Ron.M -> RE: need judges for intermediate challenge! (Dec. 27 2010 17:58:45)
wow!! can a contestant be a judge at the same time and in the same competition well I might sign up for judging but I warn you I will definitely choose my self as the winner I don't actually think you would, ElieD... In fact I think the idea of the contestants judging each other is a very good one. From the time I've been on the Forum, I've always found students to be very fair. Let's make it that a contestant can't give himself a score. Final scores and comments are sent to a Contest Administrator, not posted directly, with time-lags so allowing for "adjustments" on reading what a particular contestant had to say about "your" entry. On receipt of all the results, the C.A. uploads the final figures. Why don't we try it out this time? cheers, Ron