Ricardo -> RE: This Rasgueado is difficult for me, any tips to build speed? (Dec. 9 2024 13:51:50)
I don't see why amii or some abanico wouldn't work here. It is like accents. Some people don't care about that detail, but if we are honest, it reveals where a person is from. Like if someone does the wrong rasgueado, it gives me an idea where they were born. [:D]. That is why I said "welcome to America!" before. And now even DEVILHAND can hear it! [:D]. So, as much as I can as a teacher I try to show the way it should be done, and if I personally change it, I let people know why I am changing it. In the end perhaps you WANT the accent there. Like I am sure Juan Serrano is aware he does it different than others. To me, it is obvious that he does NOT want to break the uniform sound all down strokes produce vs intermittent up strokes. It is like saying "pobre Gitana" vs "probe Gitana". Both are correct and tastes will dictate. But to see something like that and not confront that, well, is excuses, laziness, etc. At least when learning. AFTER you have it down, and tastes say you don't like it....then do what you want on the stage, or in your bedroom, for your grandma, whatever. last thing, anecdote: I will never forget the day the abanico came into question in Gerardo's class, he did the "Marote" and then went around the room, one by one to see how different people were doing it. Well, in America that is ALL we do for dance so I do the heavy duty one, compared to the rest of folks, p up AMI together down, and P up with golpe under. I blasted that thing out and Gerardo, Tino, EVERYBODY in the damn class BURSTED out in laughter. Cuz it was so ridiculous loud compared to everybody they thought I was joking. It is no freaking joke, that is how we do it in 'Merica. So, I knew it was louder, but until then I had no idea it was so loud it was FUNNY.[:D] I gradually got a clue and fixed my rasguedo concept, so don't take it lightly. I would say Rasguedo and pulgar....get those right with good taste. The rest is not a big deal.