What's everyone playing? (Full Version)

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Jim Opfer -> What's everyone playing? (Aug. 25 2003 21:47:28)

Just as it says, I'm struggling with Tomatito Alegrias from his video, what are you all doing?

Thomas Whiteley -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 0:06:46)


There are not enough hours in the day! I do a lot of Diego del Gastor material, Sabicas, some of my own, and a few others.

Florian -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 0:43:51)

I just transcribed a El Viejín tangos falseta than changed the key.

working on transcribing a Ramon Jimenez tangos falseta.

transcribed a Bola farucca intro.

practicing alot.

gerundino63 -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 8:12:54)

Hi Jim!

I am working on La Lola from Paco Pena, and Zapateado en Re from Sabicas.

This summer, I writed a tremmolo for an Alegrias, and that need some work too, to get it fluid. (can you say that in english?).

And ofcours repeat the things I allready play!

Greetings, Peter.

Ron.M -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 8:44:11)

Hi Jim,
I'm just listening to a lot of the younger "traditional" style players and generally trying to improve my thumb work.
I'm trying to develop a "looser" style of playing. Not so uptight.
It's coming slowly, I'll try to post something soon to let you hear what I mean.

Peter....so you're into "La Lola" too?
It's a great number.

I started on resurrecting it a couple of months ago.
Got as far as the intro then got distracted by something else as usual.
Should have it finished by the end of the decade! LOL!

Still got it here at




gerundino63 -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 9:52:59)

well, Ron, that is very nice played!

nice to hear that somebody besides Paco Pena plays it too!

It is a tricky song, I had it in musical totation, but I ranslated it a while back in tablature, so, that study (for me) a lot easyer!

greetings, Peter.

sbarnard -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 13:42:24)

I've been trying to get down the farrucas in Juan Martín's Toques Flamencos book. I'm about a third of the way through the piece. Maybe by the end of the year I'll know the entire song! [:)]


TANúñez -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 16:20:23)

Hi Jim. I'm working on Moraito's Encuentro vidoe tape. It's probably a little too advanced for me at this point in my playing but to my surprise I'm keeping up so far. This is a really good tape by the way. He also touches on accompanying the cante with Fernando Terremoto. Man does this guy have a voice!

Fergusito -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 17:11:27)

Working with a singer - working out some Fandangos and tangos form Morente and Camaron to accompany him

Jim Opfer -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 17:22:39)

It's amazing the range of interest and different styles you're all into. It's time for some more audio posts to complete the picture.
It's a fantastic thing that Flamenco has the power to grip us tightly with so many different fingers.
Look forward to listening to those audios!

Phil -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 18:46:07)

Last week I started working on Bulerias. See my post "My 1st Bulerias lesson in Jerez" for a detailed description.

Paleto -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 19:54:14)

I've been working on 2 pieces for ages now, plus a 3rd I've recently started:

1) Gerardo Núñez's alegrías - Queda la sal;

2) Gerardo Núñez's sevillanas - Rincón del Pali;


3) Gerardo Núñez's soleá - Soleá, un son eterno.

Despite the fact that not everyone likes Núñez, I do.

The first two are hard as hell. I've got everything in compás, except the second 2 sevillanas, which actually I have largely in compás, but never fail to wait half a beat too long here or there. The second two sevillanas needed chords added, which were supplied by the second guitar in the recording. So I've been working on adding chords to strum within the picados. This has taken a lot of work for me.

Oh yeah, on the alegrías I skipped all the scale runs way at the end, they aren't really worth all the effort to figure them out.

I am also working on the tremolo part of the soleá, but that's going to take some time as my tremolo is in need of a lot of work.

Next will probably be a Riqueni bulería or some Vicente Amigo stuff.

Miguel de Maria -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 21:28:59)

Hi guys, I'm back from 5 days in surprisingly sunny and pleasant Seattle. Met the future in-laws for the first time, future mother-in-law told me she preferred my classical guitar pieces to flamenco. yeaachk!

recently got the amazing slow downer and that's a nice program. i recommend it to all of those who don't figure things out by ear. That's a vital skill to develop for a flamenco.


Patrick -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 22:39:10)


For those not familier with the "Amazing Slow Downer", it's a program that will slow down an audio cd, MP3, Wave and Wma files without changing the pitch. I have just started to play with the demo and it really looks neat for only $40. I think it is going to be a great help.

Here is the web site.


Florian -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 26 2003 23:44:47)


I love Gerardo !!! love him (<---not gay)

I also like your taste in music.

be sure to post something that u play by him.

