List of flamenco guitarists that have a CD out (Full Version)

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Florian -> List of flamenco guitarists that have a CD out (Sep. 22 2005 23:27:38)

List is slowly growing, if you can think of anyone else that is not on the list, please let me know, this list was created incase you have all the obvious big names guitarists cds and are looking to try something different, and you wanna ask about the cd from users here who are not trying to sell you the cd.

Adam del Monte
Adolfo Jimenez
Agustin Carbonell
Andres Batista
Antón Jiménez
Antonio Martínez
Antonio Ruiz Kiko
Carlos Heredia
Carlos Montoya
Carlos Piñana
Daniel Cassares
David Tavares
Diego Del Gastor
Eduardo Boller
El Nino Josele
El Viejin
Emilio Maya
Enrique de Melchor
Erik Steen
Eric Vaarzon Morel
Faheme <------------- anyone got a audio sample of him ?
Gerardo Nuñez
Jason McGuire
Javier Conde
Javier Zamora
Jean Batiste Marino
Jeronimo Maya
Jesús de Rosario
Jose Antonio Rodríguez
Jose Deluna
Jose Luis Montón
José Manuel León
José Manuel Roldán
Juan Antonio Suárez
Juan Carlos Gomez
Juan Carlos Romero
Juan Carmona
Juan Diego
Juan Habichuela
Juan Manuel Canizares
Luis Winsberg
Manitas de Platas
Manolo Franco
Manolo Sanlúcar
Miguel Angel Cortes
Miguel Espinoza
Miguel de la Bastide
Moraito Chico
Niño de Pura
Nino Josele
Nino Miguel
Nino Ricardo
Oscar Herrero
Paco Cepero
Paco Cortés
Paco de Lucía
Paco Del Gastor
Paco Pena
Paco Serrano
Pascal Gallo
Pedro Bacan
Pedro Javier González
Pedro Sierra
Pedro Soler
Pepe Habichuela
Pepe Justicia
Quique Paredes
Rafael Riqueni
Ramon Amador
Ramon Jimenez
Ramon Montoya
Tino Van der Sman
Tito Alcado
Vicente Amigo
Victor Monge Serranito

Anymore ? Is getting harder and harder now.

duende -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 23 2005 5:45:34)


the swedish Erik Steen has 4 cd´s out. VERY modern but 100% Flamenco

Florian -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 23 2005 9:17:50)

is he good ? il be keeping an eye out

Guest -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 23 2005 15:24:46)

i dont know a lot on this list but here are few that i know

Manolo Franco
Emilio Maya
Eduardo Boller
Carlos Montoya
Ramon Montoya

guys what do you think of Adam del Monte he isn't realy flamenco you like his albums?

Ron.M -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 23 2005 16:29:51)

Florian doesn't go for that old Sabicas stuff...just old man's music [:D][:D]
Hey Florian you left out Pedro Bacan. Some quite nice stuff.
(Well I think so anyway[:D])
Also Paco Cortés.



Florian -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 23 2005 18:06:25)


Adam del Monte

I like his music, what ever it is.

I like Emilio Maya very much

Everyone else i respect ,i realize they are important figures in flamenco guitar, i just dont wanna pretend as if i like or understand they music when i dont just because of who they are. But your taste always changes, u never know when il do a full circle and discover that i like em.

Florian -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 23 2005 18:21:52)

Ron, i must say i have never really paid proper attention to Bacan or Paco Cortés, how about a litlle sample of something good from them ? i can do the same with any guitarists u see on my list that you are curious about.

I dont think Sabicas is old mans music mate [:D] is litlle things that put togheder make into one big thing, eg: the guitar has come a long long way since him ( i realise he has his place in guitar history ) i know the scales he does and exactly what note they gonna finish on before he even does it, on a cd that i have never heard before, i dont know if that means anything to you , but i dont want to know what note someone does before he does it, i like to be surprised and taken places i never been before.
Also, the recordings quality, when i listen to a flamenco guitar cd i want the hole experience,(i like the rich harmonic cristal sound guitar cds have today) if the recording is bad it dosent matter how good the music is , il listen once and il turn it off.

Ron.M -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 23 2005 20:12:08)


i like to be surprised and taken places i never been before.

I feel that way about practically everything I hear in Flamenco!
Even Sabicas...[:D]
I guess you could say I never really heard it fully the first time around.
So as your knowledge grows, you hear things you never heard before.
Does that make sense?

Anyway here's a falseta of Paco Cortés...



Florian -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 23 2005 20:35:13)

Yes Ron it makes sence, mibe you right mibe one day il put the cd on and just be blown away, i gues my knolodge has to grow alot more, i can only speak for how i feel and know atm.

I guess we all have our own jurneys to make and discover musicians on our own time , theres no use pretending that i understand or like something when i dont just because I should because he Sabicas.

Theres alot of Paco stuff i dont fully understand still, i am simply beeing true to my heart purely, if something dosent touch me personally well then it dosent.

Is what flamenco has always been about to me , no about keys, or sound, or tradition or non tradition, or compas or no compas just about how it makes me feel.
And knowing how it makes me feel, is probably the only 1 think in the world I am a expert on :-)

thanks for the upload i will check it out.

Ron.M -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 23 2005 21:21:38)


I guess we all have our own jurneys to make

On that, I would agree absolutely Florian.
You can't play anything that doesn't make sense to you.
Not with any heart, at least.
I think you are a young and creative guitarist with a great imagination, but I think a year in Andalucia would do you the best good you've ever done yourself in your life.
The things that turns me on in Flamenco is that "tightness" of rhythm, with the melody overlaid on top of it.
Without that, it's not really Flamenco "puro" ([:D]) for me!
Sure..I can't do that on the guitar, but I really respect those who can.

