Ruphus -> RE: ilter kurcala (May 5 2011 12:25:03)
John O., I told you before that I believe that you are trying to be a good person, but you don´t realize how your super ego ( as psychological term ) is overriding your sense for congruence. You call me ignorant and applaud Rain for his intelligent comments. The same guy who calls the islamic slaughter procedure "humane way". For your information: That means ripping through the throat with the animal still alive, then hanging it up upside-down so that its heart keeps pumping until all the blood has drained. You can read up on the internet how long a dying that means, depending on the species and how the throat has been slit. ( I can´t link to it, as corresponding regimes tend to suppress thelike wordly info on the internet.) All that painful procedure billions of times, only because someone once for arbitrary reason, and ground-up dismiss of fellow creatures concern, stated that sloughtering should be done that way. Unspeakable torture for absolutely no reasonable cause. But why should folks care to think such through, yet over the course of centuries, if the pain only ain´t their god damned own? Next, Rain compares the archaic massacre and its disgusting yearly happenings which the world has noticed sufficiently in the media , with the US Thanksgiving, as if millions of Americans would be getting themselves living animals and sloughter them how they please to anywhere in bathrooms, on balkonies, garages, streets and yards. In case that you didn´t know, vast of Thanksgiving turkey in the US come ready from shops. And while there is a lot to be said about western conveyor belt slauther houses and the subhuman occurances there, they still differ on principle from muslim slaughtering procedure, not to mention the absolute dismiss on default with letting everybody go about it to their individual ignorant liking. The question is whether Rain likes his white dove broiled or damped. Further, with his intelligent comment denying the cruel facts ... quote:
Municipalities and ordinary citizens should act responsibly when sacrificing animals during next week’s Kurban Bayram holiday and avoid the amateurish accidents that have sullied Turkey’s image abroad, an Istanbul veterinary official has said. “Don’t poison the nation’s image during the Feast of the Sacrifice,” Dr. Muhsin Öztürk, assistant director of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality’s veterinary affairs department told a recent meeting of municipal employees of the Marmara Municipalities Union, or MBB. ... categorizing the EU policy for a stop of such barbarism as "racist pressure" and intending to denounce his Turkish citizenship what´s he planning to stay with as more suitable? With "racist" German citizenship maybe? Germany, left with much too much elucidation homework yet to do, certainly could do without out of all enrichment through ancient mindset. In my opinion Rain should broaden his horizon instead of condemning secular progress in Turkey, whilst in the same time taking adavantage of life style and commodity in the West. I am upset by bull fights, wale sloughtering, all the other points you listed and many more distinct issues. If you may get your head around it: I dislike not only the traditional backwardedness and cruelty in the Orient and in Asia; I dislike menkind and how they do despite all the fallow means of information and technological capacity, yet in the third millenium. And the more ignorance and retardedness will affect fellow people, creature and invironment the more I dislike it. A am a culturist, noticing things as they occure without regard of where on earth it be. And I suspect our planet to be unique in space with its paradox discrepancy of available information and practical insanity. Now, how you´re going to file what does not exist in the ready-made drawer of political correctness, John? Can you think of the unthought? I am sure that you could sometime. Ruphus