw had a full head of hair and a happy smile on his face is now walking around with dark bags under his eyes, and clumps missing from his head from all the pulling, no longer able to speak beyond a croak after the wails of ultimate suffering he emitted upon realizing the guitar returned to him was totally fine all along. The poor guy got his reputation sullied online and he didn’t do anything wrong whatsoever, except try to make a living. Geez…

I’m not going to say it’s OK, because it isn’t.

Final anecdote…I have a friend who’s a decent player but suffered from “underplayitus” and tinkled away at the notes. Didn’t last long in Granada where his teacher basically told him either play the damned thing or get out of the class. To the teacher, it wasn’t a player choice issue, it was simply bad technique to play so demurely and he was fed up with attempting to teach wimp-assed foreigners who he felt were insulting his music by not playing it with some discernible level of feeling. Yeah, he was a hard ass, but he was also right, and my friend learned that he was either going to project or he’d not get any more lessons.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 29 2022 16:33:47

[Deleted] (in reply to JasonM

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 29 2022 16:42:18

[Deleted] (in reply to RobF

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 29 2022 16:47:21

Posts: 3566
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: Hermanos Sanchiz - ANTONIO REY Negra (in reply to Guest


Please leave this blog if you cant be supportive, thank you!

Yeah piss off. Rob was right the first time.



Pretty much what happened to me. A common symptom of the bedroom player. Then you get thrown into a dance class...


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 29 2022 16:57:48

Posts: 1616
Joined: Aug. 24 2017

RE: Hermanos Sanchiz - ANTONIO REY Negra (in reply to Guest


Please leave this blog if you cant be supportive, thank you!

Well, I’ll never be supportive of some of the sh*t I’ve read on this thread. I’d say you were ungracious and ungrateful but really I think you’re probably just a deceitful troll. At any rate, good luck to you with your new guitar. If it makes you feel any better, the one you returned was nicer.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 29 2022 16:59:33

[Deleted] (in reply to RobF

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 29 2022 17:04:27

Posts: 3566
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: Hermanos Sanchiz - ANTONIO REY Negra (in reply to Guest


definiately wasnt blaming or accusing him with anything

One page back:


Toni may be a good guitarrist, but a toxic liar


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 29 2022 17:39:57

Posts: 3462
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: Hermanos Sanchiz - ANTONIO REY Negra (in reply to Guest


And you guys respect this dude?

You damned straight I respect Rob because he knows of what he speaks. As for you, you have no standing whatsoever to criticize anyone on the Foro for respecting expertise and experience regarding luthiery or anything else to do with flamenco.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 29 2022 17:43:47

Posts: 601
Joined: May 8 2012
From: London

RE: Hermanos Sanchiz - ANTONIO REY Negra (in reply to Guest

Andrew, you have been here about 6 weeks, asked advice, took none of it, and insulted a number of people who were trying to help you. You may have some personal issues that cause you to respond in this way, however.

Your money would probably be better spent traveling somewhere to try some guitars at a reputable dealer instead of taking a chance and spending a lot of cash on a sheer gamble, especially with your apparent lack of knowledge and experience.

If you have been playing for 9 years on a really soft guitar, it will take time to adjust to a relatively normal guitar. You may just need to build strength and adapt slowly.

You should also perhaps think about getting a tutor, there are many online who will be able to facilitate you safely and correctly building enough strength to play on a 'normal' flamenco guitar.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 29 2022 19:14:33


Posts: 2208
Joined: Nov. 21 2010

RE: Hermanos Sanchiz - ANTONIO REY Negra (in reply to silddx


building enough strength to play on a 'normal' flamenco guitar.

A child could play on a normal flamenco guitar. To play serious flamenco is more difficult, but it seems that this person does not even know how to play beginner flamenco.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 29 2022 21:55:29

Posts: 1616
Joined: Aug. 24 2017

RE: Hermanos Sanchiz - ANTONIO REY Negra (in reply to Morante

I like the diplomatic and compassionate approach taken by silddx in this thread and regret not having followed his example.

About once a week when the weather is nice I stroll downtown and grab a hotdog, poutine and coke from a food truck which always parks in the same spot in a rougher area frequented by homeless and street people. They have a hard life and there’s been at least one death in the immediate surrounding of the truck in the past year or so. I tend to grab my food and walk up another block to where there’s generally a bench available across the corner from the crazy guy who sits in a lawn chair near the cannabis shop, calling out friendly greetings to all passerby, asking for a touch of spare change. I don’t really call him crazy, that’s how he self-identifies, saying things like I wish they would just pay me to be crazy, then I wouldn’t have to beg, I’d be gainfully employed. I generally give him something.

Sometimes strangers will join me on the bench. My city is a compassionate place, so there are very few benches put out in areas frequented by the homeless and the ones that are there have those internal armrests, which are a subtle reminder to all honest taxpayers that no one can lie down and stretch out on one of these puppies. But that’s OK, people just lie on the ground against the art supply store, which doesn’t like it, but I don’t see them putting out any benches up without internal armrests for the homeless, so it is what it is. I don’t complain if someone wants to sit beside me, as long as they leave my poutine alone and don’t throw up on me or anything like that. That ugly armrest comes in useful in those occasions.