But without's not Flamenco.
At least to me.

You've had Simon's offer....get your Australian butt there! [:D]
As Simon said, it's not a freebee holiday....just an opportunity if you wanna take it up.
And if you want to stick around for a few months, you'll have to either bring money or find a job.
Can't be worse than where you're at right now?

And there are, in Andalucia, muchas pretty Señoritas who could probably tap out a better Bulerias on your ass afterwards! [:D]



duende -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 24 2005 6:59:56)


And there are, in Andalucia, muchas pretty Señoritas who could probably tap out a better Bulerias on your ass afterwards!

Be sure to send some movies after

Ricardo -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 24 2005 17:04:40)

You missed Paco Cepero, Juan and Pepe Habichuela...

I met Erik Stein this summer. He is REALLY good.


Florian -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 24 2005 18:23:25)

damn ofcourse i cant belive i missed Pepe Habichuela, i am sure that if u paid close attention theres alot i missed, but is probably just cause i dont have they'r albums.

erik is greate.

daemon94 -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 24 2005 19:06:13)

pedro soler
jean batiste marino

leo -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 24 2005 21:54:10)

Andres Batista
Manitas de Platas

Florian -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists <-- heres the ones i have (Sep. 25 2005 4:15:45)

Ron, listened to Paco Cortes, i liked it il be looking to get his cd.

Hopefully this list might open the eyes of other users to some guitarists they might not otherwise think to try.

Again, i have audios of most of them , so if anyone is curious about any guitarists , il suply a sample.

Doitsujin -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 25 2005 18:14:01)

What use has the list?

Florian -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 25 2005 18:24:06)


Hopefully this list might open the eyes of other users to some guitarists they might not otherwise think to try.

Someone might see a name they never heard off, and ask "hey Doitsujin, what's Tino Van der Sman like ? is it worth me getting his cd? what do you think?."

other then that no use at all

It has served me right allready, i have found 2 guitarists i like, i didnt know too much about before, hope it does the same for you, or someone else atlist.

Doitsujin -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 25 2005 21:30:45)

Hm.. yes. Its interesting to see which people made a flamenco cd wwho are often unknown. Sometimes when I hear samples from cds of unknown guitarrists Im suprised. So it could be that there are guitarrists who are better than Paco but nobody knows them coz they didnt make a cd or are not spanish or so. Ok.
Lets put more people on the list.

larone -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 26 2005 3:46:21)

What about Miguel Espinoza!!!!
He Dah Man! love his compositions.

Florian -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 26 2005 7:15:47)

larone, i havent heard much of him, got any audio samples of him ?

el ted -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 26 2005 16:01:12)

what about Paco Del Gastor, and the mighty Juan Martin??? Juan's 'alchemist' album was quite fab actually.

Guest -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 28 2005 1:12:43)

I've been listening to the CD that comes with Juan Martin's Solos Flamencos Vol 1, and I find it very inspiring. It's not a technical masterpiece, on the contrary the solos are very achievable. I almost didn't buy it after what I read about him on a yahoo group I'm a member of, something about him not being 'puro'. Anyway, goes to show you, it's difficult to debate matters of opinion as it is impossible to account for taste.

I'm glad to see Manitas made your list florian, as he was one of the first favorites of mine who has also been designated by some as not 'puro'.

A couple more I like, but may not be 'puro':
Jesse Cook

Finally, Manzanita is another personal fave.


Florian -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 28 2005 5:47:22)

Guest. I am very glad to see that you made up your own mind on what you like and what you dont. I am all for formulating your own ideas and taste.

I am very very open minded and non traditional, but even i have my limits [:D]

Jesse Cook

they not getting on my list ! I am not gonna start a debate on what they are or what they are not, they just not getting on my list !! and its my list ![:D]

Ricardo -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 28 2005 6:31:25)

Actually, I wish you took Manitas off there too,[;)] replaced by Tonino Baliardo, who actually plays flamenco in compas.

Honestly I am all for not BASHING any players, but putting these guys on a list of flamenco guitarists is like making a list of great Jazz horn players, and including Kenny G.


Florian -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 28 2005 7:16:39)

Cant belive i forghot Nino Ricardo

I have my own opinions too about who belongs on this list and who dosent just like i am sure everyone here does. This list started out just wanting to be guitarists that have solo albums out but now i think is becoming more of a flamenco guitarists list.
There's some guitarists on the list i dont know eg.Faheme so i am taking other users word for it.

With Manitas i honeslty havent sat trough a hole track of his to have any intelligent idea on what he is or not, i have heard many pple say that he went off compas but someone here suggested him, and not having heard him i dont feel that i am qualified to suggest if he does or not.

Il leave that up to those of you that have :-) so take a vote if u want

HEHE i just tought of the biggest, grandest mother of all arguments, a thread that will keep us going for about 1 year, and that is to place ratings next to all of the names LOL. no1 would be the easyest, it will probably be the only place most of us will agree :-)

Guest -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 29 2005 0:03:23)

flo, don't forget Jose Maria Bandera! I know he doesn't have a solo go, but that's about the saddest truth in flamenco today. He is a crazy good player. Great improv chops too. I think he's better than Canizares. Those two are the only ones on the soil to be able to say "I studied with the deity, Paco, Francisco Sanchez, de Lucia".

Conrad -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 29 2005 0:39:59)

that was me, Con, in the last message

Francisco -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 29 2005 1:03:10)

I'm not sure the guitarist's name, but he was the one that accompanied Chocolate in Saura's Flamenco. I think this person should be somewhere on the list.

Florian -> RE: Let's have the most complete complete list of flamenco guitarists ---UPDATED (Sep. 29 2005 7:29:26)


yes hes greate, i think he laso palys in the Sara Baras dvd. and he does have an album out.


is that Amador someone ?

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