Ruphus -> RE: ilter kurcala (May 6 2011 11:54:48)
ORIGINAL: Deniz Sorry, im not open for racism. (or culturalism, which works the same as racism, but instead of a biological on a cultural level) You could use query when hypothizing, or suggest. And you could engage more of frontal brain region instead of the limbic system. I know from other posts that you can and that you intend to on principle. Thinking that distinctively being culturist was my conscious "invention", I would rather write it culturism. What I mean with it is to address irrational and destructive items of culture, instead of skipping such issues for another senseless and indifferent taboo. Racism and culturism would be two inherently different and diametral opposing things. While racism wants to blindly allocate values to something as unrelated like people´s outer appearance, culturism as I mean it wants to defy traditional mistreatment and misbehaviour, instead of leaving cultural victims further exposed to arbitraryness, for reason of thoughtless piety and immunity. While you might eventually not be interested / informed enough to see the sacrifice under irrational traditions, you should certainly be in a position to see the immanent difference between "race" and cultur. If there existed "race" ( which with human genom it does not as we know now scientifically ) there would be nothing one could do about it even if wanted to, which again would be the first reason that renders racism rationally baseless. Whereas culture being not only a definitly existing phenomenon, but unlike any physical appearance, a phenomenon that can be shaped, worsened or improved. In fact culture characteristic is its adaptability in the first place, in opposition to immunity and blind conservation that superficial thinking suggests. By a conserved object of culture that´s so envogue to fancy since after WWII, we anthropologically wouldn´t even exist. Actually, it is the cultural flexibility that overcomes humans slow physcial adaptability, which for homo sapiens takes a 100 000 years yet for considerable adaption. It has been that very flexibility of culture that pathed hominids way. It can be improved anytime. With culture it is like with mental progress in general: The good things should be maintained, the bad ones aborted for constructive renewal. Simple as that. I do not see you guys deplore how there are numbers of native languages for ever being lost every day. Nor how fast food is ousting countless local cuisines, or how fashion and architecture is being uniformed, increasingly producing a homogene global trend with less and lesser shades. Instead I see you defend out of all harmful idiosyncrasy. Have you heard of what life-long traumata can be set off by pain shocks like during circumcision of little children? Apparently not. And probaly lesser even of manifold handicaps triggered in orthodox households. If you want to be really politically correct you need to inform yourself for both, a general overlook, as well as the zoom needed for individual aspects of a whole. Like for the unholy spots of individual cultures and practical implications of destructive traditions. It will make clear to you what the fundamental difference between culture and race is, and allow you to focus correspondingly. Ruphus