Well, today I was sitting there with my meal and a fellow stopped and asked if it was OK if he sat down and I said, of course, I welcome the company. He sat down and started the conversation with a complaint about the heat. I said - Well, it’s hot, but it’s not crazy hot, and you’re wearing a hoodie and a black leather jacket, so I’m not surprised that you’re hot, I’m OK. Where are you from? He said Africa, and named a small country that he said was near Rawanda, whose name I didn’t recognize. I mentioned I had an acquaintance, a very talented musician, who had moved back to his home in Rawanda and opened a school. I asked if his country was north near Somalia because his features looked a little Somalian to me. He said no. I have to confess when I sat down I was kind of upset about the goings on here in the Foro, mad at myself for being such a hardass to someone I don’t even know, and now this guy is sitting beside me in a hoodie and black leather jacket and maybe I should move my back pack to the other side, in case he was going to grab it and run, but I didn’t want to insult him, so I left it where it was between us. There was something strange about him, besides his heavy accent and the over-abundance of clothing, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. He was pleasant enough and we talked about which of the local parks downtown we liked to go to and about life in Canada, in general. He said Canada is a pretty big place, and I had to agree.

He reached into his satchel, pulled out his phone and asked me if I could hold it for him. I said, ummm, OK, and took it. He then reached in and pulled out a thick red pen but it slipped out of his hand and fell to the sidewalk and rolled under his foot. I sat, holding his phone, and looked at the pen. I didn’t reach down to retrieve it for him and I watched as he seemed to struggle to find it and pick it up. But he got it and straightened up and I gave him back his phone. He then used the pen, which I finally realized was a stylus, and said he had to tell a friend who was meeting him where he was so he could bring him to the discount computer store a few blocks away. He used the voice function for the bulk of the message.

He put away his phone and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and handed them to me. I said I haven’t smoked since 2008 but thanks for the offer. He said that’s OK, could you light one for me? I said no, I don’t want to have that smoke in my mouth. So he asked me if I could put a cigarette into his mouth and light it for him. I said sure and I placed a cigarette between his lips and lit it for him. We then sat in silence for a bit while he smoked and I started to ask him about life in his country when his friend showed up and apologized for being late. He said everything’s fine, you’re here now, and I’m already with a friend (me) so the wait was no bother.

He started to gather his belongings to leave and I watched his hands as he arranged his satchel. Then it dawned on me. His right hand was a prosthetic. Very realistic looking but dead, it had a bit of a resemblance to a hand covered in scar tissue, like he was a burn victim, but it was some kind of dark brown plastic. I looked at his other hand and realized it was also a prosthetic. He had no hands. He had never drawn attention to this, maybe he thought I was being discrete and didn’t want to embarrass him by acknowledging it, but in truth we had sat and chatted for about fifteen/twenty minutes and I simply just never realized. It was off my radar. I hadn’t helped him pick up his pen and sat in silence watching him struggle, but I did put the cigarette in his mouth and light it for him. Which was strange enough, not a normal occurrence. I don’t know how I missed it.

If you’re wondering what’s the point of this story, well, there might be one, I just don’t know what it is, it’s just an interesting story. And maybe only just to me. But there’s a point in there somewhere, I guess.

Oh yeah, I know what it is…..I’m boring…..
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 30 2022 4:07:07

Posts: 327
Joined: Jan. 4 2019
From: Patras, Greece

RE: Hermanos Sanchiz - ANTONIO REY Negra (in reply to RobF

That is the reply that brings rest to this thread. Rest to the heart and soul I mean. What a beautiful story wonderfully told giving the right perspective and real view of life. And it really also has to do with this situation in this thread too but also with life itself as it is.

So thank you for sharing. Right after reading this story I just needed to stay for a few moments in silence and just true to myself, at peace.

Forgiveness* for the others and for ourselves too..

Thank you for sharing..

*(In Greek forgiveness has two words combined (as in English too), the first meaning "with" and the second "contain within a space". Sadness also has two words combined in Greek, with the first one being "narrow" and the second "space".)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 30 2022 5:40:01

Posts: 601
Joined: May 8 2012
From: London

RE: Hermanos Sanchiz - ANTONIO REY Negra (in reply to RobF

That's a very poignant story, Rob. I think it demonstrates very nicely that we all have very individual lives, there is much underneath that is different, and much on the surface that is ordinary. We should try not to be too judgemental of others as there are often reasons for their behaviour. Nevertheless, Andrew83's responses to you are unacceptable, extremely rude and aggressive.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 30 2022 7:04:40

Posts: 6422
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: Hermanos Sanchiz - ANTONIO REY Negra (in reply to silddx

A comment from me as I lock this thread, as I think it had been discussed enough. I have played flamenco, bass and electric guitars. My Strat is now set up with heavy gauge strings and a high action. It is more difficult to play but the tone is sublime and worth the effort. Not sure this can be applied to a flamenco guitar as we tend to value a little buzzing, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

As to comments here from Andrew83, I will moderate such language.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 30 2022 7:16:48
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