Paleto -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 27 2003 0:48:19)

Sure, once I get it sounding good..........................................................................

eslastra -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 27 2003 7:07:29)



Just as it says, I'm struggling with Tomatito Alegrias from his video, what are you all doing?

Preparing 'Mantillas de Feria' of Esteban San Lucar for a dance choreography to do in a show sometime early next year. For solo and technique stuff, been poking around with Chicuelo's Alegrias in E from his video. The syncopation in this modern stuff is a killer, but is very interesting once it's in the groove. The tough part is keeping it there. I've got lots of other pieces I'd like to get into more, just not enough time in the day to get to them. Heck, I can't even get a 45 second Tangos clip done for Florian's group Tangos. [&o]

El Craic -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 27 2003 9:28:10)

Hola from Belfast. I have only been playing for 2 yrs or so. I am learning to accompany solea with a dancer here. Solea on speed in other words. And I am back to basics after going to see the doctor (Rafael in Oxford) for a thorough wrist slapping. It was well worth it, I'll go back for another spanking in six months.

Guest -> [Deleted] (Aug. 27 2003 13:24:15)

[Deleted by Admins]

Jim Opfer -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 27 2003 15:11:30)

Hi Paleto,
That sounds like a really tough schedule you have there! Have you tried Gerardo's Buleria, I can't remember the name but played in that strange Buleria key half way up the neck at 1 million mph?

Jim Opfer -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 27 2003 16:04:02)

My dancer in Glasgow has a Siguiryas she learned from Felipe de Algeciras, very modern and full of contra. The palmero and I do a section accompanying with walking sticks (Bastons) and that's great fun.
Great stuff, working with a dancer.

Paleto -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 27 2003 20:33:28)

There's one called En el arco and I think it's in E flat - is that it? It has some interesting ideas and harmonies but I don't think for the moment it would be worth it.

I tried to choose mostly pieces which had some usable falsetas for dance class. But that would also serve well for solo playing.

The sevillanas are doable, but a lot of work. I started on them 6 months ago and I'm still trying to make them sound good/right with just one guitar. I got a couple ideas this morning for parts, but it still needs work. The transcription is good but too sparse in places and needs some filler chords to keep compás clear.

The primary difficulty I am facing now is that some of the falsetas end on 2 and I need to strum something between that 2 and the next 2 when the next falseta starts. Starting the typical sevillanas strum on 2 won't work even though there are 3 beats to the next falseta, know what I mean?

Hopefully, I'll find a good solution soon.

Any suggestions?


Florian -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 27 2003 22:04:00)

Andy , after Spain Japan has always been the biggest flamenco place.
I watched a hole company of Japanese singers, guitarists , dancers go to spain and do a flamenco show.

They were so damn good, the sang and spoke in Spainsh and they where greate.

Paleto -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 27 2003 22:07:38)

Good choice. That alegrías has some nice stuff in it.


Jim Opfer -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 28 2003 12:49:00)

Yes! that sounds like it could be the one, En el Arco!
Sevillanas has always been a mystery to me, I've never really got into it and am always confused knowing just when to stop, so I can't offer any suggestions to help solve your 2-2 problem.
Why not post it? I'm sure someone will have a good idea.

Jim Opfer -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 28 2003 12:52:57)

Hi Tom,
Diego del Gastor, lots of great thumb work. right?
I saw Ramon Ruiz (good teacher based in London) demonstrate some really neat and powerful thumb work a few months ago, using the side of the thumb with a type of 'slap' motion that he had perfected to great effect.

Jim Opfer -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 28 2003 12:56:02)


"I just transcribed a El Viejín tangos falseta than changed the key.
working on transcribing a Ramon Jimenez tangos falseta.
transcribed a Bola farucca intro."

That's really advanced stuff you've taken on there, you'll need to be practising a lot to keep that going!

Jim Opfer -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 28 2003 12:58:34)

As Ron says, La Lola's a great number and Zapateado en Re is a real classic.
Good luck and power to your fingers.

Jim Opfer -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 28 2003 13:03:12)

Hey Ron,
I've just listened again to your La Lola, having read your reply to Peter. I have to say it's quite fantastic! I thought I was listening to Paco's record. You've got it spot on and the quality of your sound is absolutely perfect.
Well done, that man up North.

Jim Opfer -> RE: What's everyone playing? (Aug. 28 2003 13:09:20)

El Zurdo,
I've got that one, I'm in two minds about Moraito, I know everyone keeps saying he's fantastic and a true modern maestro in the tradition of Jerez, but he leaves me a bit cold, I can't put my finger on it, just something to do with his melody or might just be his sound, I don't know?
Having said that, you've picked some really tricky material there to study and I'm sure it'll really build great technique.

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