cathulu -> RE: Beginners Challenge - Bulerias Winter 2010 (Jan. 24 2010 19:12:13)
Thanks Ron Been away a bit. T minus one week plus or minus. Gonna record mine next Saturday, sit on it for a day, listen and record again on Sunday if necessary and be done with it! Yes, keeping fingers in fighting shape is going to be tought. I am hard on the golpes and my developing "machine gun" rasqueo is killing my nails. This is gonna be a good one! Glad to see we will have five or more entries! Gonna edit Mike out of the competition, thanks for being honest with yourself Mike. PS Mike, I listened to your Columbianas, very nice. I think you were sitting on the edge with this one, more into the intermediate side - but like Ailsa said, the last intermediate challenge was a very high level in my opinion requiring very high level flamenco technique to pull-off properly. So where does the true intermediate compete? And maybe all you do is play Columbianas all day and that is your strongest palo. Anyways, someone has to win the beginners challenge, next time perhaps keep your doubts to yourself as guys at your ability have won the beginners challenge in the past. Not saying it is OK to sandbag though, that is not nice and I made a point about that, but it does take a certain level of confidence (or recklessness in my case) to upload something so the real beginners often don't seem to compete, it is the advancing beginner and the "trying to make the transition to intermediate level" guitarist that appears in my opinion to submit uploads for the beginner challenge. Man I am not being consistent am I??? But you called yourself out and that was the right thing to do. You can sleep soundly with your decision! And I am glad I didn't have to make it for you, not sure what I was going to do... [:D] But no more withdrawls from anyone else, good or less good, you are all in! Finally, as Ron said, only one entry per contestant!